24 research outputs found

    Enhancement of the feeding value of some agro-industrial by-products for laying hens after their solid state fermentation with Trichoderma viride

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    This study with some agro-byproducts was carried out to provide information on the use of fermentation by-products; brewer's dried grains (BDG), rice bran (RB), palm kernel meal (PKM) and corn bran (CB). Changes in the nutrient compositions of some selected agro industrial by-products on biodegradation with Trichoderma viride and their feeding value as an energy source for layers were investigated. The protein in BDG, RB, PKM and CB increased by 87, 68, 32 and 61%, respectively, when they were fermented with the fungi for 14 days. At the same time, the fiber in the by-products decreased by 35.00, 40.00, 36.50 and 37.50%, respectively with a corresponding increase of 49.00, 37.00, 9.00 and 5.50% in the level of soluble sugars. The energy in the biodegraded by-products increased by 6.30, 5.00, 9.00 and 18.50%, respectively. In a feeding trial with layers, 50% of the maize in a standard commercial diet was replaced with biodegraded BDG, RB and PKM. Birds on the BDG and RB diets had significantly (

    Nutrient digestibility and egg production of laying hens fed graded levels of biodegraded palm kernel meal

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    A 20-week feeding trial involving 72 Isa brown-laying birds, in a completely randomized design, evaluated the nutrient digestibility and egg production of layers fed diets containing biodegraded palm kernel meal (PKM) at dietary levels of 20 per cent undegraded and 20, 30 and 40 per cent biodegraded PKM, respectively. Biodegradation slightly improved proximate and detergent fibre components compared to the undegraded sample. Among the fibre fractions, hemicellulose was most degraded, whereas acid detergent lignin was least. Proximate component digestibility was similar among the diets except at 40 per cent levels. With the detergent fibre component, increasing the level of the biodegraded PKM caused a significant difference (


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    The effect of replacing maize with biscuit waste (BW) in the diet of Clarias gariepinus was evaluated in a 70-day feeding trial. Four isonitrogenous diets were prepared in which biscuit waste was used to replace maize at a rate of 50, 75 and 100% respectively. A diet without biscuit waste served as control. Each treatment had three replicates stocked with 10 catfish juveniles per tank with (mean initial body weight16.44±2.21g) per fish. The performance of the fish fed test diets was compared with fish fed a maize-based control diet containing 42.94% crude protein. The fish on the test diets performed better than the fish fed control diet with respect to mean weight gain (95.12±2.78g in BW 75 Vs 78.67±3.74g in control) and specific growth rate (3.04±0.04 %day-1 Vs 2.79±0.07 %day-1). Feed intake, feed conversion ratio and the protein efficiency ratio were not significantly different between test diets and the control. The inclusion of biscuit waste significantly improved (P<0.05) crude protein retention in the fish carcass. All the haematological parameters increased as a result of BW inclusion, the converse was however observed in cholesterol and triglyceraldehyde. There was significant difference (P<0.05) in the cost of feed intake and value of fish.Â

    Compliance of agrochemical marketers with banned cocoa pesticides in southwest Nigeria

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    This study investigated the compliance of marketers of agrochemicals with the approved and banned cocoa pesticides in selected cocoa producing states of southwest Nigeria. Primary data was collected through the use of structured questionnaire administered to randomly selected agrochemical marketers. All the marketers (100%) were aware of the recently banned cocoa pesticides, however, majority still have the pesticides in stock. About 70.6% of the marketers in Osun state and 58.8% in Ogun state stated that they did not receive information on the banned pesticides from government agencies but through other channels. More than half of the marketers (52.9% in Ogun, 55% in Kwara and 47.1% in Osun) strongly disagreed that government should place a ban on pesticides. Availability of banned pesticides in their stock, insufficient information from the concerned government agricultural agencies, and fear of short supply of approved pesticides are among the reasons proffered by the marketers for not supporting the ban of pesticides. Relevant government regulatory agencies should conduct a comprehensive inventory of pesticides offered for sale by the marketers of agrochemicals. There should be massive public awareness programme, and wellcoordinated association for all the marketers of agrochemicals. Agrochemical manufacturers should translate instructions and warnings on pesticide labels to local languages understood by the farmers.U ovom radu je istraživana usaglašenost prodavaca agrohemikalija sa odobrenim i zabranjenim pesticidima koji se koriste u državama jugozapadne Nigerije koje prizvode kakao. Primarni podaci su prikupljeni pomoću struktuiranog upitnika koji je podeljen slučajno odabranim prodavcima agrohemikalija. Svi prodavci (100%) su bili upoznati sa nedavno zabranjenim pesticidima za kakao, ali ipak većina njih i dalje ima te pesticide u ponudi. Oko 70,6% prodavaca u državi Osun i 58,8% u državi Ogun je navelo da nisu dobili nikakvu informaciju u vezi sa zabranjenim pesticidima od vladinih agencija, već putem drugih kanala. Više od polovine prodavaca (52,9% u državi Ogun, 55% u državi Kwara i 47,1% u državi Osun) se oštro usprotivila tome da vlada treba da stavi zabranu na pesticide. Dostupnost zabranjenih pesticida u skladištima, nedovoljno informacija od odgovarajućih vladinih agencija za poljoprivredu, kao i strah od nestašice odobrenih pesticida su među razlozima za nepodržavanje zabrane korišćenja pesticida koje su naveli prodavci. Relevantne vladine regulacione agencije treba da sastave svebuhvatan spisak pesticida koje prodaju prodavci agrohemikalijama. Takođe bi trebalo obezbediti i program o javnoj svesti, kao i dobro koordinisano udruženje za sve prodavce agrohemikalija. Proizvođači agrohemikalija bi trebalo da prevedu uputstva i upozorenja na etiketama koje se nalaze na ambalažama pesticida na lokalne jezike koje poljoprivrednici razumeju.http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=AGShb201

