36 research outputs found


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    Lombok Barat is one of the districts on the island of Lombok and became a tourist destination, has the appeal of natural and cultural tourism. Conditions natural attractions consist of natural landscapes, protected forests and community forests, beaches, plantations, and the diversity of marine potential. One element of the plantation sector which is currently untapped optimally is an agro-tourism. Agro-tourism potential is addressed from the natural beauty of the plantation and production in the plantation sector is sufficiently developed. Geographical Information Systems produces data aspects of spatial and non-spatial data. The main characteristics of the geographic information system is the ability to analyze a system such as statistical analysis and overlay called spatial analysis by adding the dimension '(space)' or geography. Spatial analysis conducted with mengoverlay two maps which then generates a new map analysis results. Spatial analysis process includes activities to create a buffer around a point (point), line (line) and area (polygon), analyzing a map with points, lines and areas with the overlay method, intersection, union, identity, and clips. Based on the spatial analysis has been done it obtained the three locations that can be used for agro tourism, namely: a coffee plantation with an area of 9751995 m2, oil plantation area of 8.99343 million and 27.03261 million, vanilla and coffee plantations covering an area of 7,042,943 m2

    Perancangan Spasial Pengembangan Potensi Produk Kerajinan berbasis Pemukiman di Taman Nasional Komodo

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    Kawasan TNK Sebagai daerah tujuan wisata dan menjadi pintu gerbang wisatawan yang akan berkunjung ke NTT, membutuhkan peemberdayaan potensi masyarakat dalam menghadapi kunjungan wisatawan.  Beberapa  produk kerajinan yang saat ini diproduksi oleh penduduk di sekitar TNK telah memberikan kontribusi ekonomi bagi masyarakat di wilayah ini. Seperti pembuatan patung ukir Komodo, desain dan produksi kaos bergambar Komodo,  telah dipasarkan kepada wisatawan yang berkunjung.  Menurut data statistik Kecamatan komodo tahun 2015 ada 4 desa yang terdapat di kawasan TNK yaitu desa Komodo dengan jumlah 1842 jiwa, Pasir panjang sebanyak 1604, Pasir Putih sebanyak 1874 jiwa, dan desa Papagarang sebanyak 1576 jiwa. Jadi pada tahun 2015 total penduduk yang mendiami kawasan TNK sebesar 6896 jiwa. Dari total penduduk tersebut masih sebagain besar penduduk di kawasan ini bekerja sebagai nelayan dengan penghasilan yang minim. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis analisis kuantitatif, dengan memahami gejala terjadinya perubahan spasial disetiap analisa yang dibuat.  Dengan menggunkan metode analisis kuantitatif maka  prosedur dilakukan secara sistematis dan terukur dan didukung oleh data-data berupa angka. Pemetaan pemukiman dengan potensi produk kerajinan yang dimiliki setiap masyarakat yang ada di masing-masing wilayah adalah salah satu solusi yang membuat zonasi baru, dengan mengelompokkan masyarakat berdasarkan potensi


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    Spatial analysis is a technique or process that involves a number of counts and evaluation logic (mathematical) were performed in order to seek or fnd potential relationships or patterns (probably) are among the elements of geographical contained in the digital data with limits certain study areas. One of spatial analysis to build support layer around the layer within a certain range is the proximity analysis. Proximity analysis is an analysis based on the geographical distance between layers. In GIS proximity analysis uses a process called buffering to determine the proximity relationship between the nature of the existing sections. Buffer allows to make a certain area limitation of the desired object. West Lombok district is one of the districts with the potential for tourism and a large plantation in the province of West Nusa Tenggara besides Central Lombok and Lombok to the east. Community or inverstor have many options to choose according kriteia gardening location they want. The results of spatial operations conducted as buffers, unions and the query will help to determine the required location. Spatial analysis is helpful to get the location in accordance with defned criteria, such as the distance from roads and settlements, and its land area as needed. Based on the analysis that has been done, a spatial map of plantation land in accordance with the criteria of very petrifed decision makers

