16 research outputs found

    Public health law and the legal basis of public health

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    Subjects and methods: This article analyzes the scope of the rules that form the legal field Public Health Law and examines its characteristics. It further reviews the relationship between law and public health practice and analyzes the legal basis of public health. The article also examines the roles of the legal actors in public health practice and their means. Results: Law grants the necessary powers to the states and governments, and law also distributes these powers among the state institutions. Law and Public health build an important relationship in the interest of the population’s health. Based on law and on legal authorization, states establish and fund public health agencies and bestow them with powers vis-à-vis citizens to pursue public health goals. A number of legal fields can be found that aim to protect and promote the public's health. The entirety of these legal fields build the superordinate field "Public Health Law." Public health law can be defined as the sum of all legal rules that directly or indirectly aim to safeguard or promote the population's health. These rules may result from statutory law, administrative regulations and acts, customary law and common law. Conclusions: Law is essential for the infrastructure and functioning of public health. The legal basis of public health is rooted in the basic rights of the people to health, safety and life. Based on these basic rights, the people and the population they form have the right to self-defense. In states, people mandate the state and the state powers to safeguard and promote their health. Therefore, the population’s basic right to health, safety and life, and their corresponding right to self-defense are the basis and justification for the general existence of public health activities of states. Public health is a duty of the state vis-à-vis the people from whom all state powers derive

    Verschulden und Mitverschulden im Dreieck Pharmaunternehmen - Arzt - Patient

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    Arzneimittelschäden haben hohe haftungsrechtliche Relevanz. Pharmaunternehmen, Ärzte und Patienten sind die Hauptakteure der Haftung für Arzneimittelschäden. Die Arbeit stellt die diesbezüglichen Verantwortlichkeiten der Akteure und das Dreiecks-Beziehungsgeflecht zwischen ihnen dar. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf dem Mitverschulden des Patienten. Nach Darstellung der Haftung des Pharmaunternehmers und des Arztes werden zur Konkretisierung der Patientenverantwortungssphäre die Obliegenheiten herausgearbeitet, die der Patient zur Vermeidung eines Arzneimittelschadens zu beachten hat und deren Verletzung ein Mitverschulden begründet. Anschließend werden die prozessrechtliche Situation im Haftungsdreieck mit den Beweismöglichkeiten des Patienten im Prozess gegen Arzt oder Pharmaunternehmer dargestellt sowie Erkenntnismöglichkeiten und prozessuale Vorgehensweisen zum Beweis des Patientenmitverschuldens aufgezeigt

    Verschulden und Mitverschulden im Dreieck Pharmaunternehmen - Arzt - Patient

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    Arzneimittelschäden haben hohe haftungsrechtliche Relevanz. Pharmaunternehmen, Ärzte und Patienten sind die Hauptakteure der Haftung für Arzneimittelschäden. Die Arbeit stellt die diesbezüglichen Verantwortlichkeiten der Akteure und das Dreiecks-Beziehungsgeflecht zwischen ihnen dar. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf dem Mitverschulden des Patienten. Nach Darstellung der Haftung des Pharmaunternehmers und des Arztes werden zur Konkretisierung der Patientenverantwortungssphäre die Obliegenheiten herausgearbeitet, die der Patient zur Vermeidung eines Arzneimittelschadens zu beachten hat und deren Verletzung ein Mitverschulden begründet. Anschließend werden die prozessrechtliche Situation im Haftungsdreieck mit den Beweismöglichkeiten des Patienten im Prozess gegen Arzt oder Pharmaunternehmer dargestellt sowie Erkenntnismöglichkeiten und prozessuale Vorgehensweisen zum Beweis des Patientenmitverschuldens aufgezeigt

    Vivienne Harpwood, Medicine, Malpractice and Misapprehensions

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    Evaluation of cases with hypersensitivity pneumonia: 10 year analysis

