24 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Fresh and Smoked Catfish Marketing in Ekiti and Ondo States of Nigeria

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    The study aimed at comparing fresh and smoked fish marketing in Ondo and Ekiti states, Nigeria, using a total of 120 respondents randomly selected from the two states. The study revealed that most catfish sellers were female, married and young, literates with more than ten years of marketing experiences. About 49.17, 33.33 & 17.50 percent of them were involved in marketing both fresh and smoked catfish, fresh catfish and smoked catfish respectively through direct sales to consumers and retailers. The marketing of both fresh and smoked fish is profitable, however, smoked catfish marketing is found to be more profitable than fresh catfish marketing. Though the variable cost of processing and marketing smoked catfish (N537.60) is higher than that of fresh catfish (N262.50), the return on investment of smoked catfish (0.60) is higher than that of fresh catfish (0.48). This however shows that, the marketing of smoked catfish is efficient and worthwhile in the long run when compared to fresh catfish. The study recommends; introducing more smoking kilns and guarantee minimum price policy for catfish production; effective utilization of catfish associations for credit accessibility and scale up production and capacity building of farmers in smoking kiln utilizatio

    Gender Assessment of Computer and Internet Usage among Student Teachers in Ekiti State Tertiary Institutions

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    The study investigates the usage of computer and Internet resources (IR) among 240 student teachers randomly selected from the Ekiti State University and College of Education Ikere, using a validated questionnaire. Data analysis involves the use of frequency counts, percentages as well as Likert-type scale. Findings show a high level of awareness of online resources among the student teachers; however, the men were more informed than the women. The Ekiti State University students, irrespective of gender, have access to the use of most internet resources than their counterparts from the college of education. Smart phones and computers from Internet café were the major sources of access to IR while Networking, Music and educational resources recorded the highest usage of IR. The majority of the students are not versed in computer usage as they access to it in the classrooms and homes. The significant challenges of internet resource usage witnessed, (irrespective of gender) are; inadequate power supply; lack of computer skills among teachers; poor internet connectivity, lack of skilled manpower and financial constraints. The study recommends the need to review the educational curriculum and integrate Computer and Internet usage into the teacher’s education. The Ekiti State Government and voluntary Organizations should extend the distribution of computers to the higher institutions in the state. The female student teachers should be encouraged to increase their usage of internet resources. Students from the college of education should be encouraged to utilize internet resources to enhance their performance in the classroom and global economic transformation. Keywords: Gender, Internet Usage, Internet Resoources, Student Teachers

    Impact of Micro Credit and Effective Communication System on Income of Women in Ondo and Ekiti States of Nigeria

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    The paper examined how micro credit, in conjunction with effective communication system, could he used to alleviate poverty among women in a democratic and deregulated economy. A total of two hundred and twentyfive respondents who benefitedfrom Country Women Association ofNigeria (COWAN), credit scheme were interviewedfor the study. The respondents were randomly selected from 16 Local Government Areas in which COWAN operates. The study reveals that the loans grantedby COWANrangedfrom #500,00- #40,000.00 with a mean of#10,000.00. It also reveals that the loans were grantedmainlyforfoodcropproduction- maize, rice, cassava andyam, as well asforfarmproduce marketing. The study shows that 73.3 percent of the respondents had access to such information through COWAN programmes, conductedby extension officers as resourcepersons, 22.7percent through radio and24.9percent through television programmes. About 67 percent of the respondents show that, the information helped to improve their productivity. Furthermore, the study reveals that, farm size offood crop increased with loan. The meanfarm size rose from 0.6-0.82 hectares after loan, means offarm sizefor maize, rice and cassava production increased with loan. The study shows that, there was a significant difference between quantity offood crops produced before loan and after obtaining loan. The t-test also shows a significant difference between income of women before and after procuring the loan. It shows that, if more credits are made available to womenfolk with effective extension communication system, theirproduction willfully be enhancedandthe cumulative effect which will reduce or alleviatepoverty among them

    Impact of Micro Credit and Effective Communication System on Income of Women in Ondo and Ekiti States of Nigeria

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    The paper examined how micro credit, in conjunction with effective communication system, could he used to alleviate poverty among women in a democratic and deregulated economy. A total of two hundred and twentyfive respondents who benefitedfrom Country Women Association ofNigeria (COWAN), credit scheme were interviewedfor the study. The respondents were randomly selected from 16 Local Government Areas in which COWAN operates. The study reveals that the loans grantedby COWANrangedfrom #500,00- #40,000.00 with a mean of#10,000.00. It also reveals that the loans were grantedmainlyforfoodcropproduction- maize, rice, cassava andyam, as well asforfarmproduce marketing. The study shows that 73.3 percent of the respondents had access to such information through COWAN programmes, conductedby extension officers as resourcepersons, 22.7percent through radio and24.9percent through television programmes. About 67 percent of the respondents show that, the information helped to improve their productivity. Furthermore, the study reveals that, farm size offood crop increased with loan. The meanfarm size rose from 0.6-0.82 hectares after loan, means offarm sizefor maize, rice and cassava production increased with loan. The study shows that, there was a significant difference between quantity offood crops produced before loan and after obtaining loan. The t-test also shows a significant difference between income of women before and after procuring the loan. It shows that, if more credits are made available to womenfolk with effective extension communication system, theirproduction willfully be enhancedandthe cumulative effect which will reduce or alleviatepoverty among them

    Effect of Training on Adoption of Improved Farm Practices by Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria.

