1,129 research outputs found

    The Unreasonable Success of Local Search: Geometric Optimization

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    What is the effectiveness of local search algorithms for geometric problems in the plane? We prove that local search with neighborhoods of magnitude 1/ϵc1/\epsilon^c is an approximation scheme for the following problems in the Euclidian plane: TSP with random inputs, Steiner tree with random inputs, facility location (with worst case inputs), and bicriteria kk-median (also with worst case inputs). The randomness assumption is necessary for TSP

    Online Optimization of Smoothed Piecewise Constant Functions

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    We study online optimization of smoothed piecewise constant functions over the domain [0, 1). This is motivated by the problem of adaptively picking parameters of learning algorithms as in the recently introduced framework by Gupta and Roughgarden (2016). Majority of the machine learning literature has focused on Lipschitz-continuous functions or functions with bounded gradients. 1 This is with good reason---any learning algorithm suffers linear regret even against piecewise constant functions that are chosen adversarially, arguably the simplest of non-Lipschitz continuous functions. The smoothed setting we consider is inspired by the seminal work of Spielman and Teng (2004) and the recent work of Gupta and Roughgarden---in this setting, the sequence of functions may be chosen by an adversary, however, with some uncertainty in the location of discontinuities. We give algorithms that achieve sublinear regret in the full information and bandit settings

    A Fixed Parameter Tractable Approximation Scheme for the Optimal Cut Graph of a Surface

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    Given a graph GG cellularly embedded on a surface Σ\Sigma of genus gg, a cut graph is a subgraph of GG such that cutting Σ\Sigma along GG yields a topological disk. We provide a fixed parameter tractable approximation scheme for the problem of computing the shortest cut graph, that is, for any ε>0\varepsilon >0, we show how to compute a (1+ε)(1+ \varepsilon) approximation of the shortest cut graph in time f(ε,g)n3f(\varepsilon, g)n^3. Our techniques first rely on the computation of a spanner for the problem using the technique of brick decompositions, to reduce the problem to the case of bounded tree-width. Then, to solve the bounded tree-width case, we introduce a variant of the surface-cut decomposition of Ru\'e, Sau and Thilikos, which may be of independent interest

    Shear induced normal stress differences in aqueous foams

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    A finite simple shear deformation of an elastic solid induces unequal normal stresses. This nonlinear phenomenon, known as the Poynting effect, is governed by a universal relation between shear strain and first normal stresses difference, valid for non-dissipative elastic materials. We provide the first experimental evidence that an analog of the Poynting effect exists in aqueous foams where besides the elastic stress, there are significant viscous or plastic stresses. These results are interpreted in the framework of a constitutive model, derived from a physical description of foam rheology

    Efficient Approximation Schemes for Uniform-Cost Clustering Problems in Planar Graphs

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    We consider the k-Median problem on planar graphs: given an edge-weighted planar graph G, a set of clients C subseteq V(G), a set of facilities F subseteq V(G), and an integer parameter k, the task is to find a set of at most k facilities whose opening minimizes the total connection cost of clients, where each client contributes to the cost with the distance to the closest open facility. We give two new approximation schemes for this problem: - FPT Approximation Scheme: for any epsilon>0, in time 2^{O(k epsilon^{-3} log (k epsilon^{-1}))}* n^O(1) we can compute a solution that has connection cost at most (1+epsilon) times the optimum, with high probability. - Efficient Bicriteria Approximation Scheme: for any epsilon>0, in time 2^{O(epsilon^{-5} log (epsilon^{-1}))}* n^O(1) we can compute a set of at most (1+epsilon)k facilities whose opening yields connection cost at most (1+epsilon) times the optimum connection cost for opening at most k facilities, with high probability. As a direct corollary of the second result we obtain an EPTAS for Uniform Facility Location on planar graphs, with same running time. Our main technical tool is a new construction of a "coreset for facilities" for k-Median in planar graphs: we show that in polynomial time one can compute a subset of facilities F_0 subseteq F of size k * (log n/epsilon)^O(epsilon^{-3}) with a guarantee that there is a (1+epsilon)-approximate solution contained in F_0

    Investigation of shear banding in three-dimensional foams

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    We study the steady flow properties of different three-dimensional aqueous foams in a wide gap Couette geometry. From local velocity measurements through Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques and from viscosity bifurcation experiments, we find that these foams do not exhibit any observable signature of shear banding. This contrasts with two previous results (Rodts et al., Europhys. Lett., 69 (2005) 636 and Da Cruz et al., Phys. Rev. E, 66 (2002) 051305); we discuss possible reasons for this dicrepancy. Moreover, the foams we studied undergo steady flow for shear rates well below the critical shear rate recently predicted (Denkov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 103 (2009) 118302). Local measurements of the constitutive law finally show that these foams behave as simple Herschel-Bulkley yield stress fluids