61 research outputs found

    Prevalence of obesity and overweight among school children of Pune city, Maharashtra, India: a cross sectional study

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    Background: Obesity is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality as well as reduced life expectancy. The last two decade of previous century have witnessed dramatic increase in health care cost due to obesity and related issues among children and adolescents. The objective of the study was to find out prevalence of obesity and overweight among school children.Methods: The present cross sectional study was undertaken during July 2009 to April 2011 in randomly selected 4 schools of Pune city. Total 1281 children between the age group of 10 to 15 years were examined after taking written informed consent of their parents using pre-designed, pre-tested, semi-structured performa. Anthropometric measurements were taken and BMI were calculated. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were determined based on the IOTF (International Obesity Task Force) criteria. Thus collected data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and Open- Epi Software. (Version 2.3)Results: Out of 1281 children, 704 were from government schools and 577 were from private schools. Out of total children 54.09% were males. According to Modified Kuppuswamy Classification, all children of Private Schools belonged to Upper Class whereas it was so only in 27.41% of Government School children who belonged maximally to Upper Middle Class 378 (67.5%). Prevalence of obesity and overweight among children of government school was 2.98% and 8.23% respectively. Prevalence of obesity and overweight among children of private school was 8.83% and 12.13% respectively. Prevalence of both obesity and overweight was found to be maximum in 15 years age group both in Government schools and private schools. Overall prevalence of obesity and overweight was 5.62% and 9.99% respectively.Conclusions: High prevalence of obesity and overweight in school children indicate an urgent need to increase awareness via education and motivation of all stakeholders. This will go a long way in preventing childhood obesity and thus ultimately stemming the rising tide of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardio vascular disease in India.

    Determinants of obesity and overweight among school children of Pune city, Maharashtra, India: a cross sectional study

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    Background: Obesity  is  associated  with  an  increased  risk  of  morbidity  and  mortality  as  well  as  reduced   life  expectancy. The  last  two  decade  of  previous  century  have  witnessed  dramatic  increase  in  health  care  cost  due  to  obesity  and  related  issues  among  children  and  adolescents.The main objective of the study was to find out determinants of obesity and overweight among school children.Methods: The present cross sectional study was undertaken during July 2009 to April 2011 in   randomly selected 4 schools of Pune city, India. Total 1281 children between the age group of 10 to 15 years were examined after taking written informed consent of their parents using pre-designed, pre-tested, semi-structured performa. Anthropometric measurements were taken and BMI were calculated. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were determined based on the IOTF (International Obesity Task Force) criteria. Various determinants of obesity and overweight were studied by interviewing children. Thus collected data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and Open- Epi Software (Version 2.3).Results: Out of 1281 children, 54.09% were males. Overall prevalence of obesity and overweight was 5.62% and 9.99% respectively. The  prevalence  of  obesity  and  overweight  was  significantly higher  amongst  less  active group  (9.3 %  and  13.95%, respectively) as  compared  to  more  active  group. Prevalence  of  obesity  and  overweight  was  significantly higher   in  the group  of children who spent >3 hours for study  and  who  spent >2 hours  daily   in  front  of  television  or  computers. The  prevalence  of  obesity  and  overweight  was significantly  higher  amongst  group of children who  took  daily  calories  above RDA (18.57%  and  15.19%  , respectively)  as  compared  to  the  other  group. The  prevalence  of  obesity  and  overweight   was  significantly higher  in  them (8.91%  and  13.36%)  as compared  to    those  who  took  junk  food  less  than  or  equal  to  2  times  per  week (1.71%  and  5.98%,respectively). The  prevalence  of  obesity  and  overweight  among  children  having  parents  with history  of  obesity   was  46.15%  and  17.94%, respectively which  was  significantly   higher  than those  without  parental  history  of  obesity (4.34%  and  9.74%).Conclusions: The prevalence of obesity and overweight was significantly higher in children with sedentary lifestyle, high consumption of junk food and high calorie diet with positive family history of obesity.

