65 research outputs found


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    In general, tropical soils present low natural fertility, which results in a greatamount of degraded areas if it is associated with improper handling. Sewagesludge, due to its high levels of organic matter and nutrients, can improve soilproperties. Thus, this study evaluated the conditioning and fertilizing effectsof sewage sludge on the attributes of a typical dystrophic latosol in SouthernMinas Gerais. The experiment evaluated the application of sludge fromSantana wastewater treatment plant in Varginhas (Minas Gerais, Brazil) inpots, with concentrations equivalent to 60, 120, and 180 t ha-1, and a controltreatment without sludge. The sewage sludge has increased the levels oforganic matter, cation-exchange capacity, sum of the bases and nutrients,as well as increased porosity and decreased soil density, thus indicating thepotential for conditioning and fertilizing agricultural soils

    Bacterial strains decrease solubility of potassium in the soil

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    Current study verifies whether inoculation with strains of diazotrophic bacteria, with proven ability to solubilize potassium (K) in vitro, contributes towards the release of K in the soil after fertilization with phonolite rock powder. The experiment was conducted in containers with 0.3 dm-3 of soil containing low potassium content. Fifteen treatments were used, namely, 12 inoculated with the bacterial strains, a control treatment (without phonolite and without inoculation), one containing phonolite without inoculation and one containing KCl, soluble fertilizer, without inoculation. In treatments with phonolite and KCl, the doses of these materials were applied to provide the soil with 195 mg dm-3 of K. A completely randomized design with four replications was used. The soil was incubated during 90 days at room temperature and humidity at about 70% retention capacity. After this period, the content of K+ (Mehlich and resin), pH value and potential acidity (H+Al) were evaluated. Phonolite, associated with inoculation with most bacterial strains, increased the availability of potassium in the soil, pH rate and reduced potential acidity. Among the strains tested, UNIFENAS 100-01, UNIFENAS 100-16, UNIFENAS 100-27, UNIFENAS 100-39 and UNIFENAS 100-93 were the most efficient for the solubilization of K+ of the phonolite. In spite of the observed results, K content released by the bacterial strains in the soil decreased when compared to in vitro conditions, thus justifying the need for studies on bio-solubilization of soil to select the most efficient strains in the process

    Parámetros agronómicos del sorgo en razón a las estrategias de siembra y fertilización

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    Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar estratégias de semeadura e adubação com NPK nos parâmetros agronômicos do sorgo forrageiro e granífero. No experimento I foi utilizado o sorgo forrageiro AG-2002 e os tratamentos avaliados foram três doses do formulado NPK 10-20-10 (18, 25 e 32 g m-1 linear) e dois espaçamentos entre linhas de 60 e 80 cm, com quatro repetições. Notou-se interação significativa do espaçamento x adubação no diâmetro de colmo e produtividade de panícula do sorgo forrageiro, destacando-se a associação de 25 e 32 g de NPK no espaçamento de 60 cm entre linhas (7,64 e 8,40 t ha-1 de panícula, respectivamente). A altura média das plantas e a produtividade de matéria verde aumentaram quando as maiores doses de NPK foram empregadas. Na condução do experimento II, estudou-se o sorgo granífero DKB550 e os tratamentos avaliados foram três espaçamentos entre linhas 50, 70 e 90 cm e duas densidades de plantio de 10 e 12 plantas por metro linear, com quatro repetições. A altura média de plantas, produtividade de matéria verde e produtividade de panícula foram maiores quando a densidade de plantio foi maior (12 plantas m-1). A produtividade e porcentagem de panículas em relação à planta inteira foram maiores quando manejados no menor espaçamento entre linhas de 50 cm. O sorgo forrageiro respondeu de forma positiva à adubação com NPK, melhorando os parâmetros agronômicos. Plantios mais adensados resultam em melhores características agronômicas, principalmente, em relação à produtividade de panículas.El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las estrategias de siembra y fertilización con NPK en los parámetros agronómicos del cultivo del sorgo. Se realizaron dos experimentos. En el primer experimento se utilizó el sorgo AG-2002 y los tratamientos fueron tres dosis de NPK 10-20-10 (18, 25 y 32 g m-1 lineal) y dos espaciamientos entre hileras de 60 y 80 cm, con cuatro repeticiones. Se observó una interacción significativa del espaciamiento y fertilización en el diámetro del tallo y productividad de la panoja panícula del sorgo, destacando la asociación de 25 y 32 g de NPK en el espaciamiento de 60 cm entre líneas (7,64 y 8,40 t-1 ha de panícula, respectivamente). La altura media de las plantas, la productividad de materia verde aumentó cuando las dosis más altas de NPK fueron empleadas. Al llevar a cabo el experimento II, se estudió el sorgo DKB550 y los tratamientos evaluados fueron tres espaciamientos entre líneas 50, 70 y 90 cm y dos densidades de siembra de 10 y 12 plantas por metro lineal, con cuatro repeticiones. La altura media de las plantas, productividad de materia verde y productividad de panícula fueran más elevadas cuando la densidad de siembra fue mayor (12 plantas m-1). El rendimiento y porcentaje de panículas en toda la planta fueron mayores cuando se cultivadas en espaciamiento de 50 cm. El sorgo respondió positivamente a los fertilizantes NPK, con mejora en los parámetros agronómicos. Cultivos más adensados resultan en mejores características agronómicas, especialmente en relación con la productividad de panículas


