1,090 research outputs found

    Impact of Metrical Prosody on Performances

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    This thesis is about testing Frederick Turner and Ernst Pöppel's claim that suggestmetrical poem tends to measure three seconds in terms of psychological limitwhen it is performed aloud. The objective of the study is to present metricalpoems as the new data to test their claim by using corpus analysis. Hereby, theresearcher uses publicly available 28 read-aloud poems from poetryoutloud.orgby using Praat to find the duration of each metrical line. The findings indicate thatthere are 18 English metrical poems with 314 lines in total, supported by metricaltree analysis, meanwhile there are 10 poems which are free verse and found that1) most lines have iamb feet, 2) 10 of the metrical pattern of the poems are iambicpentameter, whereas others are in diverse meter, 3) there is no psychological limiton the duration of metrical lines in performance as the researcher only founds62.73% that fit to the 3 seconds of temporal window based on the analysis in thecorpus of 314 metrical lines. This study has shown what Frederick Turner andErnst Pöppel claim is not methodologically proven

    The Effect of Problem Posing Approach Towards Students\u27 Mathematical Disposition, Critical & Creative Thinking Ability Based on School Level

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    The background of this study is the school of the new students of mathematics education courses came from grade high, medium and low. Here the writer wants to see how much influence of the school level on new students\u27 critical thinking skills and creative mathematical. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in new students\u27 mathematical disposition, critical & creative thinking ability through the mathematical problem posing approach based on school level (high, medium, low). The method used in this research is the experimental method, with only posttest design. The population of this study is all the students of mathematics education department in Cimahi; while the sample is selected randomly from one college. Then from this chosen college is taken two samples from random class. The instrument of essay test is used to measure students\u27 critical and mathematical creative thinking ability; while non-test instrument is questionnaire of attitude scale. The results show that: 1) based on the school level (high, medium, and low); there is difference in students\u27 mathematical critical thinking ability through problem posing approach. 2) based on the school level (high, medium, and low); there is difference in the students\u27 mathematical critical thinking ability through problem posing approach. 3) based on the school level (high, medium, and low); there is difference in students\u27 mathematical disposition

    Analisis Pemetaan dan Pengembangan Potensi Komoditas Tanaman Obat di Kabupaten Pacitan

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    : This aims of this study are determining the commodity of medicinal plants base and non-base in Pacitan Regency with LQ (Location Quotient) analysis and formulating alternative and priorities development strategies of medicinal plants base commodity in Pacitan Regency with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) analysis. Location were selected in Pacitan Regency as one potential area ofmedicinal plants commodity development. This study was using descriptive method. The data collections were using primary and secondary data. The data were analyzed by LQ and AHP. The study shown that medicinal plants commodity with value of LQ base for 3 consecutive years in 2011-2013 amounted to 1,545; 1,329 and 1,099 in Pacitan Regency is ginger commodity. AHP analysis formulating alternative and priorities development strategies of ginger commodity in Pacitan Regency through five criteria: production, capital, technology, price and market linkages. Alternative and priorities development strategies of ginger commodity in Pacitan Regency are 1) procuring and improving of capital aid that right on target and support appropriate technologies with a priority value of 0,33; 2) increasing availability of adequate market information with a priority value of 0,27;3) increasing ginger commodity processing skills and expanding market of ginger products processed with a priority value of 0,22; 4) improving quality of ginger harvest through the seeds certification process that evenly distributed throughout ginger producers region with a priority value of 0,20

    Kajian Potensi Hutan Mangrove Parit Belida dan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Ekosistem

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    - This research is conducted because of the limited information of mangrove forest in Parit Belida and the damage caused by the lack of society awarness. Based on the preliminary research, those are due to the irrelevant prior knowledge and information transfer. Mangrove forest in Parit Belida provides facts on the ground and biological object materials which are relevant with the topic of ecosystem. It has various plants and animals with special morphology, various types of adaptation, and the physical characteristics of the mangrove forest itself. However those can not be directly applied to the learning process. It needs to be processed into functional materials which allows the students to understand the concept of the fact presented in the teaching materials. The R&D method was used to obtain teaching material initiated with preliminary study, composing draft, development, validation and program implementation. As Curriculum 2013 said that teaching learning process should develop character education and scientific approach for students, the concept and the attitude of the students towards the awarness of mangrove forests can be improved by involving them actively and innovatively. The development of teaching materials based on the facts and potency of local mangrove forest could create the conservation characteristic of student

    Analisa Penerapan Bulbous Bow Pada Kapal Katamaran Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Pemakaian Bahan Bakar

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    Saat ini perkembangan dalam dunia desain kapal semakin maju . Dalam mendesain kapal banyak tantangan yang harus dihadapi , salah satunya adalah sulitnya pencapaian efisiensi yang optimum dalam hal performance. Salah satu target yang harus dicapai dalam optimalisasi desain adalah mengenai kecepatan kapal, dimana kecepatan kapal harus memenuhi permintaan dari pemilik kapal tetapi dengan menggunakan daya mesin yang kecil sehingga akan mengurangi kebutuhan bahan bakar saat beroperasi, tanpa mengurangi kapasitas dan stabilitas kapal. Salah satu perkembangan dalam desain kapal adalah kapal katamaran. Kapal katamaran memiliki dua lambung yang mempunyai beberapa kelebihan, salah satunya adalah memiliki tahanan yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan kapal monohull, sehingga kapal katamaran memiliki efisiensi bahan bakar yang lebih baik daripada kapal monohull. Pada penulisan skripsi ini akan dilakukan analisa tahanan lambung katamaran sebelum dan sesudah modifikasi penambahan bulbous bow. Dalam proses pengerjaan akan menggunakan software maxsurf untuk memodifikasi dengan penambahan bulbous bow pada haluan katamaran untuk mendapatkan nilai tahanan yang lebih rendah sehingga akhirnya dicapai efisiensi penggunaan bahan bakar yang lebih optimal. Hasil pengerjaan skripsi ini berupa bentuk beberapa model katamaran dengan penambahan bulbous bow pada haluannya, nilai tahanan , serta nilai efisiensi kebutuhan bahan bakar