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    Abstract Introduction The aim of this study was to examine the clinical features of hypersensitivity pneumonia (HP) cases, diagnostic methods, and related conditions in our hospital, which is a reference clinic in Turkey for chest disease. Methods The population of this retrospective cross‐sectional study consists of all hypersensitivity pneumonia patients followed in a tertiary hospital between 2010 and 2019. The data of 78 patients were included in the analysis. Data were grouped by source of exposure (occupational, environmental, and cryptogenic) by examining the files of the patients. Results Occupational risk factors were detected in 29 (37.2%) of the cases, environmental risk factors were found in 24 (30.8%) cases, neither occupational nor environmental risk factors were detected in 25 (32%) cases, and they were evaluated as cryptogenic. The time from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis was 15.8 ± 26.6 months. The time from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis was found to be longer in the group with occupational risk factors compared with the other groups and was statistically significant (0.044). Conclusion HP is a immune‐mediated interstitial lung disease induced by repeated exposure to environmental and occupational antigens. Etiological agent can be detected in HP patients by detailed questioning of occupational and environmental exposure that may be associated with the onset of symptoms in cases with suspected HP

    Loan to Deposit Ratio, Non-Core Liability and Profitability in the Turkish Banking Sector: Evidences From Dynamic Panel Model

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    In this paper, we examine the relationship between the loan-to-deposit ratio (LDR) and the profitability of Turkish banks using quarterly data over the period 2002-2015. We employ three different profitability measures as dependent variables; return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and net interest margin (NIM). Applying the fixed effect GMM technique, we find that there exists a positive and significant relationship between the LDR and all three profitability measures. Estimation results also suggest that the positive impact on profitability declines with the ratio, that is, there are significant non-linearities. Specifically, the effect of the LDR on ROA and ROE increases at a decreasing rate, but the relationship between the LDR and NIM appears to be linear. However, results for the subsample 2002-2009 indicate that the association between the LDR and profitability is positive and linear. These results suggest that after some threshold, increasing the LDR would eventually erode bank profitability. The findings are consistent with the recent developments in the Turkish banking sector

    Künt batın travmalarına bağlı karaciğer ve dalak yaralanmalarında nonoperatif tedavinin yeri

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    Currently, the incidence of blunt abdominal trauma increased in accordance with progress in science and technology. Liver and spleen are mostly injured organs due to blunt abdominal trauma. Ten patients, with intraabdominal solid organ injuries due to blunt abdominal trauma that were treated nonoperatively at General Surgery Department of Ege University Medical School Hospital, were evaluated between 1993 and 1997. All patients were followed by either USG or CT after trauma. The mean age was 3-12 years (17-46) and mean hospital stay was 8 days (4-20), in the study. While no mortal cases were seen in the study, there were two cases with atelectasis and one with pancreatic pseudocyst causing morbidity. As a result, nonoperative therapy may be used safely especially in selective patients with liver and splenic injury due to blunt abdominal trauma.Günümüzde teknolojinin ve bilimin ilerlemesi ile birlikte künt batın travmalarının insidansında da artış gözlenmektedir. Künt batın travmasına bağlı organ yaralanmaları içerisinde özellikle karaciğer ve dalak başta gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Ege Üniversitesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalında 1993-1997 yılları arasında intraabdominal solid organ yaralanması saptanan ve nonoperatif tedavi uygulanan on olgu değerlendirildi. Olguların travma sonrası takibinde ultrasonografi ve/veya bilgisayarlı tomografi kullanıldı. Yaş ortalamasının 31.2 (17-46) olduğu çalışmada, hastanede kalış süresi ortalama 8 gün (4-20 gün) olarak belirlendi. Mortalite saptanmayan çalışmada morbidite olarak bir olguda pankreas psödokisti, iki olguda atelektazi gelişti. Sonuç olarak, künt batın travmalarına bağlı karaciğer ve dalak yaralanmalarında, özellikle seçilmiş vakalarda nonoperatif tedavinin güvenli olarak uygulanabileceği kanısındayız