5 research outputs found

    Small-scale fisheries development in Nigeria: Status, prospects, constraints/recommended solutions

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    The small-scale fisheries sector has been contributing immensely towards domestic fish production in Nigeria. Despite considerable contributions by the small-scale fisherman of Nigeria, with few exceptions, they continue to live at the margin of subsistence. This paper attempts to review the sector and propose strategies of integrated approach towards small-scale fisheries development in order to ensure that efforts at improving the rural fisheries succeed in over-coming identified constraints which include socio-cultural, political, economic, technological and other barrier

    Artisanal and inshore fisheries development in Nigeria: Status paper on the FAO/UNDP Project NIR/77/001

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    The UNDP/FAO supported Federal Fisheries Project for the Development of Artisanal and Inshore Fisheries in Nigeria has the specific objective of increasing fish production through an integrated approach aimed at upgrading the rural coastal fishermen and improving their living conditions. The project has an operating life-span of three years and envisages a total outlay of nearly N3 million in terms of personnel and services. This paper attempts to review the activities of the project during the first two years of the operational phase and highlight some of its specific achievements

    Early experience with endourologyat Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Teaching Hospital, Osogbo

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    Endourological practice has revolutionized the diagnosis and the management of patients with various urologic abnormalities.But the level of practice in developing countries is unusually low, basically due to lack of necessary equipment and experienced trainedmanpower. To present our initial experience with endourological procedures in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria with emphasis on the indications, complications and challenges encountered. The endourological section of our urology unit is new with some facilities for lower urinary tract endoscopes. A lot of the patients with various urological disorders who had endourological procedures were used in this study. Aprospective analysis of records of all patients who had diagnostic and therapeutic endourological procedures in our practice from September 2004 to December 2006 was carried out. Indications for the procedure, type of anesthesia, type of irrigation fluid used and complications and challenges encountered during the procedurewere noted. 201medical noteswere available for review. Atotal of 204 procedureswere carried out, representing twenty five percent of the total urological procedures done by the unit during the study period. The commonest indication for an endourological procedure was bladder outlet obstruction with benign prostate hyperplasia responsible in 108.0 (53.7%) of cases followed by cancer of the prostate in 36.0 (17.9%) and urethral stricture in 18 (9%) of cases. The commonest form of endourologoical procedure performed was urethrocystoscopy which constituted 89.6%while the secondmost common procedurewas urethroscopy alone (9.0%)mainly for patients with urethral stricture. There were three complications, acute urinary retention, epididymo-orchitis, and heamaturia, following the procedure. Endourological procedures have refined and improved the management outcome of diverse urological procedureswithminimal complications.Keywords: Endourology, Indications,Complication

    Penile fracture at Lautech Teaching Hospital, Osogbo

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    Background/Objective: We have seen three cases of penile fracture presenting in diverse ways in our teaching hospital.Wewant to highlight the difficulties of management when patients present late. Patients and Methods: Three case reports of young men whose ages range between 22-32 years and who presented at 1year 6months, fourweeks, and 3 hours respectively, following penile fracture. Results: The patient that presented within 3hours had immediate exploration and primary repair with good results while the one that presented after four weeks is still being followed up. The patient that presented very late has been lost to followup after hewas told that hewould require surgery. Conclusion: Early surgical intervention in penile trauma still gives the best result and is hereby advocated. Decision to operate or not should also be based on the empirical finding of size of tear if there is no associated urethra injury.KeyWords: Penile fracture, tunica albuginea, injury, surger

    Knowledge and Experience of Medical Students with Male Urethral Catheterization

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    Background : Urethral catheterization is a commonly performed procedure. Therefore medical students should receive adequate training in this technique to avoid devastating consequences of performing it poorly. This study was aimed at finding out the knowledge and experience of final year medical students with the technique of male urethral catheterization. Methods : Well-structured questionnaire was administered to each of the final year medical students of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) one week to their final examinations. Results :All the 215 students received the questionnaire one week before their final examinations with 128 (60%) completing it. The male to female ratio was 1:1 with a mean age of 28 years. One hundred and twenty-five (98.4%) of the students had been throught male urethral catheterization. Thirty-five (27.6%) of the students have never performed male urethral catheterization. One hundred and fifteen students (90.6%) agreed that urethral catheterization is a sterile procedure. Sixty-nine (54.3%) students said xylocaine jelly should be used as lubricant.. Ninety four (74%) students said that they will inflate the balloon of the catheter when the Y-junction gets to the tip of the penis. Forty-nine (38.6%) students said they are very confident about male urethral catheterization, 61 (48.0%) said reasonably confident while 5 (3.9%) are not confident at all. Conclusion : Urethral catheterization is a common procedure. Students should receive adequate instruction in this technique to avoid devastating consequences of performing it poorly