90 research outputs found

    The morphology and morphometry of the epididymis in the greater cane rat (Thryonomys swinderianus Temmincks)

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    The structure and morphometry of the epididymis in the greater cane rat were studied in this work. In assessing the morphology and characterising the morphometric values, a total of 15 adult male greater cane rats, bred and raised in captivity, were used. All the animals had brownish perineal staining, which was taken as index of sexual maturity in male cane rats, and they were maintained on elephant grass stems with water given ad libitum. From this work, the epididymis of the greater cane rat was observed to have a mean weight of 0.0365 ± 0.091 g, forming about 0.016% of the total body weight and an average volume of 0.36 ± 0.08 mL. There was a positive correlation between the epididymal weights, testicular weight, and the body weight in this animal. However, the gross divisions of the epididymis into head, body, and tail were not conspicuous in the cane rat; instead it had two divisions — the cranial and the caudal divisions. In addition, based on the histological and histomorphometric analyses, five zones were observed in the epididymal epithelium of this animal. This preliminary information on the epididymis will serve as a basis for further research on the epididymis of the greater cane rat and will contribute to the knowledge of the its reproductive biology, which will subsequently aid in the captive rearing and domestication of this animal. (Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 4: 246-252

    Thermal conductivity and impact properties of iron ore tailings filled epoxy composites

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    Iron ore tailings which is the waste material derived from the beneficiation of iron ore was dispersed in epoxy as micro scale particle fillers. The effect of particle size and particle loading on the thermal conductivity and impact properties of the composites were then investigated experimentally. A comparison of the experimental results for the former to results obtained from existing theoretical models was also done. It was discovered that the impact resistance increased with increasing volume content of iron ore tailings from 20 vol. % with a maximum toughness of 0.098 kJm-2 recorded for composite with 300 µm at 30 vol. %. Thermal conductivity of epoxy improved with decreasing particle size while the Maxwell, Lewis and Nelson and parallel models gave reasonable predictions for epoxy filled with 212 µm at 10 vol. % and 20 vol. % contents; with least variations of 0.18 % and 1.26 %, respectively. Keywords: Composite, Epoxy, Impact, Iron ore tailings, Particle size, Particle loading, Thermal conductivit

    Perceived extension needs of rubber production among farmers in Delta State, Nigeria

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    The need to develop a sustainable exploitation system for the Nigerian rubber farmers requires that extension services should be available to assist the farmers in specific areas that can help them function effectively and improve productivity. The study investigated the perceived extension needs of rubber production farmers in Delta state Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to determine sources of information on rubber production, varieties of rubber clones cultivated by the respondents, perceived extension needs of rubber farmers, and constraints to rubber production. A multi stage sampling technique was used to select 120 rubber farmers as respondents for the study. Data were analysed using frequency, percentages, means and Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis. Results showed that majority of the respondents (85.5%) were male, married (83.3%) and had average farming experience of 14 years. The NIG801 and NIG800 varieties were the local clones majorly cultivated and the GT1 and PB217 varieties were the exotic clones majorly cultivated. Findings also showed that respondents need production information on use of formic acid for latex coagulation (66.7%), use of ammonia for latex preservation (73.3%) and marketing information (60.8%). The constraintsindicated by the respondents were problem of land tenure (81.7%), lack of adequate credit facilities (70%), fire outbreaks (72.5%) among others. The result of the hypothesis showed that age (r = 0.199) had a positive significant relationship with farmers’ extension needs. It was recommended that extension personnel should be trained on techniques of rubber production in order to deliver effectively to the farmers. Key words: extension needs, rubber, farmers, Delta, Nigeri

