352 research outputs found

    Surveillance of anti-HCV antibody amongst in-school youth in a Nigeria university

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    Infection with Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is a public health problem. Worldwide, there are about 170 million people infected with HCV. HCV is transmitted through sex and use of contaminated sharp objects during tattooing or intravenous drug abuse. These routes make youth to be more vulnerable. Transfusion and mother to child transmissions are also documented modes. This study was carried out to determine sero-prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among in school youth at Achievers University, Owo in southwest Nigeria. Samples of blood were collected from 70 undergraduate students and sera harvested were tested for the presence of antibodies against hepatitis C virus by Enzyme Immunoassay Technique. Most participants fall within age range 21-25 (91.4%). The study showed that none of the subjects was positive for anti- HCV antibodies. Education and awareness level might have impacted positively on this outcome. Thus routine screening for HCV and sustained awareness creation activities to eradicate HCV and its attendant consequences from our society is of paramount importance.Key words: HCV, prevalence, in-school youth, education


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    This paper critically examines Frederick Herzberg’s two factors theory of job satisfaction and its application to business research. The two factor theory of motivation explains the factors that employees find satisfactory and non-satisfactory in their place of employment. These factors are the hygiene factors and motivators. The hygiene factors when present are characterized by insufficiency that can’t satisfy the employees in their work place but the motivators which refers to the nature of the job, provide satisfaction and lead to better motivation. This paper adds to the present knowledge on what motivates employees in industries and academics with the aid of other theories that relate to the Frederick Herzberg theory. It therefore creates a template for re-evaluation of the thinking and viewpoint that motivator factors are rated above hygiene factors in every organization

    Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai-Dorfman Disease): Report of a case in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital

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    Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML) is a rare, benign disease of unknown aetiology. This disease typically presents with massive, painless cervical lymphadenopathy but may occur in a wide variety of extranodal sites. This report describes a 43-year old man with a left submandibular swelling and left lateral cervical lymphadenopathy clinically suggestive of a malignancy. Initial cytological examination of a fine needle aspirate specimen taken from the mass suggested a chronic granulomatous inflammatory lesion. A definitive diagnosis of SHML was however made only after excisional biopsy of the lesion. The patient was followed up for 6 months and no recurrence of the lesion was observed. SHML may be considered a rare lesion among Nigerians. Knowledge of its clinical presentation with understanding of the differentials diagnosis is important to avoid unnecessary intervention. The diagnosis can be made from FNAC, histopathology and immune-histochemistry. There is no ideal protocol for the treatment. Follow-up is however necessary to detect relapses

    Multiple maxillofacial fractures in a patient undergoing orthodontic treatment: a case report

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    Severe maxillofacial injuries among patients receiving orthodontic treatment are very rare. When they occur, they can be life threatening with several complications which include neurologic deficits, malunion of fracture segments secondary to delay in reduction and immobilization of fracture segments and massive blood loss. Delay in treatment of such maxillofacial injuries in the presence of other life threatening injuries predisposes the patient to residual and minor malocclusion. The interdisciplinary management of injuries sustained by an orthodontic patient and the challenges associated with its management are highlighted in this report.Reduction and immobilization was carried out under general anaesthesia using an arch bar in the mandibular arch. Direct bonded brackets in the maxillary arch with additional eyelet wires were used in the management of the fractures. An acceptable reduction of bilateral parasympseal fractures was obtained with available intermaxillary fixation. There was some residual and minor malocclusion attributed to the delay in treatment and possibly the method used.A multi-disciplinary team approach for the management of maxillofacial fractures in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances is suggested. Orthodontic treatment with surgical involvement has been found to improve both facial aesthetics and occlusal function

    Concurrent pleomorphic adenoma in parapharyngeal space and submandibular gland

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    BACKGROUND: Pleomorphic adenoma in the parapharyngeal space either occurs de novo or as an extension from the deep lobe of the parotid gland. CASE PRESENTATION: A rare synchronous occurrence of pleomorphic adenoma in the parapharyngeal space and submandibular gland of a 48-year-old Nigerian male is reported. CONCLUSION: Pleomorphic adenoma concurrent in the parapharyngeal space and submandibular gland is very rare. A complete surgical excision of both tumors is the treatment of choice

