21 research outputs found

    Flora polínica da Área de Proteção Ambiental Serra Branca/Raso da Catarina, Jeremoabo, Bahia, Brasil – Família: Passifloraceae

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    This study aims to morphologically characterize pollen grains of the Passifloraceae family, occurring in the Serra Branca/Raso da Catarina Environmental Protection Area (EPA), Jeremoabo, Bahia, Brazil, in order to complement the palynological and taxonomic survey carried out in the area, as well as to provide subsidies for developing the EPA management plan. Flower buds were collected from herborized material deposited in the HUNEB Herbarium – Paulo Afonso Collection. The pollen material was acetolyzed, measured and described under optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the Raso da Catarina Ecoregion, the Passifloraceae family is comprised by four species from the genus Passiflora: P. cincinnata Mast., P. foetida L., P. luetzelburgii Harms, and P. setacea DC. All species had large size, 6-syncolpate pollen grains; paired apertures, with three pontopercula and three pseudopercula, reticulate exine with bacula or granules within the large sinuous reticula. The obtained results showed a morphopollinic uniformity, characterizing the genus Passiflora as stenopalynous in the study area.Este estudio tiene como objetivo caracterizar morfológicamente los granos de polen de la familia Passifloraceae, que se encuentran en el Área de Protección Ambiental (APA) Serra Branca/Raso da Catarina, Jeremoabo, Bahia, Brasil, con el fin de complementar el estudio palinológico / taxonómico realizado en el área, así como proporcionar subsidios para el desarrollo del plan de gestión APA Serra Branca/Raso da Catarina. Los botones florales fueron colectados de material herborizado, depositado en el Herbario HUNEB – Colección Paulo Afonso. El material polinífero fue acetolizado, medido y descrito mediante microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido (MEB). La familia Passifloraceae está representada en la ecorregión Raso da Catarina por cuatro especies pertenecientes al género Passiflora: P. cincinnata Mast., P. foetida L., P. luetzelburgii Harms y P. setacea DC. Todas las especies mostraron granos de polen grandes, 6-sincolpados, aberturas emparejadas, con tres puntopérculos y tres pseudopérculos, exina reticulada con la presencia de agujas o gránulos dentro de los grandes retículos sinuosos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una uniformidad morfopolínica que caracteriza al género Passiflora en el área de estudio como estenopolínico.Cette étude a pour objectif de caractériser les grains de pollen morphologiquement de la famille Passifloraceae, présents dans l’Aire de Protection Environnementale (APE) Serra Branca/Raso da Catarina, Jeremoabo, Bahia, Brésil, en vue de compléter l’enquête palynologique / taxonomique réalisée dans la région, ainsi l'élaboration du plan de gestion de l'ZPE. Les boutons floraux ont été collectés à partir de matériaux boisés, déposés dans l’herbier HUNEB – Collection Paulo Afonso. Le matériel pollinifère a été acétolysé, mesuré et décrit sous microscopie optique et électronique à balayage (MEB). La famille des Passifloraceae est représentée dans l’écorégion de Raso da Catarina par quatre espèces appartenant au genre Passiflora: P. cincinnata Mast., P. foetida L., P. luetzelburgii Harms et P. setacea DC. Toutes les espèces présentaient des grains de pollen grand, 6-syncolporé, ouvertures par paires, avec trois pointoperculum et trois pseudoperculum, un exine réticulé avec la présence de bacules ou de granules dans les grands réticules sinueux. Les résultats obtenus ont montré une uniformité morphopolinique caractérisant le genre Passiflora dans la zone d'étude comme sténopolinique.Este estudo objetiva caracterizar morfologicamente grãos de pólen da família Passifloraceae, ocorrentes na Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) Serra Branca/Raso da Catarina, Jeremoabo, Bahia, Brasil, visando complementar o levantamento palinológico e taxonômico realizado na área, bem como fornecer subsídios para o desenvolvimento do plano de manejo da APA Serra Branca/Raso da Catarina. Os botões florais foram coletados de material herborizado, depositado no Herbário HUNEB – Coleção Paulo Afonso. O material polinífero foi acetolisado, mensurado e descrito sob microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura (MEV). A família Passifloraceae está representada na Ecorregião Raso da Catarina por quatro espécies pertencentes ao gênero Passiflora: P. cincinnata Mast., P. foetida L. P. luetzelburgii Harms e P.  setacea DC. Todas as espécies apresentaram grãos de pólen grandes, 6-sincolpados, aberturas aos pares, com três pontopérculos e três pseudopérculos, exina reticulada com a presença de báculos ou grânulos no interior dos grandes retículos sinuosos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram uma uniformidade morfopolínica caracterizando o gênero Passiflora na área de estudo como estenopolínico