    Testicular histo-morphometry and semen parameters of West African Dwarf bucks

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    This study evaluates the gross and histo-morphometry of the testes as well as the semen parameters of West African Dwarf (WAD) goats bred and raised in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Five apparently healthy WAD bucks were used for this study were electro-ejaculated once weekly for two weeks. Testicular weight, gonadosomatic index, seminiferous tubular diameter and seminiferous epithelial height were measured using standard techniques. Semen parameters which included volume, colour, motility and concentration as well as scrotal circumference were also determined using standard procedures. All data were recorded as mean ± standard deviation, subjected to descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation analysis at p < 0.05. Our findings revealed that the testicular gross morphometric values significantly correlate with the histometric values with normal testicular histo-architecture suggestive of typical spermatogenesis. Furthermore, the scrotal circumference showed positive relationship with both the gross and histometric parameters of the testis. However, there was no significant correlation between scrotal circumference and semen parameters. This information could improve understanding of reproduction in the WAD buck.Keywords: Semen evaluation, Spermatogenesis, Testicular morphometry, Reproduction, WAD goa

    Determinants of Rice Import Demand in Nigeria

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    Primarily, the study examined the determinants of rice import demand in Nigeria by assessing the short run and long run dynamic model  relationships among the determinants, trends and extent of causality among per capita income, population, exchange rate and price of rice imports were equally examined, using data obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and National Bureau of statistics (NBS) over the period 1961 to 2013. Data obtained showed the perceived determinants of imports demand for rice in Nigeria were local rice production, rice import price, rice consumption, per capita income, and exchange rate, price of local rice, domestic stock variation, maize price, meat price and demographic  development. The short run dynamic model result showed that rice consumption, price of meat, price of maize, local rice quantity, demography development and stock variance are statistically significant at 5%. The significance of the coefficient of the error correction term confirmed theappropriateness of the error correction approach which also showed that ignoring the long run relationship is detrimental. The result however, revealed that rice import demand increases significantly with increasing rice consumption, increasing price of meat, increasing price of maize (keeping that for imported rice unchanged) and increasing demography development. Rice import price, per capita income, price of local rice and exchange rate had no significant effects on rice import demand. The study therefore recommends that locally-produced rice should be intensively improved. Keywords: demography, determinants, Error correction mechanism, rice import deman

    Analysis of maize farmers' access to agricultural information in Aiyedire local government area, Osun State, Nigeria

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    This study analyses maize farmers’ access to agricultural information in Aiyedire Local Government Area of Osun state, Nigeria. The specific objectives of this study were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the maize farmers, identify access of maize farmers to agricultural information, determine the level of access to agricultural information and identify the sources of agricultural information to the maize farmers. A structured questionnaire was used to randomly sample 105 respondents used for this study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and percentage was used to analyse the socio-economic characteristics, sources of information and access to agricultural information while a three-point Likert-type scale was used to analyse the level of access of the maize farmers to agricultural information The result showed that the majority (87.6%) of the farmers were male, married (84.4%) and 42.9% of them had secondary education. The majority of the farmers (89.5%) had farm size of about five hectares while those with farming experience less than 10 years was 39%. Fifty-eight percent of the farmers had household size of 4-6 persors and 69.5% of them had contacts with extension agents while 49.5% of the farmers were members of agricultural organizations. The results further showed that the farmers had access to information on improved maize varieties, with a mean score of 2.90 while they had limited access to information on mechanized method of harvesting maize, with mean score of 1.07. Therefore, the study recommends that extension agencies should provide up-to-date information on new and improved technological implement like sheller, tractors, among others, for maize farmers.Keywords: Agricultural Information, Access, Maize Farmers, Nigeri

    Assessment of factors influencing the saving culture among rural households in Ibarapa East Local Government of Oyo State, Nigeria

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    The study determined the saving culture of rural households in Ibarapa East Local Government of Oyo State. A multi-stage sampling technique was  used to select 200 respondents for the study and questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. Descriptive statistics and Probit regression were used to analyse the data. The result shows that the mean household size was 7, an indication of a relatively large average  household size. The result of Probit regression shows a positive relationship between the income of respondents and their participation in commercial banks. However, participation of the respondents in Bank of Agriculture (BOA) is very low due to their poor awareness of the program. The result also reveals that distant to commercial banks, collateral and high interest rate hampered the respondents’ access to loan. The study recommends that activities of unorganized rural bank should be strengthened by the Government. Microfinance banks should also extend theiroperational unit to rural areas to bridge the gap between the formal and informal rural financial institutions. The convectional/commercial banks as well, should extend their operation unit to rural communities. Keywords: Saving Culture, Conventional banks, Keynesian’s hypothesis, Probit regression, Rural banking polic