    Estimation of Human Health Risk Due to Heavy Metals around Schools and Auto-Mobile Workshops near Frequented Roads in Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    Heavy metals are widely known for their potential to cause carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks. In this work, the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks associated with heavy metals in the vicinity of schools and auto mechanic workshops close to busy roads in Kaduna state was assessed using NEX CG EDXRF MODEL with brand name RIGAKU situated at a UTM Laboratory, Malaysia. The obtained heavy metals concentrations were used to estimate the health effects that might result from exposure to carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic chemicals for both the population ages using US EPA methodology. Findings indicated that in some locations the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic hazards associated with exposure for residents was greater than the US EPA acceptable thresholds of 10-4 and 1 respectively. This indicated that the heavy metals may result to unacceptable carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks, which is an issue of concern in public health especially looking at the way school children play around these areas. The present study therefore provides scientific basis for strategies required to protect human and environmental health in schools and automobile workshops

    Evaluation of denoising strategies to address motion-correlated artifacts in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data from the human connectome roject

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    Like all resting-state functional connectivity data, the data from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) are adversely affected by structured noise artifacts arising from head motion and physiological processes. Functional connectivity estimates (Pearson's correlation coefficients) were inflated for high-motion time points and for high-motion participants. This inflation occurred across the brain, suggesting the presence of globally distributed artifacts. The degree of inflation was further increased for connections between nearby regions compared with distant regions, suggesting the presence of distance-dependent spatially specific artifacts. We evaluated several denoising methods: censoring high-motion time points, motion regression, the FMRIB independent component analysis-based X-noiseifier (FIX), and mean grayordinate time series regression (MGTR; as a proxy for global signal regression). The results suggest that FIX denoising reduced both types of artifacts, but left substantial global artifacts behind. MGTR significantly reduced global artifacts, but left substantial spatially specific artifacts behind. Censoring high-motion time points resulted in a small reduction of distance-dependent and global artifacts, eliminating neither type. All denoising strategies left differences between high- and low-motion participants, but only MGTR substantially reduced those differences. Ultimately, functional connectivity estimates from HCP data showed spatially specific and globally distributed artifacts, and the most effective approach to address both types of motion-correlated artifacts was a combination of FIX and MGTR


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    In this paper a system that uses a template matching approach along with a training algorithm for tuning performance was described. The system solves two types of problems at the same time: 1. correct identification of individuals in the image database. 2. Rejection of individuals who are not in the database. Results show that this training method is capable of a consistent correct classification rates and a low false positive rates


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    Abattoir wastewater is high in organic content, the waste recovery and treatment facility is expensive and this results in indiscriminate dumping into streams without adequate treatment. The effectiveness of using a two-stage subsurface flow constructed wetland to treat abattoir effluent was examined in this study. Diluted abattoir wastewater from Lafenwa Abattoir, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria was fed into a two-stage Vegetated Subsurface Bed Constructed Wetlands (VSBCW). The VSBCW consisted of 500 mm deep 10-15 mm diameter granite with 150 mm thick overlay of well graded sand planted with locally available Vetiveria nigritana. Grab samples were collected at selected points along Ogun river and measurement of physico-chemical parameters such as: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) of the influent and effluent from the VSBCW were carried out. Irrigation with water and diluted abattoir wastewater to examine the variation in plant growth rate was also investigated. The results revealed a pollution load reduction as the wastewater moves away from the discharge point but inadequate to meet the FEPA (1991) standard for wastewater discharge into rivers. The VSBCW was observed to reduce the concentration of BOD5, COD, EC, TDS and TSS in the abattoir wastewater by 88.71, 87.28, 45.72, 56.89 and 72.27 % respectively. The growth rate of the V. nigritana reduced by 1.9% when irrigated with abattoir wastewater. The study revealed that locally available V. nigritana in VSBCW is effective in abattoir wastewater treatment and could be use to curtail the pollution caused by discharge of untreated wastewater into rivers.     &nbsp


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    Digital mammogram has become the most efficient tool for early breast cancer detection modalities and pre-processing these images requires high computational capabilities. Pre-processing is one of the most important step in the mammogram analysis due to poor captured mammographic image qualities. Pre-processing is basically used to correct and adjust the mammogram image for further study and classification.  Many image pre-processing techniques have been developed over the past decades to help radiologists in diagnosing breast cancer. Most studies conducted have proven that a pre-processed image is easier for radiologist to accurately detect breast cancer especially for dense breast. Different types of techniques are available for pre-processing of mammograms, which are used to improve image quality, remove noise, adjust contrast, enhance the image and preserve the edges within the image. This paper acquired 20 digital mammograms from Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) database and uses Histogram Normalization algorithm for pre-processing of the mammograms. A percentage of 95% was obtained. It was observed that the pre-processed mammographic images displayed breast abnormalities clearer with little or no noise
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