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengungkapan Modal Intelektual (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di “Indeks Kompas 100” Tahun 2010-2012)

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    This research aims to analyze the influence of firm size, ownership concentration, leverage, profitability, auditor type, level of intellectual capital, and listing status on the intellectual capital disclosure. This research is using industry affiliation as control variabel. The populations of this research are all companies that listed in Indeks Kompas 100 Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2010-2012. The sample was selected using purposive sampling method and obtained fourty eight companies being sampled. This research analyzes the company's annual report using the method of content analysis. Data analysis used descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, and multiple linear regression analysis. The result of this study showed that firm size, ownership concentration, auditor type and listing status significantly influence to the intellectual capital disclosure. Meanwhile, leverage, profitability, and level of intellectual capital had no effect to the intellectual capital disclosure

    Perancangan Dan Implementasi Survei Kepuasan Pengunjung Berbasis Web Di Perpustakaan Daerah Kota Salatiga

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    Survei kepuasan pelanggan merupakan salah satu contoh dari CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Selama ini survei kepuasan pelanggan dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan angket kuisioner kepada pelanggan. Dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan infrastruktur jaringan internet saat ini, memungkinkan untuk membuat aplikasi survei kepuasan pelanggan yang terhubung dengan internet (online). Selain dapat menekan biaya, survei kepuasan pelanggan yang terin-tegrasi dengan internet akan memudahkan pelanggan untuk mengisi kuisioner di mana saja dan kapan saja selama peri-ode tertentu. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi survei kepuasan pelanggan online yang berbasis web dengan menggunakan metode SERVQUAL dalam menganalisa data dari responden

    Early Yield and Economical Study of Pogostemon Cablinas Intercrop in Young Cocoa (Theobroma CacaoL.)

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    Pogostemon cablinis an important source of volatile oil for pharmaceutical and cosmetical products. Agronomical aspect of this commodity needs open ecosystem, but for certain level of shading, this crop may yield economically. A study to evaluate the effect of P. cablinintercropped on young cocoa farm, had been conducted during 2005, in Kaliwining Experimental Station of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI) 45 m above sea level, D climate type (Schmidt and Fergusson), and on low gley humic soil. The experiment was arranged in factorial and the field design was split plot replicated three times. The main plot was no shade tree, shade of Leucaena glauca and Areca catechuwhile the subsplots were fertilizer dose (per ha/year), i.e. (P0) without fertilizer; (P1) 140 kg Urea, 35 kg SP-36, 70 kg KCl; (P2) 280 kg Urea, 70 kg SP-36,140 kg KCl; and (P3) 560 kg Urea, 140 kg SP-36, 280 kg KCl. The result showed that P. cablin cultivation without shading gave better growth and yield than the shading treatment; meanwhile Leucaenashading showed better growth and early yield than the A. catechushading. Fertilizer rate of P1 produced highest leaf weight and oil yield, although P3 possessed the highest growth variables of plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area and chlorophyll content. For the dry weight biomass variable, highest yield was obtained from no shade tree and P1 treatment. Using chromatography gas analysis, retention time of patchouly alcohol is 15—18 minutes, it was found that the content was influenced by shading treatment, i.e. 25.15% in monoculture, 28.73% in Leucaena and 25.21% in A. catechutreatment. For the oil viscosity variable, the monoculture treatment showed the highest value (23.21 centipoise), followed by A. catechu(11.60 centipoise) and Leucaenatreatment (8.65 centipoise). Intercropping of P. cablinwith young cacao did not show negative effect on young cacao growth. This study demonstrated that pre-cropping ofP. cablinin young cacao provided opportunity to farmers to have additional income, the benefit cost ratio (B/C) for Leucaenatreatment 1.00–1.35 depend on dose of fertilizer, while for A. catechutreatment gave no profit (B/C 0.59–1.03 depend on fertilizer dose). Meanwhile, P. cablinmonoculture cultivation gave B/C 1.44–2.71

    Analisis Komparasi Distribusi Pendapatan USAhatani Jeruk dan USAhatani Kopi di Kabupaten Karo ( Studi Kasus : Desa Surbakti Kecamatan Simpang Empat Kabupaten Karo )

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendapatan USAhatani jeruk dan USAhatani kopi, menganalisis perbandingan pendapatan USAhatani jeruk dan USAhatani kopi serta menganalisis perbandingan distribusi pendapatan USAhatani jeruk dan USAhatani kopi. Penentuan daerah penelitian dilakukan secara purposive dengan sistem simple random sampling. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di Desa Surbakti Kecamatan Simpang Empat Kabupaten Karo. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisispendapatan USAhatani, analisis komparasi pendapatan USAhatanidengan uji beda rata-rata dan analisis distribusi pendapatan dengan gini ratio.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: pendapatan USAhatani jeruk dan USAhatani kopi menguntungkan, pendapatan USAtanai jeruk tidak berbeda signifikan dengan pendapatan USAhatani kopi dan distribusi pendapatan petani kopi lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan distribusi pendapatan jeruk
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