    The genus Senna Mill. (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) in the Serra Geral of Licínio de Almeida, Bahia, Brazil

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     Senna includes about 300 species with circumtropical distribution, widely represented in the Americas, also occurring in Africa, Australia, Asia and Oceania. The genus is represented in Brazil by 80 species, of which 26 are endemic. The Serra Geral de Licínio de Almeida (SGLA), situated in the central portion of the Cadeia do Espinhaço, state of Bahia, Brazil, presents areas relatively little studied, with great potential for the registration of new information about Brazilian biodiversity. The floristic survey of Senna in the SGLA included analysis of specimens collected from February 2012 to October 2013. The analyses were supplemented with dried collections from the following herbaria: ALCB, BHCB, HUEFS, HUNEB, HRB, MBM and SPF.The genus is represented in the study area by 14 taxa, the most representative in the area were: S. silvestris subsp. bifaria var. bifaria, S. macranthera var. striata and S. macranthera var. nervosa, occurring principally in cerrado environments. The taxonomic treatment includes a key for the identification, descriptions, illustrations, photos, data of the geographical distribution, reproductive phenology and comments about the taxa.

    The genus Senna Mill. (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) in a fragment of the Ecological Station Raso da Catarina, Bahia, Brazil

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      Senna comprises about 300 species with circuntropical distribution, widely represented in the Americas, also occurring in Africa, Australia, Asia and Oceania. The Brazil includes 80 species, of which 27 are endemic, 50 reported from Bahia and 22 recorded from the Caatinga. The floristic survey of Senna in the Ecological Station Raso da Catarina included analysis of specimens collected March 2010 to October 2011. The analyses were supplemented with dried collections from the following herbaria: ALCB, EAC, HRB, HUEFS and MBM. Seven taxa were recorded. The most representative taxa in the area were Senna rizzinii H.S.Irwin & Barneby and S. acuruensis (Benth.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby var. acuruensis. The genus can be found in a variety of environments from preserved to degraded areas and in sandy, sandy-clayey or rocky soils. The taxonomic treatment includes anidentification key, descriptions, illustrations, photos, data of the geographical distribution, reproductive phenology and comments about the taxa.

    The family Passifloraceae in APA Serra Branca/Raso da Catarina, Jeremoabo, Bahia, Brazil

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    This work presents a floristic survey of the family Passifloraceae in APA Serra Branca/Raso da Catarina, located in the municipality of Jeremoabo, Bahia. The family has a pantropical distribution and includes about 20 genera and 600 species. In Brazil there are four genera, Ancistrothyrsus, Dilkea, Mitostemma and Passiflora, the latter being the most diverse. In the Caatinga biome there are 29 species, including one species of Mitostemma and the others of Passiflora. The samples analyzed were collected from August/2011 to February/2013, and the analyses were supplemented with dried collections kept in the following herbaria: ALCB, HRB and HUEFS. Four species of the genus Passiflora were recorded: Passiflora cincinnata, P. foetida, P. luetzelburgii and P. setacea. Comments about the morphology and taxonomy, data on geographical distribution and phenology, illustrations, and a key to the taxa studied are provided

    <b>The family Bignoniaceae in the Environmental Protection Area Serra Branca, Raso da Catarina, Jeremoabo, Bahia, Brazil

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    Bignoniaceae comprises 82 genera and 827 species distributed mostly in tropical and subtropical regions, with a few species in temperate climates, and is most diverse in South America. The Brazil is the center of diversity for the group, with about 406 species in 33 genera, of which 22 genera and 90 species occur in the Caatinga. The floristic survey of Bignoniaceae in the Environmental Protection Area Serra Branca included analysis of 31 specimens collected from August 2009 to February 2012. The analyses were supplemented with dried collections from the following herbaria: ALCB, HRB and HUEFS. Nine genera and 11 species were recorded: [Anemopaegma Mart ex DC; Bignonia L.; Cuspidaria DC.; Fridericia Mart.; Handroanthus Mattos; Jacaranda Juss; Lundia DC.; Mansoa DC. and Tabebuia Gomes ex DC.]. Fridericia was the most representative genus with three species. The taxonomic treatment includes a key for the identification, descriptions, illustrations, photos, data of the geographical distribution, reproductive phenology and comments about the species.