    The structure of the penis with the associated baculum in the male greater cane rat (Thryonomys swinderianus)

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    In this study, the structures of penises of eight sexually mature male greater cane rats were examined at both macroscopic and histological levels. Each animal was sacrificed after anaesthesia with ether and then dissected open with the penis exposed from its root. The penises were first grossly examined, measured, and then prepared for histological examination. From this study it was observed that the body size has no allometry with penile size, but the testicular weight correlated with Os penis length in the greater cane rat. Grossly, the penis which was whitish in colour, with a mean length of 5.46 ± 0.36 cm, has no obvious collum penis but a flexura that turns it caudo-ventral and separates the corpus and glans penis. There was the presence of cornified papillae covering parts of the corpus and glans penis as well as a blind sac sacculus urethralis under the urethra on the glans penis. Histologically, the corpora cavernosa penis were completely separated by a connective tissue septum which sent the trabeculae network into the cavernous tissues and replaced the caverns as it moves from corpus to glans penis. The Os penis formed through endochondral ossification after 42 months of age in this animal. Therefore, from a histological standpoint, the cane rat penis belongs to the intermediate type. In conclusion, these findings provide vital information on the penile anatomy of the greater cane rat, which will serve as a basis for comparing penile morphology among the suborder hystricomorpha and expand knowledge of the reproductive biology in this animal. (Folia Morphol 2011; 70, 3: 197–203

    Potentials for the commercialization of Cocoyam in Oyun Local Government Area, Kwara State, Nigeria

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    Despite the nutritional and other advantages of cocoyam over some tuber crops, it remains neglected, underutilised, and non-commercialized in many parts of Nigeria. The study assessed the potentials for the commercialisation of cocoyam. Specifically, it assessed farmers’ awareness of the uses of cocoyam, level of cocoyam cultivation, farmers’ attitude towards its commercialisation, and the constraints to its commercialisation. Two-stage random sampling technique produced 154 respondents and an interview schedule was administered to collect data. Descriptive statistics and the multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. Results revealed that farmers’ mean age, farming experience and farm size were 53.9  years, 22 years, and 4.3 acres respectively. The level of awarenessof the uses of cocoyam was high (73.52%) and had an averagely positive attitude (mean score = 2.38) towards its commercialisation. Cultivation of cocoyam was mostly on a subsistence level among the farmers (97.3%). High susceptibility to pests and diseases (MS = 3.13) and a higher preference for other tuber crops (MS = 3.09) were the major constraints to the  commercialisation of cocoyam. Farmers’ age (β = –0.008), level of education (β = –0.046), household size (β = –0.012), and frequency of extension contact (β = 0.018) determined farmers’ attitude towards its commercialisation. The study concluded that the potentials for the commercialization of cocoyam was appreciable in the study area. Findings underscore the need for research on cocoyam pest and diseases control as well as breeding ofimproved varieties of the plant by National Root Crops Research Institutes. Key words: attitude, commercialization, neglected, under-utilized and cocoyam&nbsp

    Purification and Characterization of Lipase from Aspergillus flavus PW2961 using Magnetic Nanoparticles.

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    Lipase from Aspergillus flavus was purified in a single step purification using MnFeO4 magnetic nano particles to achieve a 20.53- fold purification with specific activity of 11.29 U/mg and a 59% recovery yield. SDS-PAGE of lipase showed a single pure band with corresponding molecular weight of 35 kDa. The optimal temperature and pH for the enzyme activity were 45°C and 7.0 respectively. Addition of olive oil (1 %w/v) enhanced pH stability of the lipase with 86% residual activity at pH 7.0 after 6 h of incubation while the lipase was thermostable with 79% residual activity after 4 h of incubation. The enzyme activity was enhanced by Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ while the presence of Cu2+, Co2+ and Zn2+ exhibited inhibitory effect on the enzyme. The study therefore presented lipase from Aspergillus flavus PW2961 with potential in industrial and biotechnological application.Key words: Lipase, purification, Aspergillus flavus PW2961, magnetic nanoparticle
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