5,389 research outputs found

    Predictions for the fracture toughness of cancellous bone of fracture neck of femur patients

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    Current protocol in determining if a patient is osteoporotic and their fracture risk is based on dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). DXA gives an indication of their bone mineral density (BMD) which is the product of both the porosity and density of the mineralized bone tissue; this is usually taken at the hip. The DXA results are assessed using the fracture risk assessment tool as recommended by the World Health Organization. While this provides valuable data on a person’s fracture risk advancements in medical imagining technology enables development of more robust and accurate risk assessment tools. In order to develop such tools in vitro analysis of bone is required to assess the morphological properties of bone osteoporotic bone tissue and how these pertain to the fracture toughness (Kcmax) of the tissue.Support was provided by the EPSRC (EP/K020196: Point-ofCare High Accuracy Fracture Risk Prediction), the UK Department of Transport under the BOSCOS (Bone Scanning for Occupant Safety) project, and approved by Gloucester and Cheltenham NHS Trust hospitals under ethical consent (BOSCOS – Mr. Curwen CI REC ref 01/179G)

    A review of Dendrobium kingianum Bidwill ex Lindl. (Orchidaceae) with morphological and molecular-phylogenetic analyses

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    Populations of Dendrobium kingianum Bidwill ex Lindl. from near Newcastle, New South Wales to southern and central west Queensland and encompassing all regions of the distribution were studied using field observations, morphometric analysis and nrITS sequences. A total of 281 individuals were used to construct regional descriptions of D. kingianum and 139 individuals were measured for 19 morphological characters, and similarities and differences among specimens summarised using multivariate statistical methods. Patterns of morphological variation within D. kingianum are consistent with a single variable species that expresses clinal variation, with short growing plants in the south and taller plants in the northern part of the distribution. The nrITS gene tree suggests two subgroups within D. kingianum subsp. kingianum, one comprising northern, the other southern individuals, which may overlap in the vicinity of Dorrigo, New South Wales. The disjunct D. kingianum subsp. carnarvonense in central west Queensland, which can be distinguished by a predominately subterranean habit and a narrower labellum midlobe, was resolved sister to D. moorei, which renders D. kingianum paraphyletic in the nrITS gene tree, but this position was not supported. Regional descriptions documenting clinal variation are provided. All previously described varieties, including D. kingianum var. pulcherrimum Rupp, are colour and growth forms of D. kingianum subsp. kingianum

    On evaluating parallel computer systems

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    A workshop was held in an attempt to program real problems on the MIT Static Data Flow Machine. Most of the architecture of the machine was specified but some parts were incomplete. The main purpose for the workshop was to explore principles for the evaluation of computer systems employing new architectures. Principles explored were: (1) evaluation must be an integral, ongoing part of a project to develop a computer of radically new architecture; (2) the evaluation should seek to measure the usability of the system as well as its performance; (3) users from the application domains must be an integral part of the evaluation process; and (4) evaluation results should be fed back into the design process. It is concluded that the general organizational principles are achievable in practice from this workshop

    First Results from Photon Multiplicity Detector at RHIC

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    We present the first measurement of multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions of photons in the pseudorapidity region 2.3 < eta < 3.7 for different centralities in Au + Au collisions at sqrt{s_NN} = 62.4 GeV. The pseudorapidity distribution of photons, dominated by neutral pion decays, has been compared to those of identified charged pions, photons, and inclusive charged particles from heavy ion and nucleon-nucleon collisions at various energies. Scaling of photon yield with number of participating nucleons and limiting fragmentation scenario for inclusive photon production has been studied.Comment: Talk given at 5th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (February 8 - 12, 2005); 4 pages and 6 figure

    Properties of particle production at large transverse momentum in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at RHIC

