10 research outputs found

    Biomechanics aspects of technique of high jump

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    The purpose of work consists in the theoretical ground of optimum biomechanics descriptions in high jumps. A mathematical model is developed for determination of influence on the height of jump: speed and corner of flight of centre-of-mass during pushing away, positions of centre-of-mass body of sportsman in the phases of pushing away and transition through a slat, forces of resistance of air environment, influences of moment of inertia of body. The basic technical run-time errors of sportsman are selected exercises. To biomechanics descriptions, to the step-up effectiveness of high jumps belong: speed of flight of centre-of-mass sportsman (4.2-5.8 meters in a second), corner of flight of centre-of-mass body (50-58 degrees), height of flight of centre-of mass body (0.85-1.15 meter). Directions of choice of necessary biomechanics descriptions which a sportsman can realize are shown. Offered recommendation on the increase of effectiveness of high jumps

    Biomechanics aspects of technique of high jump

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    The purpose of work consists in the theoretical ground of optimum biomechanics descriptions in high jumps. A mathematical model is developed for determination of influence on the height of jump: speed and corner of flight of centre-of-mass during pushing away, positions of centre-of-mass body of sportsman in the phases of pushing away and transition through a slat, forces of resistance of air environment, influences of moment of inertia of body. The basic technical run-time errors of sportsman are selected exercises. To biomechanics descriptions, to the step-up effectiveness of high jumps belong: speed of flight of centre-of-mass sportsman (4.2-5.8 meters in a second), corner of flight of centre-of-mass body (50-58 degrees), height of flight of centre-of mass body (0.85-1.15 meter). Directions of choice of necessary biomechanics descriptions which a sportsman can realize are shown. Offered recommendation on the increase of effectiveness of high jumps

    Biomechanical study athletes’ movement techniques in the hurdles (on example of phase of flight)

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    Purpose: To design a theoretical biomechanical model of athletes’ movement techniques in the hurdles and then check there movements on real athletes. Material: In the practical part of the study participated 10 smortsmen. Results: Showing the possibility of constructing a theoretical model of hurdling technique. The basis of cons tructing a model using the known approaches in theoretical mechanics. Shows the calculated and actual performance movement of the athlete. Conclusions: The developed model provides a good theoretical understanding of the interactions of individual elements of movement and the ability to simulate different situations and to determine the optimal values of the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the movement of the athlete. The model allows the individual elements of motion correction directly in the process of training. When analyzing art movement should consider specific features of physical development and anthropometric characteristics of the athlete's body

    Individual athletes’ biomechanical features of interaction with objects in art gymnastics

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    Purpose: To design a biomechanical model of interaction of athlete with the subject, as well as the development of areas of its use in practice. Material: The study involved 10 students - athletes. Results: The presented computational schemes create direction of flight of different items (rope, hoop, ball, ribbon, clubs). The characteristics of the time of flight trajectories and with regard for the resistance force of the air environment. Shows the influence of initial parameters on departure flight time items. Graphic characteristics are presented trajectories of objects depending on the parameters of their departure. Conclusions: It is recommended to improve the judicial assessment and effective implementation gymnast exercises during the flight characteristics of the various items to consider trajectories of objects. Note that age, height and distance from the athletes at the end of the flight object defined biomechanical characteristics that can realize an athlete: absolute initial velocity of departure, departure angle, height of the center of mass manufacture items

    Biomechanical aspects of the technical and tactical actions in the judo

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    Рассмотрены подходы в конструировании биомеханических моделей в спортивных единоборствах. Построена расчетная схема для определения опорных реакций. Определены величины внешних нагрузок на организм спортсмена. Установлена зависимость общего момента сил тяги мышц, вертикальной реакции опоры, суставного момента от направления силы действия соперника. Определены наибольшие значения статических нагрузок на суставы нижних конечностей. Показаны возможности использования результатов моделирования в технико-тактической подготовке спортсменов.It is shown the approaches in the construction of biomechanical models in combative sports. It is constructed analytical model to determine the support reactions. It is defined the values of external loads on the athlete’s body. The dependence of the total torque pull muscles, the vertical ground reaction, since the direction of the articular forces of the opponent are shown. It is determined the highest values of static loads in the joints of the lower extremities. It is shown the possibility of using the simulation results in technical and tactical training of athlete

    Modeling and rational determination of the main biomechanical characteristics in javelin throwing

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    Показаны возможности использования биомеханических моделей в подготовке спортсменов. Рассмотрены подходы в конструировании биомеханических моделей. Разработана биомеханическая модель метания копья. Приведено решение задачи динамики о влиянии на дальность полета копья абсолютной начальной скорости вылета, угла вылета, высоты выпуска копья. Определены наиболее значимые биомеханические характеристики системы «спортсменкопье». Показаны возможности использования индивидуальные особенностей спортсмена в достижении лучших результатов.The possibilities of the use of biomechanical models in training athletes. The approaches in the construction of biomechanical models. A biomechanical model of throwing the javelin. An solution to the problem of dynamic influence on flight range spear absolute initial rate of departure, departure angle, height of release of the spear. The most important biomechanical characteristics of the "athlete-spear". The possibilities of using individual features of the athlete to achieve better result

