154 research outputs found

    Effect of Substrate on Biogas Yield

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    Biogas technology converts biological matter or biological waste (substrate) into energy and simultaneously helps to improve the quality of life and the environment. The effect of substrate on biogas yield was studied by using different substrate in laboratory scale experiment using water displacement method to monitor the volume of biogas produced. The substrates used are waste tomatoes, waste fluted pumpkin leaves, chicken manure, sheep manure and cow dung.The cumulative biogas produced by each of the substrate was monitored and recorded over a period of 22 days. the results show that sheep dung gave the highest cumulative volume of biogas per 100 g of substrate of 240 ml followed by cow dung 200 ml and the least being waste tomatoes and chicken manure with cumulative volume of 170 ml each. Analysis of the biogas produced indicated that the average content of methane is 65.34 mol%, carbon dioxide 22.81mol%; other components present are; hydrogen 7.49 mol%, Oxygen 0.95 mol%, Nitrogen 3.39 mol% and trace amount of carbon monoxide and water vapor. Hydrogen sulfide was not detected. Based on these results it can be conclude that sheep manure gave the highest cumulative volume of biogas and that the biogas produced from all the substrates is free from hydrogen sulfide.Keywords; Biogas, Yield, Substrate, Analysis, Digester

    Empirical Model for Predicting Rate of Biogas Production

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    Rate of biogas production using cow manure as substrate was monitored in two laboratory scale batch reactors (13 liter and 108 liter capacities). Two empirical models based on the Gompertz and the modified logistic equations were used to fit the experimental data based on non-linear regression analysis using Solver tool in Microsoft Excel. The 13-liter reactor was used in Experiments1 & 2 and in Experiment 3 the 108-liter reactor was used. In all the three experiments, Gompertz model gave a better goodness of fit than the modified Logistic model. The cross correlation coefficients for experiment 3 are 0.9972 and 0.9965 for Gompertz and Modified Logistic models respectively. Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) analysis of the biogas indicates that its methane content is above 70% in both reactors.Keywords: Empirical model, Non-linear regression, biogas production, cow manure

    Assessment of Tourists Flow and Revenue Generation in Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria

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    This study was carried out to assess tourists’ flow and revenue generation from 1999 to 2009 in Kainji Lake National Park (KLNP), north central Nigeria. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data collection was carried out through the use of structured questionnaire and oral interviews. Secondary data were collected from the park records and reports. Simple random sampling technique with 50% sampling intensity was used to draw representative samples from the staff population. In all, a total of 158 respondents were sampled. Data collected were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that KLNP is well visited, with a total number of 39,138 tourists and ₦40,135,223.85 revenue generated within the period under review. Fluctuation in tourists flow was discernible, with the highest number of tourists (5,593) recorded in 2005, while the lowest (1,143) was in 2003. About 97.5% of the visitors were local tourists. The highest revenue generation (₦ 5,445,198.96) was in the year 2009, while the lowest (₦ 1,705,524.00) was in 1999. There was no significant correlation between revenue generation from ecotourism and tourists flow across the years (N = 11; Pearson Correlation = 0.526; P = 0.096). Proceeds from ecotourism contribute to conservation activities and park management, especially in times of inadequate funding from the federal government. The authorities of KLNP would have to explore the full range of income generation opportunities in ecotourism. There is need to improve upon the state of facilities in the park and orient these towards meeting visitors’ needs and wants for improved revenue generation.Key words: Kainji Lake National Park, Ecotourism, Tourist flow, Revenue generatio

    Physicochemical Flux and Phytoplankton diversity in Shagari Reservoir,Sokoto, Nigeria

