10 research outputs found

    Recurrent Pneumonia in Children: A Reasoned Diagnostic Approach and a Single Centre Experience

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    Recurrent pneumonia (RP), i.e., at least two episodes of pneumonia in one year or three episodes ever with intercritical radiographic clearing of densities, occurs in 7.7%-9% of children with community-acquired pneumonia. In RP, the challenge is to discriminate between children with self-limiting or minor problems, that do not require a diagnostic work-up, and those with an underlying disease. The aim of the current review is to discuss a reasoned diagnostic approach to RP in childhood. Particular emphasis has been placed on which children should undergo a diagnostic work-up and which tests should be performed. A pediatric case series is also presented, in order to document a single centre experience of RP. A management algorithm for the approach to children with RP, based on the evidence from a literature review, is proposed. Like all algorithms, it is not meant to replace clinical judgment, but it should drive physicians to adopt a systematic approach to pediatric RP and provide a useful guide to the clinician

    Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Children.

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    Since its appearance in Wuhan in mid-December 2019, acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) related 19 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread dramatically worldwide. It soon became apparent that the incidence of pediatric COVID-19 was much lower than the adult form. Morbidity in children is characterized by a variable clinical presentation and course. Symptoms are similar to those of other acute respiratory viral infections, the upper airways being more affected than the lower airways. Thus far, over 90% of children who tested positive for the virus presented mild or moderate symptoms and signs. Most children were asymptomatic, and only a few cases were severe, unlike in the adult population. Deaths have been rare and occurred mainly in children with underlying morbidity. Factors as reduced angiotensin-converting enzyme receptor expression, increased activation of the interferon-related innate immune response, and trained immunity have been implicated in the relative resistance to COVID-19 in children, however the underlying pathogenesis and mechanism of action remain to be established. While at the pandemic outbreak, mild respiratory manifestations were the most frequently described symptoms in children, subsequent reports suggested that the clinical course of COVID-19 is more complex than initially thought. Thanks to the experience acquired in adults, the diagnosis of pediatric SARS-CoV-2 infection has improved with time. Data on the treatment of children are sparse, however, several antiviral trials are ongoing. The purpose of this narrative review is to summarize current understanding of pediatric SARS-CoV-2 infection and provide more accurate information for healthcare workers and improve the care of patients

    NMR Profiling of Exhaled Breath Condensate Defines Different Metabolic Phenotypes of Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis

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    Nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) profiling of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) provides insights into the pathophysiology of bronchiectasis by identifying specific biomarkers. We evaluated whether NMR-based metabolomics discriminates the EBC-derived metabolic phenotypes ("metabotypes") of 41 patients with non-cystic fibrosis (nCF) bronchiectasis of various etiology [24 subjects with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD); 17 patients with bronchiectasis not associated with PCD (nCF/nPCD)], who were compared to 17 healthy subjects (HS). NMR was used for EBC profiling, and Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures with partial least-squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) was used as a classifier. The results were validated by using the EBC from 17 PCD patients not included in the primary analysis. Different statistical models were built, which compared nCF/nPCD and HS, PCD and HS, all classes (nCF/nPCD-PCD-HS), and, finally, PCD and nCF/nPCD. In the PCD-nCF/nPCD model, four statistically significant metabolites were able to discriminate between the two groups, with only a minor reduction of the quality parameters. In particular, for nCF/nPCD, acetone/acetoin and methanol increased by 21% and 18%, respectively. In PCD patients, ethanol and lactate increased by 25% and 28%, respectively. They are all related to lung inflammation as methanol is found in the exhaled breath of lung cancer patients, acetone/acetoin produce toxic ROS that damage lung tissue in CF, and lactate is observed in acute inflammation. Interestingly, a high concentration of ethanol hampers cilia beating and can be associated with the genetic defect of PCD. Model validation with 17 PCD samples not included in the primary analysis correctly predicted all samples. Our results indicate that NMR of EBC discriminates nCF/nPCD and PCD bronchiectasis patients from HS, and patients with nCF/nPCD from those with PCD. The metabolites responsible for between-group separation identified specific metabotypes, which characterize bronchiectasis of a different etiology