    Physical mathematical modelling of difficult elements of acrobatic rock-and-roll

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    Показаны направления биомеханического обоснования выполнения элемента акробатического рок-н-ролла Фус–сальто с учётом конкретных физических данных спортсменов. Разработана математическая модель для определения влияния на качество выполнения технического элемента таких параметров как: скорость и угол вылета центра масс тела спортсмена, положение центра масс тела спортсмена в начальных фазах бросковых упражнений, начальная угловая скорость вращения тела спортсмена. Определены параметры влияния осевых моментов инерции при различных группировках тела на угловую скорость вращения тела спортсмена в полете и сил сопротивления воздушной среды на характеристики полёта тела. Показаны направления выбора необходимых биомеханических характеристик, которые способны реализовать спортсмены. Предложены рекомендации по повышению эффективности выполнения элемента акробатического рок-н-ролла Фус–сальто.It is shown directions of biomechanics substantiation of implementation acrobatic rock-and-roll Fussalto element taking into account concrete physical data of sportsmen. Mathematical model is developed for determination the influence on a quality of implementation of technical element of such parameters as: speed and angle of flight of centre-of-mass sportsman’s body, position of centre-of-mass body of sportsman in the initial phases of throw exercises, initial angular velocity of rotation of body of sportsman. It is developed mathematical model to determine the impact on the quality of the technical element parameters such as speed and angle of flight of centre-of-mass of the athlete’s body, the position of center-of-mass of the athlete’s body in the initial phases of throwing exercises in the initial angular velocity of the athlete’s body. The parameters of exposure axial moments of inertia for different groupings of body angular velocity the athlete’s body in flight and air resistance forces of environment to flight characteristics of the body. Directions of choice of necessary biomechanics descriptions which are able to realize sportsmen are shown. It is offered recommendations are on the increase of efficiency of implementation of element of acrobatic rock-and-roll of Fus-salt

    Theoretical and experimental determination of biomechanics descriptions at run

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    Определены кинематические и динамические характеристики бега спортсменов. Составлены рекомендации для корректирования движений и улучшения техники движений. Проведена видеосъемка бега на короткие и средние дистанции. Рассмотрены динамические характеристики: сила трения, сила отталкивания, реакция опоры на прямом участке и вираже. Установлено, что максимальные значения силы трения на прямом участке составили 90 Н, нормальная реакция опоры - 595 Н. Максимальные значения силы трения на вираже составили 95 Н, нормальной реакция опоры - 610 Н. Максимальное значение силы отталкивания на прямом участке составило 600 Н, на вираже - 619 Н.Kinematics and dynamic descriptions at run of sportsmen are certain. Made recommendation for adjustment of motions and improvement of technique of motions. A videosurvey at run is conducted on short and middle distances. Dynamic descriptions are considered: force of friction, force of pushing away, reaction of support on a direct area and turn. It is set that maximal values of force of friction on a direct area were 90 N, normal reaction of support - 595 N. Maximal values of force of friction on a turn were 95 N, normal reaction of support - 610 N. Maximal a value of force of pushing away on a direct area was 600 N, on a turn - 619

    Biomechanics aspects of technique of high jump

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    Цель работы заключается в теоретическом обосновании оптимальных биомеханических характеристик в прыжках в высоту. Разработана математическая модель для определения влияния на высоту прыжка: скорости и угла вылета центра масс во время отталкивания, положения центра масс тела спортсмена в фазах отталкивания и перехода через планку, силы сопротивления воздушной среды, влияния момента инерции тела. Выделены основные технические ошибки спортсмена при выполнении упражнений. К биомеханическим характеристикам, повышающим результативность прыжков в высоту относятся: скорость вылета центра масс спортсмена (4.2-5.8 метров в секунду), угол вылета центра масс тела (50-58 градусов), высота вылета центра масс тела (0.85- 1.15 метра). Показаны направления выбора необходимых биомеханических характеристик, которые способен реализовать спортсмен. Предложены рекомендации по повышению результативности прыжков в высоту.The purpose of work consists in the theoretical ground of optimum biomechanics descriptions in high jumps. A mathematical model is developed for determination of influence on the height of jump: speed and corner of flight of centre-of-mass during pushing away, positions of centre-of-mass body of sportsman in the phases of pushing away and transition through a slat, forces of resistance of air environment, influences of moment of inertia of body. The basic technical run-time errors of sportsman are selected exercises. To biomechanics descriptions, to the step-up effectiveness of high jumps belong: speed of flight of centre-of-mass sportsman (4.2-5.8 meters in a second), corner of flight of centre-of-mass body (50-58 degrees), height of flight of centre-of-mass body (0.85-1.15 meter). Directions of choice of necessary biomechanics descriptions which a sportsman can realize are shown. Offered recommendation on the increase of effectiveness of high jump