    Full Length Research paper - Enhancement of the feeding value of some agroindustrial by-products for laying hens after their solid state fermentation with Trichoderma viride

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    This study with some agro-byproducts was carried out to provide information on the use of fermentation by-products; brewer’s dried grains (BDG), rice bran (RB), palm kernel meal (PKM) and corn bran (CB). Changes in the nutrient compositions of some selected agro industrial by-products on biodegradation with Trichoderma viride and their feeding value as an energy source for layers were investigated. The protein in BDG, RB, PKM and CB increased by 87, 68, 32 and 61%, respectively, when they were fermented with the fungi for 14 days. At the same time, the fiber in the by-products decreased by 35.00, 40.00, 36.50 and 37.50%, respectively with a corresponding increase of 49.00, 37.00, 9.00 and 5.50% in the level of soluble sugars. The energy in the biodegraded by-products increased by 6.30, 5.00, 9.00 and 18.50%, respectively. In a feeding trial with layers, 50% of the maize in a standard commercial diet was replaced with biodegraded BDG, RB and PKM. Birds on the BDG and RB diets had significantly (P<0.05) higher hen day production than those on the other diets. Diets in which the biodegraded by-products replaced maize produced lower cost of egg production than the standard commercial diet. Of the test diets, BDG gave the lowest cost of US0.38pertrayofeggs(30eggs)comparedwithUS0.38 per tray of eggs (30 eggs) compared with US0.53 for the commercial diet. Results of the study showed that fungal biodegradation of the agro industrial by-products can enhance their nutritional status. Using such by-products to feed layers spared half of the maize in the diet and produced better laying performance

    Replacement value of maize with ripe and unripe plantain peels in the diet of juvenile catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822)

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    This study investigated the growth performance, histometry, haematology and economy of production of Clarias gariepinus juveniles fed graded levels of plantain peels meal. Six iso-nitrogenious and isocalorific diets with graded levels of plantain peels (5%, 10% and 15% for both ripe [diets 2, 3 and 4] and unripe plantain peels [diets 5, 6 and 7]) were fed to C. gariepinius for eight weeks. Feeds were fed to triplicate groups of 10 fish per tank twice daily to satiation for 8 weeks. The control diet (0% plantain peel inclusion) had the highest average weight gain (90.94 ± 2.84 g) while diet 2 recorded the least value (62.85 ± 5.0 g) and this differ significantly (P &lt; 0.05) in both the diets of ripe and unripe plantain peels. Similar pattern of results were obtained for average daily gain (ADG) and specific growth rate (SGR). The protein efficiency ratio (PER) showed significant differences (P &lt; 0.05) across diets, the best value (3.04 ± 0.14) was recorded for diet 7, while diet 4 had the least value (2.07 ± 0.13). There were no significant differences (P &gt; 0.05) in fish organs and haematological indices, however, significant differences (P &lt; 0.05) were recorded in feed intake, profit index and incidence of costs across diets. Profit index had the highest (5.75 ± 0.20) and least values (3.58 ± 0.14) in diet 7 and control diet. Though the control diet had the highest weight gain, but from the results of the protein efficiency ratio and the economy of production values recorded in, diet 3 (10% ripe plantain peel) and diet 7 (15% unripe plantain peel), it suggests that, plantain peel either ripe or unripe could be used to replace some maize at the above inclusion levels without any detrimental effects on fish health and economy of production in the diet of C. gariepinus.Keywords: Plantain peel; Maize; Performance; Economy; Clarias. gariepinu

    Growth Response of Juvenile Catfish ( Clarias gariepinus) Fed Diets Supplemented With Lactobacillus sp Inclusion into Feeds and Cultured Water.

