206 research outputs found

    A Hierarchy of Superstrings

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    We construct a hierarchy of supersymmetric string theories by showing that the general N-extended superstrings may be viewed as a special class of the (N+1)-extended superstrings. As a side result, we find a twisted (N+2) superconformal algebra realized in the N-extended string.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex, NBI-HE-94-2

    The N=4 string is the same as the N=2 string

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    We redo the quantization of the N=4 string, taking into account the reducibility of the constraints. The result is equivalent to the N=2 string, with critical dimension D=4 and signature (++--). The N=4 formulation has several advantages: the sigma-model field equations are implied classically, rather than by quantum/beta-function calculations; self-duality/chirality is one of the super-Virasoro constraints; SO(2,2) covariance is manifest. This reveals that the theory includes fermions, and is apparently spacetime supersymmetric.Comment: 7 pg (uuencoded dvi file; otherwise same as original

    Green-Schwarz Formulation of Self-Dual Superstring

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    The self-dual superstring has been described previously in a Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond formulation with local N=2 or 4 world-sheet supersymmetry. We present a Green-Schwarz-type formulation, with manifest spacetime supersymmetry.Comment: 11 pg., (uuencoded dvi file) ITP-SB-92-5

    The BRST Operator for the Large N=4N=4 Superconformal Algebra

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    We review the detailed structure of the large N=4N=4 superconformal algebra, and construct its BRST operator which constitutes the main object for analyzing N=4N=4 strings. We then derive the general condition for the nilpotency of the BRST operator and show that there exists a line of critical N=4N=4 string theories.Comment: Latex file, 16 pages, NBI-HE-94-1

    The N=2(4) string is self-dual N=4 Yang-Mills

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    N=2 string amplitudes, when required to have the Lorentz covariance of the equivalent N=4 string, describe a self-dual form of N=4 super Yang-Mills in 2+2 dimensions. Spin-independent couplings and the ghost nature of SO(2,2) spacetime make it a topological-like theory with vanishing loop corrections.Comment: 7 pg., ITP-SB-92-24 (uuencoded dvi file; otherwise same as original

    Self-Dual N=8 Supergravity as Closed N=2(4) Strings

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    As open N=2 or 4 strings describe self-dual N=4 super Yang-Mills in 2+2 dimensions, the corresponding closed (heterotic) strings describe self-dual ungauged (gauged) N=8 supergravity. These theories are conveniently formulated in a chiral superspace with general supercoordinate and local OSp(8|2) gauge invariances. The super-light-cone and covariant-component actions are analyzed. Because only half the Lorentz group is gauged, the gravity field equation is just the vanishing of the torsion.Comment: 17 pg., (uuencoded dvi file; revision: forgot 1 stupid term in the last equation) ITP-SB-92-3

    Families of N=2 Strings

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    In a given 4d spacetime bakcground, one can often construct not one but a family of distinct N=2 string theories. This is due to the multiple ways N=2 superconformal algebra can be embedded in a given worldsheet theory. We formulate the principle of obtaining different physical theories by gauging different embeddings of the same symmetry algebra in the same ``pre-theory.'' We then apply it to N=2 strings and formulate the recipe for finding the associated parameter spaces of gauging. Flat and curved target spaces of both (4,0) and (2,2) signatures are considered. We broadly divide the gauging choices into two classes, denoted by alpha and beta, and show them to be related by T-duality. The distinction between them is formulated topologically and hinges on some unique properties of 4d manifolds. We determine what their parameter spaces of gauging are under certain simplicity ansatz for generic flat spaces (R^4 and its toroidal compactifications) as well as some curved spaces. We briefly discuss the spectra of D-branes for both alpha and beta families.Comment: 66+1 pages, 2 tables, latex 2e, hyperref. ver2: typos corrected, reference adde

    Rare Semileptonic Decays of Heavy Mesons with Flavor SU(3) Symmetry

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    In this paper, we calculate the decay rates of D+D0e+νD^+ \to D^0 e^+ \nu, DS+D0e+νD^+_S \to D^0 e^+ \nu, BS0B+eνˉB^0_S \to B^+ e^- \bar{\nu}, DS+D+ee+D^+_S \to D^+ e^- e^+ and BS0B0ee+B^0_S \to B^0 e^-e^+ semileptonic decay processes, in which only the light quarks decay, while the heavy flavors remain unchanged. The branching ratios of these decay processes are calculated with the flavor SU(3) symmetry. The uncertainties are estimated by considering the SU(3) breaking effect. We find that the decay rates are very tiny in the framework of the Standard Model. We also estimate the sensitivities of the measurements of these rare decays at the future experiments, such as BES-III, super-BB and LHC-bb.Comment: 4 pages and 1 figure, accepted by European Physical Journal

    Generalized Gordon Identities, Hara Theorem and Weak Radiative Hyperon Decays

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    It is shown that an alternative form of the parity-nonconserving (PNC) transition electromagnetic current resolves partly a puzzle with the Hara theorem. New formulation of it has allowed PNC weak radiative hyperon transitions of the charged hyperons Σ+p+γ\Sigma^{+} \Rightarrow p + \gamma and ΞΣ+γ\Xi^{-} \Rightarrow \Sigma^{-} + \gamma revealing hitherto unseen transition toroid dipole moment.Comment: LaTex, 7 pages, 2 tables added, text also change

    Higher Order 1/m1/m Corrections at Zero Recoil

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    The general structure of the 1/m1/m corrections at zero recoil is studied. The relevant matrix elements are forward matrix elements of local higher dimensional operators and their time ordered products with higher order terms from the Lagrangian. These matrix elements may be classified in a simple way and the analysis at the non recoil point for the form factor of heavy quark currents simplifies drastically. The second order recoil corrections to the form factor hA1h_{A1} of the axial vector current, relevant for the Vcb|V_{cb}| determination from BDB \to D^* decays, are estimated to be 5%<hA11<0-5\% < h_{A1} - 1 < 0.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, one figure, appended after \end{document} as uu-encoded and compressed eps file, uses epsf, CERN-TH.7162/9