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    Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar o efeito da inclusão de cal virgem sobre a estabilidade aeróbia da cana-de-açúcar in natura. O trabalho foi conduzido na Faculdade de Zootecnia da UNIFENAS, sob delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 x 5, avaliando-se quatro doses de cal (0,0; 0,5; 1,0 e 2,0 % em relação à matéria natural) e cinco tempos de exposição aeróbia (0, 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas após o momento da hidrólise), com quatro repetições. A inclusão do aditivo na cana-de-açúcar in natura provocou aumento no teor de matéria seca e nos valores de pH. Porém, os valores de pH diminuíram com o decorrer do tempo, em função da ação de microrganismos. Em relação à temperatura, esta aumentou quando se adicionou 1,0% de cal à cana-de-açúcar; no entanto, o menor valor referente ao acúmulo da temperatura durante as aferições foi obtido com a utilização de 2,0% de cal, e da mesma forma, a menor taxa de aquecimento foi obtida para este mesmo tratamento. De certa forma, a utilização de 2,0% de cal virgem aumentou a estabilidade aeróbia da cana-de-açúcar, porém, todos os tratamentos apresentaram instabilidade aeróbia poucas horas após o momento da mistura entre cal e cana-de-açúcar. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: alcalinização; óxido de cálcio; pH; temperatura

    Influence of stage of maturity on bromatological quality of corn forage

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    ABSTRACT -The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of stalk/leaf ratio and the stage of maturity on the digestibility of the corn plant. Hybrids AG1051, AG4051, AG5011, DOW2B710, DOW2C577, DOW2A525, NB7315 and P30F90 were used, harvested at the one-half milk line (½ ML), three-quarters milk line (¾ ML) and black layer (BL) stages. A randomized block design was used in an 8 (hybrids) × 3 (stages of maturity) factorial design, with three replications. The means generated were used for grouping into high and low stalk/leaf ratio and a new analysis of variance was generated in a 2 × 3 (two groups and three stages of maturity) factorial design. The whole plant and its stalk, leaf, husk, cob and grain components were incubated in situ in the rumen of three cows for determination of degradability of dry matter and degradable neutral detergent fiber. Stalk/leaf ratio did not influence neutral detergent fiber content or the degradability of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber of any of the components, except for the cob, in which the high ratio group had greater degradable neutral detergent fiber contents. There was a reduction in the degradability of all the parts, except for the stalk and cob, and an increase in the neutral detergent fiber contents of the vegetative parts, except for the stalk. Unlike the vegetative components, the neutral detergent fiber contents of the whole plant decreased throughout the stages evaluated. For degradable neutral detergent fiber, there was a reduction in the whole plant and in its components. The advance of maturity reduces the quality of the vegetative components; however, this loss in the entire plant is moderated by grain filling. Forage quality depends more on the quality of the components than on their proportions in the dry matter
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