    Perancangan Aplikasi Helpdesk Pelayanan Lalu Lintas Berbasis Android

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    Aplikasi helpdesk dimanfaatkan untuk membantu pengguna menyelesaikan masalah praktis hanya dengan menggunakan system android.  Pada kasus pelayanan lalu lintas jalur bypass Mataram - BIL masih banyak menggunakan sistem manual, yang menyebabkan penerimaan data menjadi kurang efisien dari segi waktu dan faktor human error pada proses pengolahan data. Penggunaan metode Waterfall pada proses pengembangan perangkat lunak dilakukan secara berurutan, di mana kemajuan dipandang sebagai terus mengalir ke bawah (seperti air terjun) melewati fase-fase perencanaan, pemodelan, implementasi (konstruksi), dan pengujian. Pengujian kuisioner yang dilakukan pada Polres Lombok Barat dan beberapa orang yang memang dalam bidang sebagai Sekom, Pelapor, Patroli dan Kasat Lantas adalah pengujian tentang hak akses yang nantinya digunakan oleh Sekom, Pelapor, Patroli dan Kasat Lantas untuk memanajemen data dan proses pada aplikasi helpdesk. Kemudian pengujian kedua dilakukan kepada masyarakat pengguna jalan yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai pelapor Dalam proses analisis dan perancangan Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Relasi Database dan mendesain interface menggunakan Ms. Visio 2010, Database menggunakan MySQL 5.0, mengimplementasikan algoritma  menggunakan Android Studio. Dari hasil kuisioner terlihat bahwa aplikasi ini mudah untuk digunakan, layak untuk diterapkan di jalur bypass Mataram - BIL, dan  berguna dalam pelayanan lalu lintas, serta semua proses dalam aplikasi helpdesk pelayanan lalu lintas mudah dilakukan


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    Along with the development of information technology and telecommunications, evolving pulse function is not just used for SMS, telephone and internet, but also as a payment of transactions such as electricity prepaid, postpaid electricity, home phone, internet telecoms speedy, payments and other groceries. In credit sales, the chip can only be used by one agent, so it can not optimize the sales deposit balance both in terms of time, place and income because the chip can not be used by another person who made the sale of pulses is limited by time and place. Based on these problems, we need a resful architectural style web service as a liaison between the client and the server using the Java programming language, apache tomcat server and MySQL. The design of this application is done by using a waterfall methodology, which is a method of developing a system that begins with the analysis stage, then the system design, implementation and testing. With a system that can process one chip for all carriers from different places and platform, and also owners can optimize Wincell sales deposit both in terms of time, place and revenue

    Implementasi Google Maps API Pemetaan Jalur Evakuasi Bencana Alam di Kabupatem Lombok Utara

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    Basically, Indonesia is traversed by three active tectonic plates namely the Indo-Australian Plate in the south, and the Eurasian Plate in the north and the Pacific Plate in the east. The plates collide with each other because the Indo-Australian Plate movement drops below the Eurasian plate. As a result of this accumulation, it caused earthquakes, volcanoes, and faults or faults in parts of Indonesia. In the Geographic Information System evacuation routes will be used by Google maps Api to implement the spatial map making of evacuation routes. Google Map Api is an application interface that can be accessed via javascript so that Google Map can be displayed on the web page that we are building. The result or output to be achieved is the creation of a geographic information system mapping natural disaster evacuation route in the North Lombok district that can be run on a Web platform. Based on the trials conducted it can be concluded that this application can help the community to find the location of evacuation routes and gathering points in accordance with the districts and villages where they live

    Implementasi Google Maps Api Berbasis Android untuk Lokasi Fasilitas Umum di Kabupaten Sumbawa

