547 research outputs found

    Anomalous scaling in a non local growth model in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class

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    We study the interface dynamics of a discrete model to quantitatively describe electrochemical deposition experiments. Extensive numerical simulations indicate that the interface dynamics is unstable at early times, but asymptotically displays the scaling of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. During the time interval in which the surface is unstable, its power spectrum is anomalous; hence the behaviors at length scales smaller than or comparable with the system size are described by different roughness exponents. These results are expected to apply to a wide range of electrochemical deposition experiments.Comment: REVTEX (4 pages) and three figures (postscript), to be published in PRE (rapid communication, March, 1998

    Photonic realization of the relativistic Kronig-Penney model and relativistic Tamm surface states

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    Photonic analogues of the relativistic Kronig-Penney model and of relativistic surface Tamm states are proposed for light propagation in fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) with phase defects. A periodic sequence of phase slips in the FBG realizes the relativistic Kronig-Penney model, the band structure of which being mapped into the spectral response of the FBG. For the semi-infinite FBG Tamm surface states can appear and can be visualized as narrow resonance peaks in the transmission spectrum of the grating

    Fluorescence decay in aperiodic Frenkel lattices

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    We study motion and capture of excitons in self-similar linear systems in which interstitial traps are arranged according to an aperiodic sequence, focusing our attention on Fibonacci and Thue-Morse systems as canonical examples. The decay of the fluorescence intensity following a broadband pulse excitation is evaluated by solving the microscopic equations of motion of the Frenkel exciton problem. We find that the average decay is exponential and depends only on the concentration of traps and the trapping rate. In addition, we observe small-amplitude oscillations coming from the coupling between the low-lying mode and a few high-lying modes through the topology of the lattice. These oscillations are characteristic of each particular arrangement of traps and they are directly related to the Fourier transform of the underlying lattice. Our predictions can be then used to determine experimentally the ordering of traps.Comment: REVTeX 3.0 + 3PostScript Figures + epsf.sty (uuencoded). To appear in Physical Review

    Dynamical phenomena in Fibonacci Semiconductor Superlattices

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    We present a detailed study of the dynamics of electronic wavepackets in Fibonacci semiconductor superlattices, both in flat band conditions and subject to homogeneous electric fields perpendicular to the layers. Coherent propagation of electrons is described by means of a scalar Hamiltonian using the effective-mass approximation. We have found that an initial Gaussian wavepacket is filtered selectively when passing through the superlattice. This means that only those components of the wavepacket whose wavenumber belong to allowed subminibands of the fractal-like energy spectrum can propagate over the entire superlattice. The Fourier pattern of the transmitted part of the wavepacket presents clear evidences of fractality reproducing those of the underlying energy spectrum. This phenomenon persists even in the presence of unintentional disorder due to growth imperfections. Finally, we have demonstrated that periodic coherent-field induced oscillations (Bloch oscillations), which we are able to observe in our simulations of periodic superlattices, are replaced in Fibonacci superlattices by more complex oscillations displaying quasiperiodic signatures, thus sheding more light onto the very peculiar nature of the electronic states in these systems.Comment: 7 pagex, RevTex, 5 Postscript figures. Physical Review B (in press

    Exciton Optical Absorption in Self-Similar Aperiodic Lattices

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    Exciton optical absorption in self-similar aperiodic one-dimensional systems is considered, focusing our attention on Thue-Morse and Fibonacci lattices as canonical examples. The absorption line shape is evaluated by solving the microscopic equations of motion of the Frenkel-exciton problem on the lattice, in which on-site energies take on two values, according to the Thue-Morse or Fibonacci sequences. Results are compared to those obtained in random lattices with the same stechiometry and size. We find that aperiodic order causes the occurrence of well-defined characteristic features in the absorption spectra which clearly differ from the case of random systems, indicating a most peculiar exciton dynamics. We successfully explain the obtained spectra in terms of the two-center problem. This allows us to establish the origin of all the absorption lines by considering the self-similar aperiodic lattices as composed of two-center blocks, within the same spirit of the renormalization group ideas.Comment: 16 pages in REVTeX 3.0. 2 figures on request to F. D-A ([email protected]

    Linear optical properties of one-dimensional Frenkel exciton systems with intersite energy correlations

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    We analyze the effects of intersite energy correlations on the linear optical properties of one-dimensional disordered Frenkel exciton systems. The absorption line width and the factor of radiative rate enhancement are studied as a function of the correlation length of the disorder. The absorption line width monotonously approaches the seeding degree of disorder on increasing the correlation length. On the contrary, the factor of radiative rate enhancement shows a non-monotonous trend, indicating a complicated scenario of the exciton localization in correlated systems. The concept of coherently bound molecules is exploited to explain the numerical results, showing good agreement with theory. Some recent experiments are discussed in the light of the present theory.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figues, REVTeX, to appear in Physical Review

