38 research outputs found

    The Competitive Advantage of Outstanding the Products and Services of the Nigerian Service Industry

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    The study examines the concept of outsourcing and the possible impact it has on the competitive advantage it has on a company in Nigerian economy. Outsourcing is the practice in which companies move or contract out some or all of their products or service operations to other companies that specialize in those operations or to companies in other countries. The problems indentified in the Nigeria service industry are high operating cost having negative impact on return on capital employed, sub-optimality in production because of ineffective utilization of resources and inability of organization to identify areas of core competence for competitive advantage. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the competitive advantag

    Petroleum Profit Tax and Nigeria Economic Development

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    Petroleum Profit Tax is a major source of revenue for the Federal Government of Nigeria to meet its statutory obligations of ensuring the economic development of Nigeria. It assists the government to achieve the country’s macroeconomic objective in the areas of fiscal and monetary policies.However,it has been observed that non-provision of corporate social responsibilities in the communities where there is extraction of crude oil result into constant destruction of production installations, and hindrance to production; tax avoidance and evasion d poor tax administration, and weak fiscal policy have been negating the increase in tax income generated. The main objective of this paper is to assess the relationship between petroleum profit tax and economic development of Nigeria for the enhancement of the welfare of the citizens. Primary and secondary data were used to collect the research data, while chi-square and multiple regression statistical models were used to analyze the results of the field work. The findings reveal that there is a very strong relationship between petroleum profit tax and economic development of Nigeria, tax avoidance and evasion are major hindrance to income growth in this sector, poor tax administration is a problem to effectiveness and efficiency of this source of income, and lack of corporate social responsibilities is causing unrest in the crude oil production zone. The paper recommends the need for the government to make judicious use income generated for the benefits of Nigerians, and among others the need for tax reforms to address the issue of tax evasion and avoidance

    Globalization and the Precarious State of Public Finance in Nigeria

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    As globalization eviscerates national borders, governments in both developed and developing countries are discovering that their tax base is eroding, especially their ability to tax the proceeds and profits from corporate investment and finance Domestic revenue mobilization is key to sustainable development finance – only selfsufficiency will allow the development of fully-functioning states with flourishing systems of political representation and economies reflecting societies’ expressed preferences in regard to, for example, inequality. The significant of this paper therefore is that it will enable the revenue authority take necessary steps to prevent tax avoidance and tax evasion so as to increase the level of domestic revenue for development. It concluded that claims of corporate social responsibility are undermined when low corporate tax payments are exposed and a process of tax competition at the global level undermines the social contract previously set within the national arena, as states compete to offer tax exemption to capital. The paper suggested that with effective tax administration, adequate taxation of transnational corporations, tax compliance as part of corporate accountability, international tax cooperation, fight against bribery and corruption, arm length international trade negotiations and reduction in military expenditure, the problems are more likely to be solved

    Tax Expenditure in Sub Saharan Africa: The Nigerian Experience

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    The Nigerian government established the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies(NEEDS) in 2003 to achieve its trade policy of which the reform of Nigeria Custom Services is one of the major functions. Over the years, custom and excise duties have been major sources of revenue apart from crude oil.However, the problems of corruption, fraud and malpractices together with inefficiencies and ineffectiveness in operations have hindered the desire to contribute maximally to the economic development of the nation. The central objective of trade policy was to provide protection for domestic industries and reduce the perceived dependence on imports; reduce level of unemployment and generate more revenues from the non-oil sector,hence tariffs on raw materials and intermediate capital goods were scaled down. Duty exemptions and concessions remain some of the quantitative policy instruments for attracting investment and boost domestic production. This paper will review; discuss Tax Expenditure and the Nigerian experience, especially on loss of revenue from custom

    Quality of Tax Services, Moderated by Trust in State Internal Revenue Service and Voluntary Tax Compliance Behaviour among Individual Taxpayers in South-West, Nigeria

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    Research on tax compliance is of economic, social and political benefit to the government and the citizens. Constant loss of tax revenue due to level of Quality of Tax Service (QTS) rendered by tax authority is perceived to have adversely affected nation’s revenue generation and infrastructural development. Researches have been carried out on taxpayers’ compliance, but not many considered the effect of QTS in their study. This studied looked at the probable influence of QTS on taxpayers’ Voluntary Tax Compliance (VTC) behaviour in South-West, Nigeria. The study used survey research design with study population of 5,216,422 individual taxpayers. Data were collected with validated questionnaire by means of random sampling techniques. Sample size of 1,200 was used with a response rate of 87.6%. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse data at 5% significance level. The study revealed that QTS positively influenced VTC among individual taxpayers in the study states (Adj.R2 =.117, F(6, 1050) =24.139, p =.000). There was evidence that trust in State Internal Revenue Service, QTS and employment status have significant relationship with VTC behaviour while gender, age and educational level do not have significant relationship with VTC in the study states respectively. The study concluded that QTS influenced VTC. Therefore, lack of tax awareness, tax education/information and poor tax service delivery was responsible for tax non-compliance. The study recommended that government should carry out tax education/information and tax awareness to taxpayers while tax officials should apply the concept of public management to tax service delivery


