1,812 research outputs found

    A new species of Ribautiella (Myriapoda, Symphyla, Scolopendrellidae) from an Amazonian black-water inundation forest and notes on its natural history and ecology

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    Ribautiella amazonica is described from a black-water inundation forest near Manaus, Brazil. The genus is recorded for the first time for the Americas. R. amazonica was predominantly collected from the forest soil, mainly between 7 and 14 cm depth and is considered euedaphic. Data indicate, that advanced immature stages and adults withstand forest-inundation of 5 - 6 months duration in the soil and reproduce in the early part of the emersion period

    Efficiency of network structures: The needle in the haystack

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    The modelling of networks formation has recently became the object of an increasing interest in economics. One of the important issues raised in this literature is the one of networks efficiency. Nevertheless, for non trivial payoff functions, searching for efficient network structures turns out to be a very difficult analytical problem as well as a huge computational task, even for a relatively small number of agents. In this paper, we explore the possibility of using genetic algorithms (GA) techniques for identifying efficient network structures, because the GA have proved their power as a tool for solving complex optimization problems. The robustness of this method in predicting optimal network structures is tested on two simple stylized models introduced by Jackson and Wolinski (1996), for which the efficient networks are known over the whole state space of parameter values.Networks, Optimal network structure, Efficiency, Genetic Algorithms

    Sedimentological studies of the "Ilha de Marchantaria" in the Solimões/Amazon River near Manaus

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    Sedimentological studies on the Ilha de Marchantaria an island in the Amazon river near Manaus reveal the existence of four different structural main units. A: Sandy channel bars consisting of giant ripples constitute deposits for the formation of islands or newly formed areas of the Varzea. B: Gradual accumulation on the channel bars leads to the formation of point bar ridges which consist chiefly of small-scale ripples. C: Between point bar ridges of different ages there exist swales. During rising water level the river water flows from the downward side into the swales where finegrained sediments are deposited. D: Permanent lakes are formed mainly in the centre of the islands. During low water periods the lakes may be cut of from the river. During high water periods when the whole island is flooded by the river, additional sedimentation takes place especially in the upstream area of the island. There is however, extensive erosion of the banks on the upstream side of the island. By erosion of the upstream end and sedimentation processes on the downstream end the island moves slowly downstream

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) dari Selulosa Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes)

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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini tentang sintesis CMC dari variasi jenis pelarut selulosa masih belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik CMC yang dihasilkan dari variasi jenis pelarut selulosa yang merupakan bahan dasar sintesis CMC. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 4 tahap, tahap pertama adalah persiapan sampel, tahap kedua adalah isolasi selulosa, tahap ketiga adalah sintesis CMC, dan tahap keempat adalah karakterisasi CMC . Preparasi sampel dilakukan dengan cara eceng gondok dibersihkan, dipotong, dan dikeringkan. Isolasi selulosa dilakukan dengan cara dewaxing, delignifikasi I, dehemiselulosa, delignifikasi II. Sintesis CMC dilakukan dengan cara alkalisasi, karboksimetilasi, netralisasi, dan pengeringan. Karakterisasi CMC dilakukan dengan uji warna, uji kadar air, uji DS, uji pH, uji kadar NaCl, dan uji kemurnian CMC. Karakteristik CMC terbaik diperoleh dari CMC dengan variasi jenis pelarut selulosa dengan H2O2 karena memiliki warna yang lebih putih (cerah) dibandingkan dengan CMC dari jenis pelarut selulosa yang lain, memiliki kadar air terendah sebesar 8,6625%, memiliki nilai DS terbaik 0,95, memiliki nilai pH yang mendekat netral sebesar 7,79, memiliki kadar NaCl yang mendekati CMC standar sebesar 1,2859%, dan memiliki kemurnian yang mendekati mutu 1 SNI sebesar 98,7141%.   Kata Kunci: Eceng Gondok, Isolasi Selulosa, Sintesis CMC, Karaketerisasi   Abstract. The research of CMC synthesis by variations type of cellulose solvent was rarely found. This research aim to investigate the CMC characteristics as the result from variation type of cellulose solvent which were the basic ingredient of CMC synthesis. The research was consists of four stages, the first stage was the preparation of samples, the second phase was cellulose insulation, the third stage was the synthesis of CMC, and the fourth stage was the characterization of CMC. Sample preparation was done by cleaning, cutting and drying the water hyacinth. Cellulose insulation was done by dewaxing, delignification I, dehemicellulose, delignification II. Synthesis CMC was done by alkalization, carboxymethylation, neutralization, and drying. Characterization of CMC was done by color test, water content test, DS test, pH test, NaCl content test, and purity of the CMC test. The best characteristic of CMC was obtained by using H2O2 as variation type of cellulose solvent because it produced a white color (brighter) of CMC than any other type of cellulose solvent, the lowest water content which is 8.6625%, the best DS value which is 0.95, pH value approach  neutral 7.79, NaCl content 1.2859% which approach to CMC standard, and purity 98.7141% which approach  SNI quality 1.     Keywords: Water Hyacinth, Cellulose Insulation, CMC Synthesis, Characterizatio
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