    Three-dimensional effects on extended states in disordered models of polymers

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    We study electronic transport properties of disordered polymers in the presence of both uncorrelated and short-range correlated impurities. In our procedure, the actual physical potential acting upon the electrons is replaced by a set of nonlocal separable potentials, leading to a Schr\"odinger equation that is exactly solvable in the momentum representation. We then show that the reflection coefficient of a pair of impurities placed at neighboring sites (dimer defect) vanishes for a particular resonant energy. When there is a finite number of such defects randomly distributed over the whole lattice, we find that the transmission coefficient is almost unity for states close to the resonant energy, and that those states present a very large localization length. Multifractal analysis techniques applied to very long systems demonstrate that these states are truly extended in the thermodynamic limit. These results reinforce the possibility to verify experimentally theoretical predictions about absence of localization in quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems.Comment: 16 pages, REVTeX 3.0, 5 figures on request from FDA ([email protected]). Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. MA/UC3M/09/9

    Electron dynamics in intentionally disordered semiconductor superlattices

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    We study the dynamical behavior of disordered quantum-well-based semiconductor superlattices where the disorder is intentional and short-range correlated. We show that, whereas the transmission time of a particle grows exponentially with the number of wells in an usual disordered superlattice for any value of the incident particle energy, for specific values of the incident energy this time increases linearly when correlated disorder is included. As expected, those values of the energy coincide with a narrow subband of extended states predicted by the static calculations of Dom\'{\i}nguez-Adame {\em et al.} [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 51}, 14 ,359 (1994)]; such states are seen in our dynamical results to exhibit a ballistic regime, very close to the WKB approximation of a perfect superlattice. Fourier transform of the output signal for an incident Gaussian wave packet reveals a dramatic filtering of the original signal, which makes us confident that devices based on this property may be designed and used for nanotechnological applications. This is more so in view of the possibility of controllingthe outp ut band using a dc electric field, which we also discuss. In the conclusion we summarize our results and present an outlook for future developments arising from this work.Comment: 10 pagex, RevTex, 13 Postscript figures. Physical Review B (in press

    Energy spectra of quasiperiodic systems via information entropy

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    We study the relationship between the electronic spectrum structure and the configurational order of one-dimensional quasiperiodic systems. We take the Fibonacci case as an specific example, but the ideas outlined here may be useful to accurately describe the energy spectra of general quasiperiodic systems of technological interest. Our main result concerns the {\em minimization} of the information entropy as a characteristic feature associated to quasiperiodic arrangements. This feature is shown to be related to the ability of quasiperiodic systems to encode more information, in the Shannon sense, than periodic ones. In the conclusion we comment on interesting implications of these results on further developments on the issue of quasiperiodic order.Comment: REVTeX 3.0, 8 pages, 3 figures available on request from FD-A ([email protected]), Phys Rev E submitted, MA/UC3M/02/9

    Discovery of a Planetary-Mass Brown Dwarf with a Circumstellar Disk

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    Using the Hubble Space Telescope, the 4 m Blanco telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, and the Spitzer Space Telescope, we have performed deep imaging from 0.8 to 8 um of the southern subcluster in the Chamaeleon I star-forming region. In these data, we have discovered an object, Cha 110913-773444, whose colors and magnitudes are indicative of a very low-mass brown dwarf with a circumstellar disk. In a near-infrared spectrum of this source obtained with the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph, the presence of strong steam absorption confirms its late-type nature (>=M9.5) while the shapes of the H- and K-band continua and the strengths of the Na I and K I lines demonstrate that it is a young, pre-main-sequence object rather than a field dwarf. A comparison of the bolometric luminosity of Cha 110913-773444 to the luminosities predicted by the evolutionary models of Chabrier and Baraffe and Burrows and coworkers indicates a mass of 8+7/-3 M_Jup, placing it fully within the mass range observed for extrasolar planetary companions (M<=15 M_Jup). The spectral energy distribution of this object exhibits mid-infrared excess emission at >5 um, which we have successfully modeled in terms of an irradiated viscous accretion disk with M'<=10e-12 M_sun/year. Cha 110913-773444 is now the least massive brown dwarf observed to have a circumstellar disk, and indeed is one of the least massive free-floating objects found to date. These results demonstrate that the raw materials for planet formation exist around free-floating planetary-mass bodies.Comment: 5 pages, accepted to Astrophysical Journal Letter
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