    Respiratory phenotypes of neuromuscular diseases: A challenging issue for pediatricians

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    Neuromuscular disease (NMDs) encompass a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders, with respiratory problems of variable intensity and progression described at any pediatric age, from infancy to adolescence, and they are largely associated with significant lifelong morbidity and high mortality. Restriction of breathing, impaired gas exchange, decline of lung function and sleep disordered breathing progressively develop because of muscular weakness and culminate in respiratory failure. Depending on the disease progression, airways manifestations can take weeks to months or even years to evolve, thus depicting two major respiratory phenotypes, characterized by rapid or slow progression to respiratory failure. Assessing type and age at onset of airways problems and their evolution over time can support pediatricians in the diagnostic assessment of NMD. In addition, knowing the characteristics of patients' respiratory phenotype can increase the level of awareness among neonatologists, geneticists, neurologists, pulmonologists, nutritionists, and chest therapists, supporting them in the challenging task of the multidisciplinary medical care of patients. In this review we examine the issues related to the pediatric respiratory phenotypes of NMD and present a novel algorithm that can act as a guide for the diagnostic agenda and the key preventive or therapeutic interventions of airways manifestations. With prolonged survival of children with NMD, the advent of neuromuscular respiratory medicine, including accurate assessment of the respiratory phenotype, will help physicians to determine patients’ prognoses and to design studies for the evaluation of new therapies

    Diagnosis of Paediatric Obstructive Sleep-Disordered Breathing beyond Polysomnography

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    Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) has significant impacts on health, and therefore, a timely and accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective management and intervention. This narrative review provides an overview of the current approaches utilised in the diagnosis of SDB in children. Diagnostic methods for SDB in children involve a combination of clinical assessment, medical history evaluation, questionnaires, and objective measurements. Polysomnography (PSG) is the diagnostic gold standard. It records activity of brain and tibial and submental muscles, heart rhythm, eye movements, oximetry, oronasal airflow, abdominal and chest movements, body position. Despite its accuracy, it is a time-consuming and expensive tool. Respiratory polygraphy instead monitors cardiorespiratory function without simultaneously assessing sleep and wakefulness; it is more affordable than PSG, but few paediatric studies compare these techniques and there is optional recommendation in children. Nocturnal oximetry is a simple and accessible exam that has high predictive value only for children at high risk. The daytime nap PSG, despite the advantage of shorter duration and lower costs, is not accurate for predicting SDB. Few paediatric data support the use of home testing during sleep. Finally, laboratory biomarkers and radiological findings are potentially useful hallmarks of SDB, but further investigations are needed to standardise their use in clinical practice

    Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Children with Down Syndrome: A Multidisciplinary Approach

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    A comprehensive evaluation of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) may allow for the development of more efficient management of Down syndrome (DS). We aimed to evaluate the effect of a multidisciplinary approach to DS with OSA. A total of 48 DS children aged 4–12 years were prospectively investigated with nasal endoscopy, orthodontic examination, and overnight polygraphy (PG); the Italian Child Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ-IT) was filled out by the mothers. The total CSHQ-IT score was 63 (96% of children reporting sleep problems). The major ear, nose, and throat characteristics were enlarged palatine tonsils (62%), adenoid tonsils (85%), and chronic rhinosinusitis (85%). DS children showed orthognathic profile in 68% of cases, class I relationship in 63%, and cross-bite in 51%. PG revealed OSA in 67% of cases (37% mild, 63% moderate–severe). The oxygen desaturation index (ODI) was higher in the group with OSA (5.2) than with non-OSA (1.3; p p = 0.001) and SpO2 lower (p = 0.03) in children with moderate–severe OSA than with mild OSA. The apnoea–hypopnea index (AHI) and percentage time with SpO2 p = 0.04, and 1.2 vs. 0.1, p = 0.01, respectively). No significant correlations were found between PG and the total CSHQ-IT score or orthodontic data. However, children showing associated cross-bite, grade III adenoids and size 3 or 4 palatine tonsils showed higher AHI and ODI than those without (p = 0.01 and p = 0.04, respectively). A coordinated multidisciplinary approach with overnight PG is a valuable tool when developing diagnostic protocols for OSA in DS