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    The interconnectivity of nations and their economies have converted the global economy into a village where it is easy for nations within the global economic system to interact and explore investment opportunities. The foreign companies that have direct investment in other global economies owe the communities the obligation of providing social investment that are to take care of the social well being of the inhabitants/citizens of the area affected. This paper identified among others the problem of selecting the right type of social investment or mix of investment that will benefit the community and give the organization maximum return, in some cases neglecting the communities to suffer after depleting their natural resources and left the land barren. The objectives are to evaluate how corporate social investment can enhance global foreign direct investment in the global village, assess the role corporate social investment plays in helping an organization achieve its global investment, assess the corporate social investment activities corporate entities can invest in to reduce society disturbance of operations and enhance productivity and to determine the ways corporate social investment will integrate good relationship with the community. The Nigerian economy is the population and selected profit making organizations as sample representatives. We employed the Analysis of Variance for the result of the research work. Some of the findings are that Corporate Social Investment will improve the local economy, develop the environment, promote community peace, enhance organizations productions income, eradicate distress syndrome in their businesses, protect resources and create shareholders satisfaction. We recommend that the multinational corporations should embark on various corporate social investment while the Nigerian Accounting Board should create an accounting standard that will take care of its accounting system and subject part of the investment to tax exemption. The economic operational disturbances in Nigeria calls for this paper at this critical period

    Performance Evaluation of A Developed Dewatered Cassava Mash Sifter

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    A cassava pulp sifter for grated and dewatered cassava was developed and evaluated. The machine was evaluated at three operating speeds of 260rpm, 350rpm and 530rpm and masses of 1kg, 2kg and 3kg.  It was observed that increase in the speed of operation increased both sieving capacity and sieving efficiency of the machine. Increase in mass, increased sieving capacity and decreased sieving efficiency. The average maximum sifting efficiency and capacity were 95.32% and 613.16kg/hr respectively. All the materials used for the fabrication were obtained locally and the machine has low labour requirements which can be adopted in gari processing industries. Keywords: Cassava, Dewatered, Mash, Performance Evaluation, Shifter DOI: 10.7176/FSQM/99-04 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Increasing placement opportunities at a London community trust

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    As healthcare service provision is shifting from acute hospital settings to community settings and primary care, the nursing curriculum puts an increased emphasis on these sectors with student nurses increasingly needing community-based clinical placements. Furthermore, changes in how students are mentored in clinical practice are under way. In collaboration with London South Bank University, a London community trust has expanded its offer of clinical placements through a pilot project involving 11 children’s centres. The placements were either hub-and-breadth-spoke placements or used a team-mentoring model. This article describes the pilot project, its background, implementation and evaluation

    Reconstruction of paleoenvironmental conditions in Equatorial Atlantic and the Gulf of Guinea Basins for the last 245.000 years.

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    The Niger fan Deep-sea core GeoB 4901-8 (02°40.7'N, 006°43.2'E: water depth 2184 m) was studied to give information about the source and pathway of terrigenous materials into the fan area, the climate change over western central Africa and to have insight to the response of the surface ocean in the Gulf of Guinea during the last 245,000 years. Based on the concentration profiles of terrigenous source elements in this core, the terrigenous components are dominantly river suspended material with maximum sediment input to the ocean occurring during cold and arid periods. At higher resolution, the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) of the terrigenous element (Fe, Ti) intensities and the stable oxygen isotope (g18 O) of Globigerinoides ruber (pink) and Globigerinoides sacculifer were measured. The isotopic curves and the XRF counts show oscillating climatic conditions in the late Quaternary.17

    Application of Responsibility Accounting to Productivity Evaluation in the Nigerian Quoted Companies

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    The study was designed to identify measure of performance that is related to shareholders wealth and that managers can directly observe and can see the influence of their actions in their responsibilities. The primary objective of business is to maximize the shareholders wealth. The measurement of firm’ s productivity is a good indicator to assess the realization of this objective. The responsibility to achieve this goal however lies heavily in the hands of managers which has become a major challenge in profit oriented organizations. It has been observed that responsibility accounting application to evaluate productivity is missing in Nigerian quoted companies, while in some it is not well instituted and administered. The research work adopted an ex-post facto research design, with a focus on the quoted Nigerian quoted companies as at 31st December 2016.A sample size of 53 companies was selected by using a combination of stratified and purposive sampling techniques. Productivity was proxied by earnings per share while Responsibility accounting was proxied by cost of sales, operating cost, net income and Return on Asset. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analyses. The data collected were analyzed using specified regression models with the aid of E-View statistical package. The findings showed that responsibility accounting variables of cost of sales, operating cost, net income and return on assets have positive and significant impact on earnings per share with p values of t statistics < 0.05.The joint effect of cost of sales, operating cost, net income and return on asset on earning per share is significant. The F-statistics and Adjusted R2 values were prob.F=0.000,R2=0.37.The Adjusted R2 value was not strong in explaining the variations in earning per share. This implied that cost of sales, operating coat, net income and return on asset do not sufficiently explained variations in earning per share. We concluded that responsibility accounting has a significant positive effect on productivity in Nigerian quoted companies. This showed that if all the independent variables can be efficiently managed and controlled, value will be created in the quoted companies. We recommended that managers in profit centres, cost centres and investment centres should focus their actions towards the company’s productivity and maximization of the company’s value and shareholders wealth