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    We present the incident energy and system size dependence of the pT spectra for charged pions, protons, and anti-protons using Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at Sqrt(sNN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV in STAR experiment at RHIC. Through these measurements in the pT range of 0.2 < pT < 10 GeV/c we conduct a systematic study of the beam energy, system size and particle species dependence of nuclear modification factors and address specific predictions from the quark coalescence models regarding the beam energy dependence of baryon enhancement in the intermediate pT (2 < pT < 6 GeV/c) region.Comment: Talk given at 19th International Conference on Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2006 (QM 2006), Shanghai, China, 14-20 Nov. 200

    Regulation Of Growth And Cellular Differentiation In Developing Avena Internodes By Gibberellic Acid And Indole‐3‐Acetic Acid

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142043/1/ajb209742.pd

    Iron Dynamics in a Gas-Water-Sediment Microcosm

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    Iron dynamics in eutrophic systems were studied in the laboratory utilizing gas-water-Sediment phase sealed microcosms. Sediments from Hyrum Reservoir (2.4 percent iron by weight) were placed in the dark to simulate the hypolimnetic regions of a eutrophic impoundment. Iron both chemically and physically was readily available to microorganisms of the aqueous phase because iron in these systems was soluble. In the light microcosms, which simulated shallow littoral regions of eutrophic impoundments, iron was found in higher aqueous phase concentrations than was predicted chemically and physically; this was rationalized through biological mechanisms. The experiment was conducted in two phases: Phase I lasted 189 days (0 and 0.300 mg NO3–N/1 inputs) and phase II lated 175 days (10mg NO3-N/1 imput). Average light microcosm effluent iron concentrations increased from 0.092 mg FE/1 (Phase I) to 0.246 mg Fe/1 (Phase II) given higher inorganic nitrogen inputs. In Phase II, when nitrogen input into the microcosms ceased (nitrogen perturbations, day 115), aqueous phase iron concentrations in the dark microcosms increased dramatically (0.011 to 0.624 mg Fe/1)

    Predicting the Fracture Toughness of Human Cancellous Bone in Fractured Neck of Femur Patients Using Bone Volume and Micro-Architecture

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    The current protocol used to determine if an individual is osteoporotic relies on assessment of the individual's bone mineral density (BMD), which allows clinicians to judge the condition of a patient with respect to their peers. This, in essence, evaluates a person's fracture risk, because BMD is a good surrogate measure for strength and stiffness. In recent studies, the authors were the first to produce fracture toughness (FT) data from osteoporotic (OP) and osteoarthritic (OA) patients, by using a testing technique which basically analyzes the prerequisite stress conditions for the onset of growth of a major crack through cancellous bone tissue. FT depends mainly on bone quantity (BV/TV, bone volume/tissue volume), but also on bone micro-architecture (mArch), the inner trabecular design of the bone. The working research hypothesis of the present study is that mArch offers added prediction power to BV/TV in determining FT parameters. Consequently, our aim was to investigate the use of predictive models for fracture toughness and also to investigate if there are any significant differences between the models produced from samples loaded across (A C , transverse to) the main trabecular orientation and along (A L , in parallel) the trabeculae. In multilinear regression analysis, we found that the strength of the relationships varied for a crack growing in these two orthogonal directions. Adding mArch variables in the Ac direction helped to increase the R 2 to 0.798. However, in the A L direction, adding the mArch parameters did not add any predictive power to using BV/TV alone; BV/TV on its own could produce R 2 = 0.730. The present results also imply that the anisotropic layout of the trabeculae makes it more difficult for a major crack to grow transversely across them. Cancellous bone models and remodels itself in a certain way to resist fracture in a specific direction, and thus, we should be mindful that architectural quality as well as bone quantity are needed to understand the resistance to fracture

    A Combined Experimental and Analytical Modeling Approach to Understanding Friction Stir Welding

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    In the Friction Stir Welding (FSW) process a rotating pin tool joins the sides of a seam by stirring them together. This solid state welding process avoids problems with melting and hot-shortness presented by some difficult-to weld high-performance light alloys. The details of the plastic flow during the process are not well understood and are currently a subject of research. Two candidate models of the FSW process, the Mixed Zone (MZ) and the Single Slip Surface (S3) model are presented and their predictions compared to experimental data