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    Nutrients availabilty is one of the major contributors to distribution and growth of phytoplankton species. Physicochemical properties and phytoplankton species and their distribution in Shagari Reservoir were evaluated. Standard methods of UNEP were used to determine monthly physicochemical flux properties, diversity and distribution of phytoplankton species were also determined. Phytoplankton classes identified included Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Cynophyceae and Dinophyceae. Class Chlorophyceae had the highest annual percentage distribution (37.55%) with four species identified. The least monthly percentage (7.64%) was recorded in November by Dinophyceae. Anabaena wisconsineae (Dinophyceae) had the highest frequency of occurence (96.6%). August, September and October were the most turbid months using Secchi disc measurement with 8.30, 9.0 and 9.8cm respectively. The monthly variation in the physicochemical parameters may be due to seasonal changes and human activities. The levels of nitrogen and phosphorus ranged from 0.30-7.30 Mg/l and 0.1-0.8Mg/l respectively. The reservoir has low species of phytoplankton, which may be due to low levels of nutrients and age of the reservoir.Keywords: Phytoplankton, Physicochemical, Reservoir, Chlorophyceae, Shagari, Sokoto, Nigeria

    Respiratory effects of propofol-ketamine and propofl-fentanyl combinations for total intravenous anaesthesia

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    propofol combined with other intravenous analgesic agents has been used as the sole anaesthetic agent to provide hypnosis and analgesia for various minor and major surgeries. However, because it lacks analgesic property, propofol in large doses causes respiratory depression. Combination of propofol with other analgesic agents reduces the dose of propofol necessary for procedural sedation. Objectives: This study evaluated the respiratory effects of two drug combinations: propofol-ketamine and propofol-fentanyl used as the sole anaesthetic agents. Method: one hundred and eight adults aged 18 to 50 years of either gender with ASA physical status I & II, randomly grouped into K and F, comprising of 54 patients each. Group K received propofol-ketamine while group F received propofol-fentanyl for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia. Respiratory Rate (RR) and Oxygen saturation (SpO were recorded before and one 2) minutes after induction of anaesthesia and thereafter every five minutes till the end of procedure and at recovery till the patient is fully recovered. Results: Demographic and clinical characteristics such as age, sex, weight, duration of surgery, types of surgical procedures and volumes of drugs used were comparable between the two groups. Fall in respiratory rate was greater in propofol-fentanyl group compared to propofol-ketamine group during maintenance and early postoperative period (p<0.05). Conclusion: Both propofol-ketamine and propofolfentanyl combinations produced safe and effective anaesthesia. Propofol-ketamine results in a more stable respiratory profile

    Out-of-pocket health expenditure for under-five illnesses in a semi-urban community in Northern Nigeria

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    Background: Household expenditure on health is increasingly becoming a major source of health care financing in Nigeria. Recognizing the limitations of this pattern of financing health care, the government has introduced a social health insurance scheme policy that has provided for government meeting the health care costs of children. However, there is a dearth of information on the pattern and costs of under-five illnesses at community level. This study therefore sought to determine the magnitude and causes of illnesses among under-fives, sources of healthcare and out of pocket expenditure among children under-five in Layin Zomo, a semi-urban area of Northern Nigeria Methodology: A cross-sectional community-based descriptive study design was used to study a population of under-fives in the settlement. A 50% sample of all under-fives in the settlement was drawn using systematic sampling method. Information was sought from the mothers/caregivers on illness episodes in the three months preceding the study, place and cost of treatment among the 324 sampled population. Result: The findings showed that 26. 9% of the children had been ill within three months of the study with fever; cough and diarrhoea being the leading causes of illness. Majority of respondents, 41.7% sought treatment from patent medicine vendors. The median out of pocket expenditure on treatment per illness episode was 171 Naira (1.2)andtheestimatedannualpercapitaoutofpockettreatmentcostperchildwas255Naira( 1.2) and the estimated annual per capita out of pocket treatment cost per child was 255 Naira (1.8). Conclusion: While the study has provided some data for computation of the out of pocket health expenditure for treatment of under-five illnesses, the poverty context within which such expenditures are incurred limits the utilization of such information to determine the premium rate for the proposed children under five programme under the National Health Insurance Scheme. Key Words: Healthcare; Out-of-pocket expenditure; Under-fives; Zaria Journal of Community Medicine & Primary Health Care Vol.16(1) 2004: 29-3

    Effect of Variety, Seed Rate and Row Spacing on the Growth and Yield of Rice in Bauchi, Nigeria

