5 research outputs found

    orunan bir ormanlık alanın ağaç türlerinin çeşitliliği ve bolluğu: Güney Gine savan bölgesi (Nijerya)

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    The study was carried out to assess the diversity and abundance of tree species in Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa, Niger State. Twelve rectangular sample plots of 50x50m (3 hectares) were inventoried in the woodland. 273 trees per hectare were recorded, which belonged to 41 species and 18 families. Anogeissus leiocarpus was the most abundant tree species in the study area. The total basal area was 11.42m2 per hectare. Sterculia setigera had the highest mean diameter at breast height at 51.29 cm while the highest mean height of 14.87 m was recorded for Daniellia oliveri. Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H) value was 3.14. Maximum diversity index (Hmax) was estimated to be 5.61, Pielou’s species evenness index (EH) was 0.56 and Margalef’s index of species richness (M) was calculated to be 7.13. There is need to ensure continuous availability of trees in the study area through effective conservation programme.Bu çalışma, Nijer Eyaleti, New Bussa, Federal Yaban Hayatı Yönetimi Koleji'ndeki ağaç türlerinin çeşitliliğini ve bolluğunu değerlendirmek için yapılmıştır. Ormanlık alanda 50x50m (3 hektar) boyutunda on iki dikdörtgen örnek parselin envanteri çıkarılmıştır. Hektar başına, 18 familya ait 41 türe ilişkin 273 ağaç kaydedilmiştir. Anogeissus leiocarpus, çalışma alanında en bol bulunan ağaç türüdür. Toplam taban alanı hektar başına 11.42m2 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sterculia setigera; 51.29 cm ile en yüksek ortalama göğüs çapına sahip iken, en yüksek ortalama boy 14.87 m ile Daniellia oliveri için kaydedilmiştir. Shannon-Weiner çeşitlilik indeksi (H) değeri 3.14 olarak hesaplandı. Maksimum çeşitlilik indeksi (Hmax) 5.61, Pielou tür düzgünlük indeksi (EH) 0.56 ve Margalef tür zenginliği indeksi (M) 7.13 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Etkili koruma programları ile çalışma alanındaki ağaçların sürekli mevcudiyetinin sağlanmasına ihtiyaç vardır

    Effects of Covid-19 Outbreaks on Demand for Electronic News in New Bussa, Nigeria

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    The work investigates how the Covid-19 outbreak affects the demand for electronic news before and during the lockdown in New Bussa, a major town in Niger State, one of Nigeria’s 36 political subdivisions. It also explores the adoption of social media channels in disseminating news related to the pandemic. The questionnaire on Google form was distributed to the residents of the town to which 150 of them responded. The results,among others, show that even though there was a higher demand for news in the thick of the pandemic, it was not significant. This outcome does not align with the previous findings that found demand significantly risen in a similar situation. What is more, this finding brings a rethinking of the classical conditioning theory to the table

    Assessing the Effects of Coronavirus Outbreaks on the Demand for Electronic Health In Nigeria

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    Electronic health (e-Health) and Mobile health (m-Health) is perceived as opportunity for patients to access their health care providers in the developing countries during coronavirus pandemic as it has been found to contribute tremendously to health care provision in the developed world even before the pandemic. This study attempts to assess how residents of developing countries annexe e-health and m-health during coronavirus outbreak. More specifically, the study analyses the demand for and adoption of electronic health in the face of coronavirus pandemic in Nigeria (a developing country) using Borgu local government, Niger state as case study. It was found that during the outbreak, residents of the local government did not significantly adopt electronic health during the pandemic majorly due to access to community health worker and cost of adopting electronic health facilities. It was recommended that government and relevant health care agencies that deal policy formulation take necessary measure to encourage wider acceptance of electronic health in Nigeria