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    Google Maps API adalah suatu library yang berbentuk javascript yang berguna untuk memodifikasi peta yang ada di Google Maps sesuai kebutuhan Informasi mengenai lokasi fasilias umum seperti bengkel tambal ban, toko sparepart, dan ATM sangat diperlukan untuk pengguna smartphone Android. Informasi lokasi yang telah di definisikan tersebut dapat dilihat pada aplikasi Google Maps Android, namun data lokasi yang terkait masih terbatas. Adanya teknologi API dan pemetaan Google yaitu Google Maps dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan suatu aplikasi pemetaan lokasi bengkel tambal ban, toko sparepart, dan ATM. Untuk itu diperlukan perancangan system berbasis android untuk mendapatkan system pencarian berdasarkan lokasi. Hasil dari aplikasi yang dikembangkan adalah dapat memberikan informasi jarak, waktu, dan rute menuju lokasi bengkel tambal ban, toko sparepart, dan ATM. Hasil pengujian sistem menunjukkan bahwa sistem pemetaan lokasi bengkel tambal ban, toko sparepart, dan ATM ini layak dan dapat dipergunakan di smartphone Android karena data yang terkandung pada aplikasi tersebut lebih fokus memiliki data lokasi bengkel tambal ban, toko sparepart, dan ATM


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    College of Informatics and Computer Management (STMIK) Bumigora Mataram, for Computer Network competencies are elective courses that network security system which addresses the cryptographic material using a lecture and power point as a medium while studying in the classroom. Those problems led to the idea to create teaching aids media applications using cryptographic message digest algorithm 5 (MD5). Cryptography is the science that is used to encrypt a message, so the message private. On the application every student can learn and try to direct the activities of the MD5 algorithm program in step by step. This algorithm has a characteristic that the message is converted into a message digest can not be restored into the original message. Two different messages always produce different hash values. So as to facilitate faculty to improve student comprehension. Based on the results of questionnaires to the lecturer stated that the application can assist the lecturer delivered material MD5 cryptographic algorithm. And the results of the questionnaire of the student that can be assisted in doing to learn anytime and anywhere as long as the application can access media learning aids such as web-based applications online


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    Aplikasi multiplatform (lebih dari satu platform) dapat memberikan kemudahan kepada pengguna dalam memilih platform yang akan digunakan. Karena itu sistem yang dibangun akan menggunakan arsitektur REST Web Service. Tukang merupakan orang atau kelompok yang mempunyai kepandaian dalam suatu pekerjaan tangan (dengan alat atau bahan yang tertentu). Seorang tukang dalam mempromosikan jasa secara konvensional membuat kurang efektif dalam meningkatkan pendapatan. Sedangkan bagi para calon pemesan jasa tukang juga sering mengalami masalah dalam melakukan pencarian jasa tukang.. Untuk mengoptimalkan pemesanan jasa tukang,dibutuhkan system yang dapat digunakan untuk media promosi tukang serta dapat berinteraksi antara calon pemesan jasa tukang dengan tukang tersebut. Perancangan system ini dilakukan dengan metodologi penelitian waterfall, yaitu metode pengembangan system yang diawali dengan tahap analisa, kemudian dilakukan perancangan system yang dilanjutkan dengan membangun API Web Service yang akan menangani request dan respon data antar client dengan server sehingga data tetap terintegrasi. Hasil yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah terciptanya sebuah system pemesanan jasa tukang dengan arsitektur REST web service serta mengimplementasikannya pada sebuah multiplatform yang terintegrasi. Platform yang akan dihasilkanhanya berupa web client dan android client

    Implementasi Rest Api Web Service dalam Membangun Aplikasi Multiplatform untuk Usaha Jasa

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    The development of tourism activities on the island of Lombok has caused many types of professions to be occupied or utilized by the community, especially those who are services. With the technological advancements, people need various kinds of facilities in carrying out their businesses and activities. One of them is in looking for artisan services including price or service fees, material prices and so on. Multiplatform applications (more than one platform) can make it easy for users to choose the platform to be used. With web service architecture as a computational entity that can be accessed through the internet and intranet networks and certain protocol standards in the platform and interface of an independent programming language. In conducting research, the system development method used by the author is the waterfall method. Waterfall method is a systematic and sequential method of software development that starts at the level and progress of the system up to the analysis, design, code (implementation), test (testing), and maintenance. The application that was built has been tested to several builders. As well as from the results of testing the artisan respondents have a very agreeable answer of 51.4%, because 51.4% is the highest result in the response to the response of the answer, it can be concluded that the application has met the needs of the maso