34 research outputs found

    Lipids in Health and Disease

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    p. 1-7Background: Postprandial lipemia (PL) in adults has been extensively studied, but little explored in youth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of weight excess on postprandial lipemia in adolescents. Methods: Eighty-three adolescents were classified into Groups 1 (n= 49, overweight) and 2 (n=34, eutrophic). Total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), HDL and LDL cholesterol were measured before, 2 and 4 hours after a standardized 25 g lipid and 25 g of carbohydrate test meal; glycemia and insulin measured only at baseline. Anthropometric evaluation was performed. Results: Basal TG were higher in Group 1 (p= 0.022). The total increase (Δ-TG), corresponding to the difference between the maximum and the basal TG level was similar in both groups (29.8 ± 21.5 mg/dl vs. 28.2 ± 24.5 mg/dl, p= 0.762). TC, HDL and LDL did not change significantly throughout the test. By analyzing all the adolescents together, the waist circumference was positively correlated with TG at fasting (r = 0.223; p= 0.044) and at 4 hours (r = 0.261; p= 0.019). Only overweight adolescents with hypertriglyceridemia, who also had higher HOMA-IR, presented significant elevation of TG levels 2 and 4 hours after the overload. Conclusion: The behavior of lipoproteins in the post-prandial state is similar in eutrophic and overweight adolescents. Thus, apparently the weight excess does not induce post prandial lipemic alterations.Salvado

    Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Saúde

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    p. 81-86Objetivos: Analisar os vários aspectos e fatores de regulação da biossíntese hormonal tireóidea, no município de Cabaceiras, onde a prevalência de doenças tireoideanas é elevada e vários fatores podem interferir, até os próprios alimentos ingeridos. Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados 180 escolares com idade entre 9 e 14 anos, na Cidade de Cabaceiras-Pb., através de questionário, onde foram interrogados sobre procedência, sexo, uso de mandioca (freqüência) e avaliação da iodúria. Foi utilizado o SPSS 10.0 para análise estatística. Resultados: Houve predomínio do sexo masculino; a média de idade foi 11,34±1,6 anos; 54,4% (98/180) eram de raça branca, 57,2%(103/180) eram da área urbana, 31,6%(57/180) consomem mandioca com freqüência (>03 vezes na semana) e 33,3% (60/180) apresentam iodúria <100ìg/l. Conclusão: Houve uma quantidade importante de escolares com iodúria <100, o que pelos critérios da OMS dá indícios de insuficiência de iodo.São Caetano do Su

    Arq Bras Endrocrinol Metab

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    p.825-832A radioterapia resulta em endocrinopatias, osteoporose, obesidade e seqüelas neurológicas em pacientes tratados por câncer. A deficiência de GH é a complicação mais freqüente no eixo hipotálamo-hipofisário. A freqüência, prazo de surgimento e gravidade da deficiência de GH dependem da dose recebida durante a irradiação craniana, mas idade à radioterapia e fracionamento da dose também são variáveis importantes. Outras anormalidades do eixo hipotálamo-hipofisário são igualmente dose-dependentes. Baixas doses de irradiação induzem puberdade precoce ou avançada, enquanto altas doses provocam deficiência gonadotrópica. Complicações endócrinas secundárias à irradiação periférica, como distúrbios gonadais ou tireoidianos são descritos. Mesmo com secreção normal de GH, o crescimento pode ser comprometido por lesões ósseas após irradiação corporal total ou crânio-espinhal. Resultados melhores sobre a estatura final têm sido obtidos com reposição de GH em associação com o tratamento da puberdade precoce ou avançada. O objetivo desta revisão é a abordagem das seqüelas endócrinas tardias da radioterapia.São Paul

    Oncology Letters

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    Texto completo: acesso restrito. p. 191-196Numerous experiments have been conducted over the last few years aiming to identify molecular markers that show the diagnostic accuracy of fine‑needle aspiration (FNA), particularly in thyroid lesions that are considered indeterminate. Using certain search arguments and previously defined criteria, 37 studies reporting experiments with the BRAF mutation in pre‑operative FNA of the thyroid were selected from the electronic databases PUBMED, MEDLINE, SCOPUS and LILACS, in order to gather evidence with regard to the possible contribution of BRAF in the management of thyroid carcinoma. There were no cases positive for BRAF in follicular carcinomas (FTCs), Hürthle cell carcinomas (HCCs) or medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTCs). Among the 11 cases of anaplastic thyroid carcinomas (ATC), three showed positive results for the BRAF mutation. The number of cases positive for BRAF among the benign lesions was not significant. The average prevalence of BRAF‑positive cases in papillary carcinomas (PTC) was 58.6%, while in follicular variants of papillary carcinoma (FVPTC), the average prevalence was 29.6%. For lesions diagnosed as indeterminate or suspicious, the average prevalence of BRAF positivity in PTC was 48.5%. The experiments included in the present study indicated a specificity of almost 100% and a high predominance of the BRAF mutation in PTC, distinguishing the marker in the planning and medical management of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid

    S179. 3. MSc., UFBA; coordinator of Therapeutic Support, CEDEBA. 4. Physician; Health care coordinator

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    Abstract Objective: to present and discuss clinical aspects concerning the most frequent endocrine diseases in adolescents and their effects on physical and psychoaffective fields in affected patients. Methods: review of national and international literature combined with the authors&apos; own experience with the aim of proposing some guidelines for the management of endocrine diseases in adolescents. Results: the physical and psychological impacts of these diseases on adolescents&apos; health may have different intensity. Diabetes mellitus as a chronic, self-limiting disease, with increased risk of late complications, is analyzed in more detail. Thyroid diseases and gynecomastia usually have a milder evolution, but may cause suffering and low self-esteem. Conclusions: the repercussion of these diseases, especially diabetes mellitus and gynecomastia, on the sexuality of adolescents should be taken into consideration