    Alert Germ Infections: Chest X-ray and CT Findings in Hospitalized Patients Affected by Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Pneumonia

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    Acinetobacter baumannii (Ab) is an opportunistic Gram-negative pathogen intrinsically resistant to many antimicrobials. The aim of this retrospective study was to describe the imaging features on chest X-ray (CXR) and computed tomography (CT) scans in hospitalized patients with multidrug-resistant (MDR) Ab pneumonia. CXR and CT findings were graded on a three-point scale: 1 represents normal attenuation, 2 represents ground-glass attenuation, and 3 represents consolidation. For each lung zone, with a total of six lung zones in each patient, the extent of disease was graded using a five-point scale: 0, no involvement; 1, involving 25% of the zone; 2, 25–50%; 3, 50–75%; and 4, involving >75% of the zone. Points from all zones were added for a final total cumulative score ranging from 0 to 72. Among 94 patients who tested positive for MDR Ab and underwent CXR (males 52.9%, females 47.1%; mean age 64.2 years; range 1–90 years), 68 patients underwent both CXR and chest CT examinations. The percentage of patients with a positive CT score was significantly higher than that obtained on CXR (67.65% > 35.94%, p-value = 0.00258). CT score (21.88 ± 15.77) was significantly (p-value = 0.0014) higher than CXR score (15.06 ± 18.29). CXR and CT revealed prevalent bilateral abnormal findings mainly located in the inferior and middle zones of the lungs. They primarily consisted of peripheral ground-glass opacities and consolidations which predominated on CXR and CT, respectively

    Chronic respiratory disorders due to aberrant innominate artery: a case series and critical review of the literature

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    Abstract Background Tracheal compression (TC) due to vascular anomalies is an uncommon, but potentially serious cause of chronic respiratory disease in childhood. Vascular slings are congenital malformations resulting from abnormal development of the great vessels; in this group of disorders the most prevalent entity is the aberrant innominate artery (AIA). Here we provide a report on diagnosis and treatment of AIA in nine children with unexplained chronic respiratory symptoms. We describe the cases, perform a literature review, and provide a discussion on the diagnostic workup and treatment that can help manage AIA. Methods Clinical history, diagnostic procedures and treatment before and after the AIA diagnosis were retrospectively reviewed in nine children (5 boys and 4 girls), who were referred for recurrent-to-chronic respiratory manifestations over 10 years (2012–2022). We performed a comprehensive report on the ongoing clinical course and treatment as well as an electronic literature search on the topic. Results Diagnoses at referral, before AIA was identified, were chronic dry barking cough associated with recurrent pneumonia (n = 8, 89%), lobar/segmental atelectasis (n = 3, 33%), atopic/non atopic asthma (n = 3, 33%); pneumomediastinum with subcutaneous emphysema complicated the clinical course in one case. When referred to our Unit, all patients had been previously treated with repeated antibiotic courses (n = 9, 100%), alone (n = 6, 67%) or combined with prolonged antiasthma medications (n = 3, 33%) and/or daily chest physiotherapy (n = 2, 22%), but reported only partial clinical benefit. Median ages at symptom onset and at AIA diagnosis were 1.5 [0.08–13] and 6 [4–14] years, respectively, with a relevant delay in the definitive diagnosis (4.5 years). Tracheal stenosis at computed tomography (CT) was ≥ 51% in 4/9 cases and ≤ 50% in the remaining 5 subjects. Airway endoscopy was performed in 4 cases with CT evidence of tracheal stenosis ≥ 51% and confirmed CT findings. In these 4 cases, the decision of surgery was made based on endoscopy and CT findings combined with persistence of clinical symptoms despite medical treatment. The remaining 5 children were managed conservatively. Conclusions TC caused by AIA may be responsible for unexplained chronic respiratory disease in childhood. Early diagnosis of AIA can decrease the use of expensive investigations or unsuccessful treatments, reduce disease morbidity, and accelerate the path toward a proper treatment