264 research outputs found

    Inducing phenotypic variants in sesame (Sesamunindicum L.) with fast neutron irradiation

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    The mutagenic efficiency and effectiveness of fast neutron irradiation on sesame was evaluated at M1 and M2 generations with the aim of deserning its abiity to induce beneficial mutants with improved agronomic traits that could facilitate selection within local genotypes. Five grames (5g) each of sesame seeds were exposed to four concentrations of sodium azide (0.5mM, 1.0mM, 1.5mM and 2.0mM).Untreated sesame seeds (5g) served as control. The treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Fast neutron significantly (p<0.05) induced benefitial variabilities on the agronomic traits evaluated. Mutation frequency, mutagenic efficiency and lethalithy induced by fast neutron were not dose dependent. However, the mutagenic effectiveness decreased with increasing dose. Seeds exposed to 0.16sv fast neutron dose showed taller seedling height (15.70cm), reduced days to flowering (45.00), best height at maturity (32.43cm), highest survival rate (35.43%), highest number of leaf per plants (12.50), highest internode length (16.50cm) and best dry weight (12.70g). However, sesame mutants had the best number of seeds per plant (4.60) and thousand seed weight (5.00g) at 0.32sv fast neutron dose. Broad sense heritability estimates for the agronomic traits ranged from 5.96% to 89.73%. Days to flowering recorded the highest heritability value of 89.73%. High heritabilities were also recorded for height at maturity (86.71%) and thousand seed weight (80.00%). Variability in phenotypic characters reflected the existence of genetic diversity among the genotypes.Keywords: Mutation, Irradiation, Sesame, Heritability, Trait

    Morphogical effects of sodium azide on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)

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    Dry seeds of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentun Mill), varieties T106, T244 and T420 obtained from the Institute of Agriculture Research, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria were treated with sodium azide at concentrations of 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mM aimed at determining the effects of the mutagen on the morphological features of tomato. Highly significant differences (

    The effects of Diethylsulphate on some quantitative traits of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)

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    Seeds of three varieties of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) T106, T244 and T420 obtained from the Institute for Agricultural Research, A.B.U Zaria, were treated with Diethylsulphate (DES) at concentrations of 10, 15 and 30 mM with the aim of determining the effective concentration of the mutagen capable of inducing beneficial mutants in tomato. Highly significant differences (

    Spectroscopic and potentiometric studies of Co (II) and Ni (II) complexes with N-(I-Morpholinobenzyl) semicarbazide

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    The Schiff base complexes of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) were synthesized by refluxing the mixture of ethanolic solutions of the Schiff base and metal(II) chlorides, respectively. The complexes were characterized by gravimetry, spectrophotometry, potentiometry, molar conductance and infrared analyses. The N-(1- morpholinobenzyl)semicarbazide Schiff base and its complex compounds are not soluble in water, slightly soluble in most common organic solvents but are readily soluble in methanol and ethanol. The molar conductance of the cobalt (II) and nickel(II) schiff base complexes determined are in the range 5.38 - 6.03 ohm-1cm2mol-1, suggesting their nonelectrolytic nature. The dissociation constant, pKa, of N-(1- morpholinobenzyl)semicarbazide Schiff base determined is 5.40. The standard Gibb’s free energy of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) N-(1- morpholinobenzyl)semicarbazide Schiff base complexes determined are -70.78KJmol-1 and - 68.06KJmol-1, respectively. The ratio of metal ion to Schiff base determined potentiometrically and spectrophotometrically for the complex compounds is 1: 2. The IR spectrum of the Schiff base shows bands observable in the two Schiff base complex compounds, indicating the coordination of the Schiff base to the cobalt(II) and nickel(II) ions. Key Words: Schiff base, azomethine, benzyldehyde, potentiometry, spectrophotometry, morpholine

    Synthesis and characterization of N-(I-Morphlinobenzyl) semicarbazide Manganese (II) and Iron (II) complexes

