13 research outputs found

    Oxidative Stress, Ageing and Methods of Seed Invigoration: An Overview and Perspectives

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    The maintenance of seed quality during the long-term conservation of plant genetic resources is crucial for averting the projected food crises that are linked to the changing climate and rising world population. However, ageing-induced loss of seed vigour and viability during storage remains an inevitable process that compromises productivity in several orthodox-seeded crop species. Seed ageing under prolonged storage, which can occur even under optimal conditions, induces several modifications capable of causing loss of intrinsic physiological quality traits, including germination capacity and vigour, and stand establishment. The problems posed by seed ageing have motivated the development of various techniques for mitigating their detrimental effects. These invigoration techniques generally fall within one of two categories: (1) priming or pre-hydrating seeds in a solution for improved post-harvest performance, or (2) post-storage reinvigoration which often involves soaking seeds recovered from storage in a solution. Seed priming methods are generally divided into classical (hydropriming, osmopriming, redox priming, biostimulant priming, etc.) and advanced (nanopriming, magnetopriming and priming using other physical agents) techniques. With the increasing popularity of seed invigoration techniques to achieve the much-desired enhanced productivity and resilience in the face of a changing climate, there is an urgent need to explore these techniques effectively (in addition to other important practices such as plant breeding, fertilizer application, and the control of pests and diseases). This review aims to provide an overview of ageing in orthodox seeds and invigoration techniques that can enhance desirable agronomic and physiological characters

    Overcoming phase 1 delays: the critical component of obstetric fistula prevention programs in resource-poor countries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An obstetric fistula is a traumatic childbirth injury that occurs when labor is obstructed and delivery is delayed. Prolonged obstructed labor leads to the destruction of the tissues that normally separate the bladder from the vagina and creates a passageway (fistula) through which urine leaks continuously. Women with a fistula become social outcasts. Universal high-quality maternity care has eliminated the obstetric fistula in wealthy countries, but millions of women in resource-poor nations still experience prolonged labor and tens of thousands of new fistula sufferers are added to the millions of pre-existing cases each year. This article discusses fistula prevention in developing countries, focusing on the factors which delay treatment of prolonged labor.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Obstetric fistulas can be prevented through contraception, avoiding obstructed labor, or improving outcomes for women who develop obstructed labor. Contraception is of little use to women who are already pregnant and there is no reliable screening test to predict obstruction in advance of labor. Improving the outcome of obstructed labor depends on prompt diagnosis and timely intervention (usually by cesarean section). Because obstetric fistulas are caused by tissue compression, the time interval from obstruction to delivery is critical. This time interval is often extended by delays in deciding to seek care, delays in arriving at a hospital, and delays in accessing treatment after arrival. Communities can reasonably demand that governments and healthcare institutions improve the second (transportation) and third (treatment) phases of delay. Initial delays in seeking hospital care are caused by failure to recognize that labor is prolonged, confusion concerning what should be done (often the result of competing therapeutic pathways), lack of women’s agency, unfamiliarity with and fear of hospitals and the treatments they offer (especially surgery), and economic constraints on access to care.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Women in resource-poor countries will use institutional obstetric care when the services provided are valued more than the competing choices offered by a pluralistic medical system. The key to obstetric fistula prevention is competent obstetrical care delivered respectfully, promptly, and at affordable cost. The utilization of these services is driven largely by trust.</p