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    Field experiments were conducted at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Fadama Farm Bauchi, during the rainy seasons of 2006 and 2007 to study the effects of variety, seeding rate and row spacing on growth and yield of rice. Two varieties of rice; Ex – China (Indigenous and upland/lowland) and NERICA-1 (improved and upland), three seeding rates (32, 54 and 75 kg/ha) and four row spacings (15, 20, 25 and broadcast) were used during the study. The treatments were combined and laid in a split – split plot design with three replications. Variety was placed in the main plot, seeding rate in the sub plot while row spacing was placed in sub –sub plot. Data were collected on parameters such as plant height, number of tillers per plant, spikes per hill, spikelets per spike and number of seeds per spike, seed weight per hill, 1000 grain weight and yield kg ha-1 and analyzed using analysis of variance procedure for split – split plot and significant differences among the treatment means were separated using the Duncan multiple range test (DMRT). Variety Ex-China produced significantly (P<0.05) higher numbers of tillers per plant and spikes per hill. However, NERICA-1 produced significantly (P<0.05) higher numbers of spikelets per spike, seeds per spike, weight of seed per spike, weight of seed per hill, 1000 grain weight and yield in kg ha-1 than Ex-China. Row spacings of 15, 20 and 25cm also had significant effects on the number of tillers per plant, number of spikes per hill, number of spikelets per spike, number of seeds per spike, weight of seed per spike, weight of seed per hill, 1000 grain weight and yield kg ha-1 over the control. From the factors studied, seeding rate did not show any significant difference during the two years of investigation. Interactions were also observed among the factors studied. Therefore, row spacings irrespective of the method used, or hole planting of rice could be more appropriate for optimum grain yield.Key words: Seed rate, Row spacing, Spike

    Management of Unilateral Suppurative Mastitis in A Four-year-old Red

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    Nigerian Veterinary Journal, Vol. 32(3): 2011; 246 - 24

    The influence of season of birth on the pattern of lip prints in Nigeria

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    Dermatoglyphs and their components can both environmentally and genetically be determined, even though the arrangement of ridges remains constant throughout life. The aim of this study was to determine the predominant lip print types in different seasons and the influences of the season of birth on the pattern of lip print among Nigerians. Five hundred and six students (256 males and 250 females) were recruited. The lip print was collected using glass slide and developed with carbon black powder. Each print was divided into ten compartments for final analyses of lip prints. Chi-square test was used to test for association between the season of birth and lip prints. Statistical significance was considered at p<0.05. The result shows the percentage distribution oflip print in upper lip in wet season with type III (31.02%) as predominant and type I’ (0.29%) the least, and for dry season the same trend was observed. In lower lip in wet season type V (29.50%) was predominant and type I’ (0.68%) the least, and the same trend was observed for dry season. In both lower and upper lips the season of birth shows no  statistically significant association (P > 0.05) with lip prints in all  compartments. In conclusion, the environmental factor considered in thisstudy (season of birth) has no influence in the determination of the lip prints patterns. Hence, recommending the use of lip print as a forensic tool.Key words; Nigeria, powder, lip prints, season of birt

    The role of anaesthetist in the management of patients due to insurgency in the North-eastern Nigeria.

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    The roles played by the team of Anaesthetists in the management of patients due to insurgency are enormous and very vital in the survival of the patients and indeed in the reduction of the possible morbidities and mortalities due to injuries from the insurgency. Objective: This study is aimed at giving an overview of the role of Anaesthetist in important areas of patient's management due to insurgency and to suggest ways of improvement. Method: This is a prospective study of 1,339 patients managed for various injuries sustained due to insurgency in the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria, for the period of five years (January, 2010 and December, 2014). Results: One thousand three and thirty nine (1,339) patients who were injured directly due to the insurgency were included in the study during the period under review. Their ages ranged from 1 month to 80 years with the mean age of 38.6±18.3 years. Most of the injuries occurred among the age group 18 - 35 years. Patients were resuscitated, had anaesthesia for surgeries and also had intensive care management. Conclusion: The roles played by the Anaesthetist are so vital in the survival of the patients due to insurgency. However, there is a need for an increase in the number of Anaesthesia manpower and for the training and re-training of these Anaesthetists in the management of mass casualties
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