8 research outputs found

    Dokaz protutijela za kugu malih preživača i goveđu kugu u saudijskih ovaca i koza u prirodnim uvjetima.

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    This study represents the first survey for serum antibodies against peste des petits ruminants (PPR) and rinderpest (RP) viruses, in sheep and goats in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study involved the Eastern region of the country. A total of 1035 serum samples were examined (750 sheep and 285 goats). In order to obtain a genuine insight into the activity of the two viruses as reflected by seroconversion, serum samples were collected only from sedentary, locally-bred, non-vaccinated sheep and goats that were more than one year old. The number of samples collected followed standard epidemiological criteria in similar situations. The prevalence of PPR virus antibodies was 3.1% in sheep and 0.6% in goats, while that of RPV antibodies was 3.6% in sheep and 5.7% in goats. Generally speaking, the prevalence of PPRV antibodies in both species was 2.3%, while that of RPV was 4.3%.The mono-specific reactivity in both species was 93.2 % for rinderpest and 66.7 % for PPR.Rad iznosi prve rezultate istraživanja protutijela za virus kuge malih preživača (KMP) i virus goveđe kuge (GK) u ovaca i koza u Saudijskoj Arabiji. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno istočno područje zemlje. Pretraženo je ukupno 1035 uzoraka seruma (750 ovčjih i 285 kozjih). Radi dobivanja stvarne slike aktivnosti ovih dvaju virusa, uzorci seruma bili su sakupljani samo od domaćih, lokalno rasplođivanih, nevakciniranih ovaca i koza starijih od godinu dana. Broj sakupljenih uzoraka bio je u skladu sa standardnim epidemiološkim kriterijima. Proširenost protutijela za virus KMP iznosila je 3,1% u ovaca i 0,6% u koza, dok je proširenost protutijela za virus GK bila 3,6% u ovaca i 5,7% u koza. Općenito prikazana, proširenost KMP u obje vrste iznosila je 2,3%, dok je za GK iznosila 4,3%. Monospecifična reaktivnost u obje vrste bila je 93,2% za GK i 66,7% za KMP

    Promatranje prirodne i pokusne infekcije ovaca i koza virulentnim terenskim sojem Capripoxvirusa visokog afiniteta za koze.

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    A virulent field Capripoxvirus with high affinity to goats was isolated for the first time in Saudi Arabia from a natural disease involving a mixed herd of local breeds of sheep and goats. Observations on both the natural disease and the experimental studies indicated its host preference to goats. The results were discussed in relation to concerns regarding the use of the current Romanian strain of sheeppox vaccine in the country. The epidemiology of Capripoxvirus infection in Saudi Arabia was discussed.Virulentni terenski soj Capripoxvirusa s visokim afinitetom za koze izdvojen je prvi put u Saudijskoj Arabiji iz prirodno oboljelih mješovitih stada lokalnih pasmina ovaca i koza. Promatranje prirodno i pokusno izazvane bolesti pokazalo je da su koze prirodni domaćin te da ovce nisu oboljevale. Rezultati su razmatrani u odnosu na vakcinaciju protiv ovčjih boginja rumunjskim vakcinalnim sojem. Razmatrana je epidemiologija infekcije Capripoxvirusom u Saudijskoj Arabiji

    Teška Auzdyk infekcija u jednomjesečnih devinih mladunaca (Camelus dromedarius).

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    On 11 March 2002 two approximately one-month-old, one-humped camel calves (C. dromedarius) were presented to the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, King Faisal University, Al-Hasa, Saudi Arabia (SA), suffering from severe lesions on the lips and hard palates. Samples were collected and virological, pathological and serological investigations were carried out. The disease was confirmed to be Auzdyk. The situation was discussed in relation to the severity of the disease, a condition seen for the first time in this country, in these very young camels,. The results confirmed that fairly young camel calves, 1-month old, can suffer a severe form of the disease.Na sveučilišnu veterinarsku kliniku King Faisal Sveučilišta u Saudijskog Arabiji (SA), dovedena su dva mladunca jednogrbih deva u dobi od približno mjesec dana s jako izraženim lezijama na usnama i tvrdom nepcu. Uzeti su uzorci kako bi se obavile virološka, patološka i serološka pretraga. Potvrđeno je da je riječ o Ausdyk infekciji. Razmatrana je jačina bolesti i njena pojava u mladih deva po prvi put u ovoj zemlji. Rezultati potvrđuju da i sasvim mlade deve, stare mjesec dana, mogu oboljeti s jako izraženim znakovima bolesti

    Veterinarsko značenje komarčića roda Culicoides (Ceratopogonidae) u nekim podruèjima Saudijske Arabije.

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    Despite reports of severe outbreaks of arboviral diseases in domestic animals in Saudi Arabia, very little effort has been made to study the potential local vectors of these diseases. Diseases such as bluetongue and African horse sickness were reported in Saudi Arabia. Such diseases are internationally known to be vectored by Culicoides midges. The present study was undertaken at three localities in Saudi Arabia where arboviral activity had previously been reported. Results revealed the presence of four Culicoides species in the three localities. Two of these species were confirmed as vectors of arboviruses of domestic animals in neighbouring countries. The results were discussed in relation to the epidemiology of arboviral diseases in Saudi Arabia.Usprkos pojave teških arbovirusnih zaraza u domaćih životinja u Saudijskoj Arabiji, vrlo malo pozornosti posvećuje se istraživanjima mogućih vektora. U Saudijskoj Arabiji javljaju se bolesti kao što su bolest plavog jezika i konjska kuga. Poznato je da njih prenose komarčići roda Culicoides. Istraživanje je poduzeto na trima područjima u Saudijskoj Arabiji na kojima je već prethodno dokazana aktivnost arbovirusa. Dokazane su četiri vrste komarčića. Potvrđeno je da dvije od tih vrsta služe kao vektori arbovirusa u domaćih životinja. Rezultati su razmatrani u sklopu epizootiologije arbovirusnih bolesti u Saudijskoj Arabiji

    Zika virus disease

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    The Zika virus is an arbovirus belonging to the virus family Flaviviridae. The virus was isolated in 1947 from a rhesus monkey in the Zika Forest of Uganda. The virus causes sporadic mild human infections in Africa and later in Asia. However, by 2007 a major shift in its infection pattern was noticed and thousands of human infections were reported in the State of Yap and Federated States of Micronesia. In the last 3 years, major outbreaks have continued to occur and the virus has spread to several Pacific and American countries. These outbreaks were mostly asymptomatic; however, there were more severe clinical signs associated with the infections. Those signs included microcephaly and Guillain–Barre syndrome. It is believed that various species of mosquitoes can biologically transmit the virus. However, Aedes aegypti is most widely associated with the Zika virus. Recently, new modes of virus transmission have been reported, including mother-to-fetus, sexual, blood transfusion, animal bites, laboratory exposure and breast milk. Differential diagnosis is very important as some other arboviruses such as yellow fever virus, West Nile virus, dengue virus, and chikungunya virus have similar clinical manifestations to the Zika virus infection as well as relating serologically to some of these viruses. Established laboratory diagnostic tests to detect the Zika virus are limited, with reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction being the most widely used test. Taking into consideration the quickness of the spread of infection, size of the infected population and change of the infection severity pattern, the Zika virus infection merits collective efforts on all levels to prevent and control the disease. Limited research work and data, concurrent infection with other arboviruses, involvement of biological vectors, mass crowd events, human and trade movements and lack of vaccines are some of the challenges that we face in our efforts to prevent and control the Zika virus infection