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    Growth and nutrient utilization by catfish (Clarias gariepinus) through the inclusion of Lactobaccillus in either the feed or culture water were studied. A total of sixty three juvenile C. gariepinus average weight 17±1.2 g in a flow through system over a period of 42 days were fed with a conventional feed containing either Lactobacillus sp. added to feed (TF) or culture water (CW) and compared to control diet (without Lactobacillus) in a randomised complete design. The result revealed the values of feed conversion ratio (FCR) in TF, CW and control to be 0.82, 0.96 and 1.17 while specific growth rate (SGR%/day) values were 1.09, 1.12 and 0.93 respectively. No significant difference (p&gt;0.05) was observed in feed intake, mean weight gain and relative growth rate between TF and CW. The inclusion of Lactobacillus in the diet of C.gariepinus juvenile gave better FCR an indication that profitable and sustainable aquaculture can be successfully achieved by the inclusion of Lactobacillus in feeds.Keywords: Bacteria, growth, haematology, probiotics, feed, clarias gariepinus. Fish, Feed, Probiotics, growth, Haematolog

    Acceptability of focused antenatal care by pregnant Nigerian women and factors influencing it

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    Context: In 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed "Focused Antenatal Care (FANC)"model for developing countries and it is aimed at addressing some of the challenges associated with the traditional model of antenatal care and to improve the quality of antenatal care services rendered. Despite its wide publicity, most teaching hospitals in Nigeria still practice the traditional ANC model, notwithstanding the high level of awareness of the tenet ofFANC among resident doctors.Objective: This study aimed at assessing the acceptability of this new model by Nigerian pregnant women.Methodology: This was a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study conducted at the antenatal clinic at thc Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). A total of 410 consenting pregnant women at varying gestational ages were recruited for this study. Data collected was analyzed using Epi Info statistical software.Results : The mean age ± S.D. of the subjects was 31.2 ± 4.3 years, with over half of the patients living close to the hospital (56.4%). The mean gestational age± S.D. at booking was 16.0± 6.3 weeks and 54.5% were high risk pregnancy. Over a third (35.1 %) of the women had missed at least 1 - 3 visits. A greater proportion (56.1%) of the pregnant women studied preferred the new model, FANC, while 42.4% indicated preference for the traditional model. The main reason for preferring FANC is convenience (92.2% of respondents). The main reasons for rejecting FANC are that complications can arise in pregnancy at anytime (71.3%) and 4 visits were adjudged to be inadequate (43.7%). Factors influencing thc acceptability of FANC by Nigerian pregnant women were age (p - 0.00(0). tribe (p '" 0.0487), proximity to the hospital (0.0088) and parity (p - 0.0006).Conclusion: Many parturient are ready to accept FANC if given the opportunities. It should thus be offered to highly motivated women especially in urban cities in Nigeria where many educated women reside, but education on birth preparedness and complication readiness needs to be emphasized.Key words: acceptability focused antenatal care, influencing factors

    Compliance of agrochemical marketers with banned cocoa pesticides in southwest Nigeria

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    This study investigated the compliance of marketers of agrochemicals with the approved and banned cocoa pesticides in selected cocoa producing states of southwest Nigeria. Primary data was collected through the use of structured questionnaire administered to randomly selected agrochemical marketers. All the marketers (100%) were aware of the recently banned cocoa pesticides, however, majority still have the pesticides in stock. About 70.6% of the marketers in Osun state and 58.8% in Ogun state stated that they did not receive information on the banned pesticides from government agencies but through other channels. More than half of the marketers (52.9% in Ogun, 55% in Kwara and 47.1% in Osun) strongly disagreed that government should place a ban on pesticides. Availability of banned pesticides in their stock, insufficient information from the concerned government agricultural agencies, and fear of short supply of approved pesticides are among the reasons proffered by the marketers for not supporting the ban of pesticides. Relevant government regulatory agencies should conduct a comprehensive inventory of pesticides offered for sale by the marketers of agrochemicals. There should be massive public awareness programme, and wellcoordinated association for all the marketers of agrochemicals. Agrochemical manufacturers should translate instructions and warnings on pesticide labels to local languages understood by the farmers.U ovom radu je istraživana usaglašenost prodavaca agrohemikalija sa odobrenim i zabranjenim pesticidima koji se koriste u državama jugozapadne Nigerije koje prizvode kakao. Primarni podaci su prikupljeni pomoću struktuiranog upitnika koji je podeljen slučajno odabranim prodavcima agrohemikalija. Svi prodavci (100%) su bili upoznati sa nedavno zabranjenim pesticidima za kakao, ali ipak većina njih i dalje ima te pesticide u ponudi. Oko 70,6% prodavaca u državi Osun i 58,8% u državi Ogun je navelo da nisu dobili nikakvu informaciju u vezi sa zabranjenim pesticidima od vladinih agencija, već putem drugih kanala. Više od polovine prodavaca (52,9% u državi Ogun, 55% u državi Kwara i 47,1% u državi Osun) se oštro usprotivila tome da vlada treba da stavi zabranu na pesticide. Dostupnost zabranjenih pesticida u skladištima, nedovoljno informacija od odgovarajućih vladinih agencija za poljoprivredu, kao i strah od nestašice odobrenih pesticida su među razlozima za nepodržavanje zabrane korišćenja pesticida koje su naveli prodavci. Relevantne vladine regulacione agencije treba da sastave svebuhvatan spisak pesticida koje prodaju prodavci agrohemikalijama. Takođe bi trebalo obezbediti i program o javnoj svesti, kao i dobro koordinisano udruženje za sve prodavce agrohemikalija. Proizvođači agrohemikalija bi trebalo da prevedu uputstva i upozorenja na etiketama koje se nalaze na ambalažama pesticida na lokalne jezike koje poljoprivrednici razumeju.http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=AGShb201