    Online Reviews System using Aspect Based Sentimental Analysis & Opinion Mining

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    Aspect extraction is the most critical and thoroughly researched process in SA (Sentiment Analysis) for conducting an accurate classification of feelings. Over the last decade, massive amounts of research have focused on identifying and removing elements. Products have centralized distribution channels, and certain apps may occasionally operate close to the most recent product to be created. Any e-commerce business enterprise must analyses user / customer feedback in order to provide better products and services to them. Because broad reviews frequently include remarks in a consolidated manner when a customer gives his thoughts on various product attributes within the same summary, it is difficult to determine the exact feeling. The key components of this software are included in their release, making it a valuable tool for management to improve the consistency of their own system's specifications. The goal was to categories the aspects of the target entities provided, as well as the feelings conveyed for each aspect. First, we are implementing a supervised classification framework that is tightly restricted and relies solely on training sets for knowledge. As a result, the key terms comes from associated at various elements of a thing within its entirety perform customer sentiment using certain elements. In contrast to current sentiment analysis approaches, synthetic and actual data set experiments yield positive results

    Multi-fluid cosmology: An illustration of fundamental principles

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    Our current understanding of the Universe depends on the interplay of several distinct "matter" components, which interact mainly through gravity, and electromagnetic radiation. The nature of the different components, and possible interactions, tends to be based on the notion of coupled perfect fluids (or scalar fields). This approach is somewhat naive, especially if one wants to be able to consider issues involving heat flow, dissipative mechanisms, or Bose-Einstein condensation of dark matter. We argue that a more natural starting point would be the multi-purpose variational relativistic multi-fluid system that has so far mainly been applied to neutron star astrophysics. As an illustration of the fundamental principles involved, we develop the formalism for determining the non-linear cosmological solutions to the Einstein equations for a general relativistic two-fluid model for a coupled system of matter (non-zero rest mass) and "radiation" (zero rest mass). The two fluids are allowed to interpenetrate and exhibit a relative flow with respect to each other, implying, in general, an anisotropic Universe. We use initial conditions such that the massless fluid flux dominates early on so that the situation is effectively that of a single fluid and one has the usual Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime. We find that there is a Bianchi I transition epoch out of which the matter flux dominates. The situation is then effectively that of a single fluid and the spacetime evolves towards the FLRW form. Such a transition opens up the possibility of imprinting observable consequences at the specific scale corresponding to the transition time.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, version taking account of referee remark

    Variable Modified Chaplygin Gas in Anisotropic Universe with Kaluza-Klein Metric

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    In this work, we have consider Kaluza-Klein Cosmology for anisotropic universe where the universe is filled with variable modified chaplygin gas (VMCG). Here we find normal scalar field ϕ\phi and the self interacting potential V(ϕ)V(\phi) to describe the VMCG Cosmology. Also we graphically analyzed the geometrical parameters named {\it statefinder parameters} in anisotropic Kaluza-Klein model. Next, we consider a Kaluza-Klein model of interacting VMCG with dark matter in the Einstein gravity framework. Here we construct the three dimensional autonomous dynamical system of equations for this interacting model with the assumption that the dark energy and the dark matter are interact between them and for that we also choose the interaction term. We convert that interaction terms to its dimensionless form and perform stability analysis and solve them numerically. We obtain a stable scaling solution of the equations in Kaluza-Klein model and graphically represent solutions.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Capsicum annuum proteinase inhibitor ingestion negatively impacts the growth of sorghum pest Chilo partellus and promotes differential protease expression