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    An investigation was conducted on whether or not fanners training affects their adoption of improved farmpractices in Agriculture. Two hundred farmers were randomly selected from 10 Local Government Areas of Ondo State and made to respond to the interview schedule used in eliciting responses for the study. Findings revealed that farmers were trained by the Agricultural Extension Agents of Ondo State Agricultural Development Project; that men received training on improvedfarm practices on yam production and 32.5% received training on 87.5% received the training through farm/home visit, 75% through radio and 41.0% through television programme; practical demonstration in film shows in farmer's meeting. Furthermore, findings showed that farmers preferred training on> >rit v (87.0%) maize, cassava and rice respectively while 60.5% recent a training on improved farm practices of cowpea. The result further showed that, received through farmers meeting while 60.0% received v. In addition 71.5% agreed that the extension agents utilized training, 60.8% learnt through group discussions, 60.2% through radio, and 30% through learnt through result demonstration on television programmes. farm/home and practical demonstration method to other methods of training. The result of the study equally indicated that timeliness and medium of training had effect on the level ofi practices. It also showed that availability of inputs—seed, cutting, fertilizers and correlation with the adoption of improvedfarm practices on maize, rice and cassava. The improvedfarm practices increased tlieir output ofmaize, rice and cassava. therefore recommended that the extension agents of Agricultural Development Project in Ondo State improved farm practices. More extension the use of farm Thome visits and farm meetings which is preferred by the technologies should be supported with adequate input at the right time to enhance adoption. adoption of improved farn agrochemicals hadpositive training received and their adoption of It was should intensify training given to the farmers to enhance the adoption of agents should be employed to increuse farnlers

    Effect of Training on Adoption of Improved Farm Practices by Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria.

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    An investigation was conducted on whether or not fanners training affects their adoption of improved farmpractices in Agriculture. Two hundred farmers were randomly selected from 10 Local Government Areas of Ondo State and made to respond to the interview schedule used in eliciting responses for the study. Findings revealed that farmers were trained by the Agricultural Extension Agents of Ondo State Agricultural Development Project; that men received training on improvedfarm practices on yam production and 32.5% received training on 87.5% received the training through farm/home visit, 75% through radio and 41.0% through television programme; practical demonstration in film shows in farmer's meeting. Furthermore, findings showed that farmers preferred training on> >rit v (87.0%) maize, cassava and rice respectively while 60.5% recent a training on improved farm practices of cowpea. The result further showed that, received through farmers meeting while 60.0% received v. In addition 71.5% agreed that the extension agents utilized training, 60.8% learnt through group discussions, 60.2% through radio, and 30% through learnt through result demonstration on television programmes. farm/home and practical demonstration method to other methods of training. The result of the study equally indicated that timeliness and medium of training had effect on the level ofi practices. It also showed that availability of inputs—seed, cutting, fertilizers and correlation with the adoption of improvedfarm practices on maize, rice and cassava. The improvedfarm practices increased tlieir output ofmaize, rice and cassava. therefore recommended that the extension agents of Agricultural Development Project in Ondo State improved farm practices. More extension the use of farm Thome visits and farm meetings which is preferred by the technologies should be supported with adequate input at the right time to enhance adoption. adoption of improved farn agrochemicals hadpositive training received and their adoption of It was should intensify training given to the farmers to enhance the adoption of agents should be employed to increuse farnlers

    Perceived effects of land grabbing conflicts on rural livelihood in Obafemi-Owode local government area of Ogun State

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    The study was carried out to assess the perceived effects of land grabbing conflicts on the livelihoods of rural communities in Obafemi Owode Local Government area of Ogun state, Nigeria. A total of 120 respondents were selected using a snowball technique. A structured interview schedule was used to elicit information from them. Theprimary data collected were analysed using frequency counts and percentages, and the Relative Importance Index. The study established the occurrence of land grabbing conflicts in the local government area which was carried out mainly by theomo-onilesand the private investors.The land grabbing in Ogun state commonly affect small land holders and private individuals. Most of the lands grabbed were meant for agricultural related activities and residential purposes. The coping strategies employed to mitigate land grabbing conflicts include Settlement for the purchase of new equipment, farm tools or inputs and farm produce (73.0%); re-negotiation with the Omo oniles (69.2%); Remission of a certain part of the farm produce to the Omo oniles (65.0%); and Erection of concrete and live fences (53.3%).The perceived effects of land grabbing conflicts according to their order of Relative Importance Indices are: loss of resources (1.66); marginalization of the right of the people especially the poor and the widows (0.95); and causes mayhem and unrest among the populace and also leads to affliction and death (0.91 respectively). Others are Deprivation of farmers’ source of livelihood (0.89); increase in the dependent of non-farm employment activities (0.87); loss of local profit from crop production (0.85); the waste of time and money in cases that are referred to the court (0.84); reduction in the quality of the land (0.83); and negatively affects social interaction in the communities (0.82); as well as the discouragement of investment in rural areas (0.75). The study concludes that land grabbing by the the omooniles and the private investors is prominent in Obafemi- Owode the local government area of Ogun state and affects mostly the small farmland holders and private individuals. The perceived effects of land grabbing conflicts permeate the physical, economic and social lives of the respondents. The study recommends the promulgation and implementation land policies andthe establishment of special task forces to fight against the violent and criminal activities of land grabbers by the government in Ogun State. The Non govermental Organisations could assist in building more housing estates for individual acquisition