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    The interaction of ethanolic solution of semicarbazide hydrochloride, benzyldehyde and morpholine yielded N-(I-Morpholinobenzyl) Semicarbazide Schiff base. The Schiff base complexes of manganese(II) and iron(II) were synthesized by refluxing the mixture of ethanolic solutions of the Schiff base and metal(II) chlorides, respectively. These complexes were characterized by gravimetry, spectrophotometry, potentiometry, molar conductance and infrared analyses. The Schiff base and the complex compounds are not soluble in water, slightly soluble in most common organic solvents but are readily soluble in methanol and ethanol. The molar conductance of the manganese(II) and iron(II) Schiff base complexes measured are 3.78 and 6.90 ohm-1cm2mol-1, respectively, indicating their non-electrolytic nature. The potentiometric studies revealed a pKa of 5.40 for the Schiff base. The standard Gibb’s free energy of Mn(II) and Fe(II) Schiff base complexes determined are -65.79KJmol-1 and -60.35KJmol-1, respectively. The ratio of metal ion to Schiff base determined potentiometrically and spectrophotometrically for the complex compounds is 1: 2. The IR spectrum of the Schiff base shows bands observable in the two Schiff base complex compounds, indicating the coordination of the Schiff base to the copper ion. Key Words: Schiff base, azomethine, benzyldehyde, potentiometry, spectrophotometry, semicarbazide hydrochloride, morpholine


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    The mutagenic efficiency and effectiveness of sodium azide to induce genetic variability in false sesame (Ceratotheca sesamoides) was evaluated with the aim of obtaining beneficial mutants. The seeds of false sesame were subjected to four concentrations (0.5mM, 1.0mM, 1.5mM and 2.0mM) of sodium azide. Treated and untreated seeds were sown on the field. Harvested M1 false sesame seeds were sown to raise the M2 seedlings. The sodium azide concentration of 1.0mM significantly (p<0.05) induced benefitial variabilities on the agronomic traitsevaluated at M1 and M2 generation of false sesame. The mutagenic effectiveness, efficiency and mutation frequency of sodium azide were not obtained due to the absence of chlorophyll-deficient mutants. Lethality due to mutagen was observed not to be dose dependent. Broad sense heritability estimates for the agronomic traits evaluated ranged from 2.14% to 92.01%. High heritability values recorded for and days to flowering (92.10%), thousand seed weight (75.00%), height at maturity (63.84%) and leaf area (60.35%) broadens the scope for improving false sesame via selection. Results are further discussed to validate the potential of this mutagenic treatment on false sesame breeding and selectio

    Using Person Product Moment Correlation to explore the relationship between different categories of Municipal solid waste in Kano Metropolis, Northwestern Nigeria

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    This study explores the relationship between different categories of Municipal solid waste in Kano Metropolis with Person-Product Moment Correlation. Data for the study was obtained from Samples of Municipal solid waste from dumps located within three residential zones of Kano metropolis. The samples were collected and segregated into their various classifiable categories based on standard procedures. The data analyses showed a positive correlation between food scrap, ash and vegetable (r = 0.852, 0.752) and negative correlation between food scrap, paper cardboard, rubber, metals, plastic and glass (r = -0.847, -0.793, -0.853, -0.833 and -0.776). Based on these results, it can be concluded that a waste management strategy for the area should focus on managing biodegradable organic waste, considering this constituent has the potential to impact the environment, type of collection equipments, transport mode and frequency of collection. Furthermore, the amounts of waste generated per households can be used to predict the total amount of vegetable waste generated within the municipality. Keywords: Biodegradable Solid, waste management. Waste generation, Waste composition, Recycling

    A Systematic Approach to Disaster Vulnerability Assessment in Kano Region, Nigeria