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    Background Chilo partellus is an important insect pest infesting sorghum and maize. The larvae internalize in the stem, rendering difficulties in pest management. We investigated the effects of Capsicum annuum proteinase inhibitors (CanPIs) on C. partellus larvae by in-vitro and in-vivo experiments. Methods Recombinant CanPI-7 (with four-Inhibitory Repeat Domains, IRDs), -22 (two-IRDs) and insect proteinase activities were estimated by proteinase assays, dot blot assays and in gel activity assays. Feeding bioassays of lab reared C. partellus with CanPI-7 and -22 were performed. C. partellus proteinase gene expression was done by RT-PCR. In-silico structure prediction of proteinases and CanPI IRDs was carried out, their validation and molecular docking was done for estimating the interaction strength. Results Larval proteinases of C. partellus showed higher activity at alkaline pH and expressed few proteinase isoforms. Both CanPIs showed strong inhibition of C. partellus larval proteinases. Feeding bioassays of C. partellus with CanPIs revealed a dose dependent retardation of larval growth, reduction of pupal mass and fecundity, while larval and pupal periods increased significantly. Ingestion of CanPIs resulted in differential up-regulation of C. partellus proteinase isoforms, which were sensitive to CanPI-7 but were insensitive to CanPI-22. In-silico interaction studies indicated the strong interaction of IRD-9 (of CanPI-22) with Chilo proteinases tested. Conclusions Of the two PIs tested, CanPI-7 prevents induction of inhibitor insensitive proteinases in C. partellus so it can be explored for developing C. partellus tolerance in sorghum. General significance Ingestion of CanPIs, effectively retards C. partellus growth; while differentially regulating the proteinases

    Non-vacuum Solutions of Bianchi Type VI_0 Universe in f(R) Gravity

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    In this paper, we solve the field equations in metric f(R) gravity for Bianchi type VI_0 spacetime and discuss evolution of the expanding universe. We find two types of non-vacuum solutions by taking isotropic and anisotropic fluids as the source of matter and dark energy. The physical behavior of these solutions is analyzed and compared in the future evolution with the help of some physical and geometrical parameters. It is concluded that in the presence of isotropic fluid, the model has singularity at t~=0\tilde{t}=0 and represents continuously expanding shearing universe currently entering into phantom phase. In anisotropic fluid, the model has no initial singularity and exhibits the uniform accelerating expansion. However, the spacetime does not achieve isotropy as tt\rightarrow\infty in both of these solutions.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophys. Space Sc

    Reconstruction of f(R)f(R), f(T)f(T) and f(G)f(\mathcal{G}) models inspired by variable deceleration parameter

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    We study an special law for the deceleration parameter, recently proposed by Akarsu and Dereli, in the context of f(R)f(R), f(T)f(T) and f(G)f(\mathcal{G}) theories of modified gravity. This law covers the law of Berman for obtaining exact cosmological models to account for the current acceleration of the universe, and also gives the opportunity to generalize many of the dark energy models having better consistency with the cosmological observations. Our aim is to reconstruct the f(R)f(R), f(T)f(T) and f(G)f(\mathcal{G}) models inspired by this law of variable deceleration parameter. Such models may then exhibit better consistency with the cosmological observations.Comment: 18 pages, Published online in Astrophys. Space. Sc

    Accelerating Bianchi Type-V Cosmology with Perfect Fluid and Heat Flow in Saez-Ballester Theory

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    In this paper we discuss the law of variation of scale factor a=(tket)1na = (t^{k}e^{t})^{\frac{1}{n}} which yields a time-dependent deceleration parameter (DP) representing a new class of models that generate a transition of universe from the early decelerated phase to the recent accelerating phase. Exact solutions of Einstein's modified field equations with perfect fluid and heat conduction are obtained within the framework of Saez-Ballester scalar-tensor theory of gravitation and the model is found to be in good agreement with recent observations. We find, for n = 3, k = 1, the present value of DP in derived model as q_0 = -0.67 which is very near to the observed value of DP at present epoch. We find that the time-dependent DP is sensible for the present day Universe and give an earmark description of evolution of universe. Some physical and geometric properties of the models are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure