20 research outputs found

    Kajian Balok Terkekang Zona Tekan dengan Program Abaqus

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    Pengekangan pada beton bertulang yang diakibatkan adanya confinement berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kekuatan tekan beton pada daerah terkekang dalam menerima kuat tekan. Perbandingan jarak antar confinement dan sengkang merupakan salah satu variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kekuatan beton. Penelitian ini menyajikan studi mengenai pengaruh dari penggunaan confinement pada jarak yang berbeda dan mengevaluasi hasil dari 12 konfigurasi jarak sengkang dan confinement dengan menggunakan program Abaqus. Benda uji yang yang digunakan menggunakan 3 jarak sengkang masing-masing berjarak 70, 125 dan 200, sedangkan confinement berjarak, 70, 125, 200 untuk masing-masing jarak sengkang. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa pemasangan jarak sengkang semakin besar untuk jarak confinement yang sama, akan menurunkan daktilitas balok dan jarak confinement 70 mm dalam penelitian merupakan nilai optimal sebagai jarak antar confinement. Hasil analisis untuk model S7C70 memperoleh nilai daktilitas sebesar 4.65, untuk model S125C70 memperoleh nilai daktilitas sebesar 4.59, dan untuk model S200C70 memperoleh nilai daktilitas sebesar 4.58

    Optimalisasi Penggunaan Ruang Parkir Pada Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

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    Faculty of Public Health is one of faculty in Diponegoro University which is inseparable from parking problems. Due to increasing the number of students and vehicles ownership, the parking space requirements are exceed its capacity. To determinate the parking space unit (SRP) using Pedoman Teknis Penyelenggaraan Fasilitas Parkir,1996. Current parking capacities based on SRP are 242 vehicles for students motorcycles, 37 vehicles for cars, and 32 vehicles for employees and lecturers motorcycles. Parking space requirements based on the survey results and analysis are 360 vehicles for students motorcycles, 18 vehicles for cars and 36 vehicles for employees and lecturers motorcycles. To reach the parking demands, it shall need several steps of optimization. The first step is rearranging parking configuration based on parking space requirements according to survey results. After parking configuration setup, parking space requirements have not been fullfilled. The second step is class rescheduling. It's needed in order to get optimal parking demands. After class rescheduled, parking space requirements for students motorcycles became 310 vehicles. To solve the problem of parking space requirements which exceed its capacity, it is necessary to restructure or change the configuration of the parking supplies in an optimal order capacity of parking spaces to serve the parking demands. Optimize the configuration of parking spaces by changing the functionality of some of cars parking to motorcycles parking thus the parking space being adequate

    Perencanaan Struktur Apartemen Warhol Residences Semarang

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    Warhol Residences Apartment is one of the candidates for the skyscrapers that will soon be built in strategic areas Simpang Lima Semarang. These Apartments are located at No. 137 Ahmad Yani Street Semarang. By carrying out the minimalist and modern design, these apartments are expected to meet the needs of the residents of Semarang and foreigner the comfortable dwelling. In this thesis, Warhol Residences apartment's structure is designed based on the method SRPMK or Special Moment Frame Structure bearers. The main guidelines in this plan are taken from Concrete SNI 03-2847-2002 and RSNI 03-1726-2010 Earthquake. The modeling is made, performed using software Extended Three-Dimensinal Analysis of Building Systems (ETABS) version 9.2.7. Beside that, it also use some other kind of supporting software such as Structure Analysis Program 2000 (SAP 2000), PCACOL, and Auto Cad. Some work items are taken into account include the overall structure of the work of both Primary and Secondary element. Primary structural elements include: Beams, High Beams, Columns, Shearwall / Corewall, joint and Bore Pile Foundation. While the secondary elements are: the plates, and the plate Basement Walls, Stairs, Ramp, and Lift. The analysis showed that the structure of the apartment safe and capable Warhol Residences accounted for analytically

    Analisa Respon Spektra Gempa Di Permukaan Berdasarkan Pendekatan Site Specific Analysis

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    SNI 03-1726-2002 mentions that the seismic requirements for building construction design should be based on 4 accelerograms from 4 different earthquake events. One of them is El Centro (California, 1940). In 2010, Indonesian Earthquake revision team defined a new seismic hazard maps. Those efforts have led to revisalSNI 03-1726-2002, because after 2002, there was earthquakes, whose magnitude was bigger than the estimation before. This study will analyze the spectrum response that will be showed through maps of amplification factor distribution and acceleration spectrum on Semarang city area. From those maps, amplification factor value of El Centro earthquake will be compared to the others (Hector Mine, Kobe, and Loma Prieta). Also the comparison of acceleration spectrum value ( PGA, T=0.2, T=1) that caused by Earthquake El Centro and the others. The last is the comparison of spectrum response that was the result of this study and the spectrum response from SNI 03-1726-2002

    Analisis Kontrak Berbasis Kinerja (Kbk) Dan Kontrak Konvensional Studi Kasus: Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Kbk Semarang-bawen Dan Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Tol Semarang-solo

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    Construction sector in Indonesia, especially for road construction projects are progressing very rapidly in recent years. Indonesia is intensively implementing the road construction project, from new road construction, road maintenance and repairs. Road construction sector in Indonesia is mostly using the conventional contract system, with a lump sum or unit price. In this conventional contract service user must fully bear the risks associated with the quality of work that is to be maintained. It required an innovative method in order to contract the service user and the service provider can be better off, for example with the system performance based contracting (PBC). This study will analyze the differences between the PBC system and conventional system by comparing the life cycle project, project coordination line, the construction, the maintenance period, and the budget plan contract. The research method used was a descriptive analytical methods and data collection through direct field observations and interviews with project case studies Construction Project Semarang-Bawen Road with PBC and Construction Project Semarang-Solo Highway. From the results, the fact that the PBC has a single stage system that is not present in the conventional contract there is system maintenance services. At the PBC system imposed fines ranging from construction period while the conventional system of fines awarded the contract if the contract or is unable to complete the construction work by the duration of time that has been given. At the PBC system there is not planning consultant contracts while the conventional system, there are consultants planning consultant. At the PBC system maintenance is faster than the conventional contract system maintenance. The budget plan contract at the PBC system is higher than the conventional contract system's budget plan contract

    Perencanaan Struktur Gedung Siloam Hospitals Medan

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    SNI 1726- 2012 has been implemented and used as basic guidance for earthquake-resistant building design. This regulation replaced RSNI 1726- 2002 which is not suitable for Indonesia\u27s area that always undergoes earthquake. Siloam Hospitals Medan Building was designed by RSNI 1726- 2002. This journal describes the result of Siloam Hospitals Medan Building\u27s calculation by SNI 1726- 2012. Structural analysis of Siloam Hospitals Medan Building is calculated by SAP2000 software. The outputs are internal forces which are used to calculate the dimension of structure and bar which is needed. This structure uses the method of Special Moment Resisting Frame which is expected that it has a high ductility due to its location where is in soft soil earthquake risk area