9 research outputs found

    Physicochemical and sensory qualities of spiced soy-corn milk

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    Soy-corn milk type was produced from a blend of soybean milk and corn milk extract at a ratio of 3:1. The soy-corn milk type was spiced with ginger and garlic extract respectively to improve the taste. Total dissolved solid (TDS), total titrable acidity (TTA) specific gravity (SG), apparent colloidal stability, pH and sensory evaluation of the spiced soy-corn milk type were determined. The results show that the specific gravity of all milk types was not significantly (P>0.05) different from each other. The spiced milk types were relatively stable under refrigerated condition for 72 h while corn milk, soy-corn milk was not stable even under refrigeration. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference in the pH of the milk type at preparation and the value ranged between 6.8 and 6.5. The spiced milk types became more acidic after 24 h. Spicing improved the colloidal stability of the soy-corn milk type and its acceptability to the consumer, but has no significant difference (P>0.05) on the other physicochemical properties investigated.Keywords: Corn milk, soybean milk, soy-corn milk, colloidal stabilityAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(17), pp. 2262-226

    Effect of Processing Methods On The Chemical Composition and Antioxidants Potentials of Structium Sparejanophora (Ewuro-Odo) and Vernonia Amygdalina (Ewuro).

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    The fresh leaves of Structium sparejanophora and Vernonia amygdalina were subjected to different local food processing methods such assoaking, blanching, and abrasion with or without salt prior to sun-drying. The proximate, antinutrient, mineral, vitamin C and total phenolcontent were subsequently determined. The results of the analysis shows that the unprocessed vegetables has 2.1 % crude fibre, 9.8 % protein, 18.0 ppm Mn, 90 ppm Fe, 700 ppm Ca, 290 ppmMg, 465 mg/100g phytate, 13.0 mg/100g oxalate, 45 mg/100g vitamin C and 0.2 g/100g total phenol for Structium sparejanophora and 1.5 % crude fibre, 6.95 % protein, 20.0 ppm Mn, 75.0 ppm Fe, 800 ppm Ca, 300 ppm Mg, 400 mg/100g phytate, 12.0 mg/100g oxalate, 44 mg/100g vitaminC and 0.3 g/100g total phenol for Vernonia amygdalina. However, the various local food processing methods cause significant decreases (P< 0.05) in the nutrients, antinutrients and vitamin C contents while they cause significant increases (P< 0.05) inthe total phenol contents of the two vegetables. The leaves of Structium sparejanophora and Vernonia amygdalina should be better sun driedwithout processing so as to retain the nutrients and antioxidants present in them

    Total phenol, tocopherol and antibacterial quality of honey Apis mellifera sold in Owo community, Ondo State, Nigeria

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    The total phenol, the tocopherol and the antibacterial activity of different honey Apis mellifera sold in Owo Community, Ondo State, Nigeria were evaluated. The total phenol, expressed as garlic acid equivalents ranged from 2.85 mg/100 g ‘Oja Oba’ to 0.75 mg/100 g ‘Hausa’ honey, while the tocopherol ranged from 17.60/100 g ’Oja Oba’ to 2.77/100 g ‘Ilorin’ honey. All the different honey sold in Owo Community were assayed for antibacterial activities against clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli and Salmonella dysentriae using the hole-plate diffusion method. ‘Ikare’ junction honey, ‘Hausa’ honey and ‘Ilorin’ honey showed the highest levels of antibacterial activity against all the bacterial used. The known safe use of honey without toxic effects suggest that honey could be used to treat diseases arises from these bacterial pathogens

    Antioxidants and chlorophyll content of blanched vegetables stored at the temperature of -10OC ± 2OC

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    The fresh leaves of ‘Tete’ (Amaranthus hybridus) and ‘Soko’ (Celosia argentea) were blanched and stored in the freezer at the temperature of -10oC±2oC where there was 8hours (day) and 5hours (night) electric power supply to the freezer. The antioxidant (Vitamin C, total phenol and reducing power) and chlorophyll a and b contents were subsequently determined. The results of the analysis shows that the unblanched vegetables had 160.0mg/100g vitamin C, 4.24% total phenol, 0.26700nm reducing power, 0.35ìg/ml chlorophyll a and 0.40ìg/ml chlorophyll b for ‘Tete’ (Amaranthus hybridus) and 75.26mg/100g vitamin C, 4.89% total phenol, 0.31700nm reducing power, 0.25ìg/ml chlorophyll a and 0.30ìg/ml chlorophyll b for ‘Soko’(Celosia argentea). However, blanching causes a significant decrease (P< 0.05) in the antioxidants and the chlorophyll contents of the vegetables. During storage, despite the inactivation of the enzymes, there was a significant (

    Antinutrient and antioxidant quality of waxed and unwaxed pawpaw Carica papaya fruit stored at different temperatures

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    The storage of shea butter waxed and unwaxed pawpaw Carica papaya fruit at two storage temperatures was investigated with respect to the antinutrient (phytate, oxalate, condensed tannin (CT) and hydrolysable tannin (HT)) and antioxidant (vitamin C, tocopherol, total phenol and carotenoid) properties. Freshly harvested just ripe pawpaw C. papaya fruit was divided into two lots; one was waxed with shea butter, the other was not waxed and they were stored at room temperature (27 ± 1oC)and refrigeration temperature (10 ± 1oC) for 8 days. The antinutrients and antioxidants were subsequently determined. The result of the study shows that the antinutrients decreased significantly (P 0.05) in the CT and HT. Antioxidants also decreased significantly (

    Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals as Dietary Intervention in Chronic Diseases; Novel Perspectives for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

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