4 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of the Official Development Assisstance Programme From Jica on the Maternal and Child Health Handbook at the Telogo Asri Village, Central Java

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    This article will describe one of the Official Development Assisstance (ODA) programme which had been introduced by the Japan International Cooperation Agency to increase the health condition of mother and children in such areas in Indonesia. The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) handbook programme had been undertaken for about 10 years and has shown different results in many different areas in Indonesia. This article will show the effect of the MCH handbook programme to the mother’s child health behaviour in one village in Central Java (for confidentiality, the name of village and informants used are pseudo names). The Telogo Asri village was chosen because of their involvement in the MCH handbook programme for about the last 9 years

    Measurement of BUM Desa Development: A Literature Study

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    The growth in the number of BUM Desa (Village-Owned Enterprises) is increasing in line with the issuance of the Village Law. The number of BUM Desa, which currently reaches 47,717 units, should be appreciated. However, in light of its development, it is necessary to observe it from various sides, not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality. Therefore, it is essential to study how a conceptual review of the measurement of BUM Desa development. The purpose of this research is to carry out a literature study to determine the conceptual description of the development of BUM Desa. This study uses a non-systematic literature review method by exploring the literature and the results of previous studies related to the development of BUM Desa. The results of the study show that BUM Desa is a business entity that has the characteristics of a social enterprise, commercial institution, and local enterprise that form an integral part of the management of BUM Desa. Measuring the development of BUM Desa needs to consider these three characteristics in compiling its parameters and indicators. Therefore, BUM Desa can be said to be developing if it has succeeded in running social enterprises, commercial enterprises, and local enterprises. There is no standard in measuring the development of BUM Desa that can be used as a reference in general, so there are many different thoughts on the matter. Alternative parameters that need to be considered in measuring the development of BUM Desa include social value, civil society, innovation, financial perspective, customer perspective, business process perspective, growth and learning perspective, local potential and local wisdom

    Crucial Dimension in Organization Management of Indonesian Islamic Almsgiving (Zakah) Institutions: Insights for Community Economic Empowerment

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    This research analyzed the crucial management dimensions or key elements oforganizations that have been managed as Islamic almsgiving institutions (zakahfunds) in Indonesia. Zakah funds are traditionally managed for a limited number ofbeneficiaries. Zakah funds are now collected and managed by professional Islamicor faith-based organizations and institutions at the national or regional level toachieve a wider range of beneficiaries. This article examines how two Islamicor faith-based organizations, herein named CV (commanditaire vennootschap)“X” and “Y” Foundation, manage small enterprise programs based on zakah toreach a wider range of beneficiaries. Using qualitative methods, the researchidentifies crucial dimensions in the management of organizational dynamics ofthese Islamic or faith-based organizations, i.e., organizational systems, humanresources, and organizational climate. Those elements are used to manageeconomic empowerment activities with faith as a supra structure or contextualunderlying factor. Field findings also demonstrated the usefulness of religiousvalues in managing sustainable community-empowerment practices in smallenterprise programs.&nbsp