91 research outputs found

    The Treaty System from Stockholm (1972) to Rio de Janeiro (1992)

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    The Rule on Interlocutory Injunctions Under Domestic Law and the Interim Measures of Protection Under International Law: Some Critical Differences

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    The author describes Article 41 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, which is meant to preserve the respective rights of parties to the dispute pending litigation. The view adopted in this Article is that it is evidently necessary to state specifically, in an instrument conferring jurisdiction to indicate interim measures upon an international forum, that such measures shall be binding as between the parties to the dispute and in respect of that particular case. Without such a specific provision on the binding nature of interim measures, an instrument conferring jurisdiction will be understood as having left the question open for competing interpretation as is presently the case with respect to Article 41

    Approaches to Bilateral Loan Agreements between Developed and Developing States: Some Lessons from the Practice of Denmark, the United Kingdom and the United States

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    An earlier study,\u27 relying upon texts of bilateral loan agreements concluded between Denmark and certain developing countries, 2 and between the United Kingdom and certain developing countries, 3 discloses that there is a need for further examination of the subject for the purposes of updating and assessing the trend of developments in this area of international law. This paper is accordingly designed to offer comparative analysis of the more recent approaches to bilateral loan agreements concluded by Denmark, the United Kingdom and the United States with a number of developing countries. The selection of these three developed, market economy States for the comparative analysis here is based on the realization that their approaches reflect most of the major legal, economic, and policy issues which may be regarded as relevant to loan agreements. At best, their practices offer readily available examples of points which this writer seeks to bring out in connection with the issues enumerated at the end of this introductory section and discussed in the ensuing sections

    Protection of the Environment in Times of Armed Conflict: Reflections on the Existing and Future Treaty Law

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    This survey indicates that no treaty has been concluded to deal with environmental issues comprehensively. No treaty states basic principles which States would be called upon to observe with respect to the various environmental problems. However, some efforts in this direction are now underway as noted in the concluding section of this paper. The conclusion discusses the current drafts of such general principles as rights and obligations of States in the field of the environment, including specific reference to the question of the environment and armed conflict

    Protection of the Environment in Times of Armed Conflict: Reflections on the Existing and Future Treaty Law

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    This survey indicates that no treaty has been concluded to deal with environmental issues comprehensively. No treaty states basic principles which States would be called upon to observe with respect to the various environmental problems. However, some efforts in this direction are now underway as noted in the concluding section of this paper. The conclusion discusses the current drafts of such general principles as rights and obligations of States in the field of the environment, including specific reference to the question of the environment and armed conflict

    Loan Agreements Between Developing Countries and Foreign Commercial Banks -- Reflections on Some Legal and Economic Issues

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    This article is included in the symposium entitled: Refinancing of Third World Debt. The third world loans of the American banks are still the most controversial and most worrying part of their international business, even if the wilder fears expressed earlier in 1976 have been discredited. Or to put it more properly, the experience has not been good, but international banks seem so far to have had sound shock absorbers

    Electronic Marketing Practices and Performance of Telecommunications Companies in Kenya

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    The objective of the study was to establish the influence of e-marketing practices on the performance of telecommunications companies in Kenya.  The population of the study comprised all telecommunications companies licensed by the Communications Authority of Kenya.  Primary data were collected from managers using a semi-structured questionnaire while secondary data were obtained from industry performance reports. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, factor analysis and regression analysis.  The results revealed statistically significant relationship between e-marketing practices and organizational performance.  Organizations that are able to adopt novel strategies that include e-marketing practices are capable of reporting better performance. Keywords: e-marketing practices, offline marketing, online marketing, organizational performance, telecommunications companies, keny

    Streamlining the System for Settlement of Disputes under the Law of the Sea Convention

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    Genetic Algorithm Based Model in Text Steganography

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    Steganography is an ancient art. It is used for security in open systems. It focuses on hiding secret messages inside a cover medium. The most important property of a cover medium is the amount of data that can be stored inside it without changing its noticeable properties. There are many sophisticated techniques with which to hide, analyze, and recover that hidden information. This paper discusses an exploration in the use of Genetic Algorithm operators on the cover medium. We worked with text as the cover medium with the aim of increasing robustness and capacity of hidden data. Elitism is used for the fitness function. The model presented here is applied on text files, though the idea can also be used on other file types. Our results show this approach satisfied both security and hiding capacity requirements. Furthermore, we found that an increase in the size of the secret message resulted in an exponential increase in the size of the generated cover text. We also found a close relationship between the size of the chromosome used and the population size