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    This study assesses the vulnerability of households to natural disaster in Kano Region, Nigeria. To obtain a representative sample, the region was divided into three agro-ecological zones based on isohyets limits with zone 1 within 500-650 mm annual rainfall, zone 2, + 650-800 mm and zone 3, +800–1000 mm. Data was collected from each zone by interview of house¬holds and disaster management officers covering issues such as disaster occurrence, impact of the most recent disaster and coping strategies. A total of 150 households in each of the zones were selected through stratified sampling and eight officers of different ranks from disaster management agency. The data was analyzed to determine variation in vulnerability between the zones. To determine comparable measure of coping strength between the zones, an index of the relative strength of coping measures at each zone was calculated. The result indicated a marked difference in the disaster occur¬rences and ranking between the zones as well between the household and disaster management institution. Further, results also indicated variations between the zones in coping strength and vulnerability index which implies varying local coping capacities. The study recommends that there should be a risk transfer mechanisms whereby those in hazard prone areas are protected against potentially large losses from disasters by undertaking extra measures to reduce the post financial consequences

    Exploring the perceptions of registered nurses towards evidenced-based practice in General Hospital Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.

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    Masters in Nursing. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College 2014.Aim: The aim of the study was to explore the perceptions of registered nurses towards evidenced-based practice. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to explore and describe registered nurses‟ perceived levels of knowledge, perceived attitudes towards, perceived application and perceived barriers to evidence-based practice. Method: A quantitative descriptive design was used for the study. Convenience sampling was used to select a sample of 150 registered nurses working in General Hospital Minna, Niger state Nigeria. Questionnaires (150) were administered to the sample, of which 133 were returned. The data obtained was analysed using SPSS, Version 20. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise and describe the characteristics of the respondents, while correlation analysis and T-tests (inferential statistics) were used to establish the relationships of the study variables and the respondents‟ demographic characteristics. Results: The results showed that the respondents had positive perceived knowledge, attitude and practice of EBP. It also showed that inability to understand statistical terms used in research articles rated the highest perceived barrier to EBP (61.7%, n=82). There was a weak positive correlation between the age of the respondents and their knowledge of EBP, a positive correlation between age and the attitudes of the respondents and a negative correlation between the age of the respondents and their perceived practice of EBP. The results also showed that there was a negative correlation between level of knowledge and level of education, a negative correlation between nurses‟ attitudes and level of education as well as a mild positive correlation between level of education and EBP. However, there was a weak positive correlation between knowledge and years of experience, a weak negative correlation between attitude of registered nurses and their years of practice and a positive, correlation between years of practice as a registered nurses and practice of EBP. The mean knowledge of junior and senior nurses revealed a significant difference. Conclusion: Although the registered nurses expressed positive perception of EBP, certain barriers hindered their adoption. It is therefore necessary for the hospital management to design training programmes and provide the needed facilities to facilitate full adoption of EBP by nurses

    Winners and Losers: Between Bank Loan and Small Medium Enterprises Equity Investment Scheme (SMEEIS) as Funding Sources for Northern Nigerian SMEs

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    The performance of the Small and Medium Enterprises in Northern Nigeria have been characterized as suboptimal, due to the myriad of challenges bedevilling the sector, notable among which is the financial constraint. The creation of Small Medium Enterprise Equity Investment Scheme (SMEEIS) was necessitated by the desire of the private sector to complement government’s effort of supporting the Small and Medium Enterprises subsector. What is more, it was also intended to ease the burdensome regulatory restrictions and conditionality for SMEs’ access to formal credit from the conventional Banks in Nigeria, and, furthermore, venturing into the potentially untapped revenue base of the sub-sector, which promises opportunities for the conventional banks. This study assesses the comparative financial and non-financial performance between SMEEIS-intervened SMEs, and SMEs financed by the conventional bank loans, and also determines the factors responsible. From a sample of 362 SMEs using sample t-tests and multiple linear regression analysis the result obtained revealed that the SMEs financed by conventional banks significantly outperformed their SMEEIS beneficiary counterparts in both financial as well as non-financial performance. The study established and revealed a significant positive relationship between capital structures, years of operation, knowledge of the program, financial literacy, and ownership structure preference with financial and non-financial performance. Therefore, the study concluded that capital structure, ownership structure, financial literacy, applicable interest rate, and years of operation are key determinants of the SMEs performance of the Northern Nigerian SMEs. Hence the need for the conventional banks and policy makers to assist the SMEs to build capacity in the identified areas, towards the sustainability of the existing and future intervention initiatives with similar objectives
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