67 research outputs found

    Glycerin as a factor for moderating quality changes in table eggs during storage

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    Glycerol, a by-product of biodiesel production, is non-toxic to humans and the environment. With the current increase in the demand for fuels obtained from biomass, the amount of glycerine waste production is increasing. There are many ways to dispose this substance (in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and in chemical industry), but its utilization is still insufficient. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the possibility of limiting quality changes in table eggs during storage by coating the shells with a glycerol solution. The material used in this research consisted of 270 table chicken eggs collected on the same day. On the first day of the experiment, quality traits of 30 eggs were evaluated (initial control group). The remaining 240 eggs were divided into two equal groups: control (eggs that were not subjected to any treatment) and experimental (eggs that were coated with a 5&thinsp;% aqueous solution of glycerol). The eggs were placed on transport trays and stored at 14&thinsp;°C and 70&thinsp;% humidity. Quality evaluations were carried out after 14 and 28 days of storage. The depth of the air cell, mass and specific gravity of the egg, the shell characteristics (water vapour conductance, strength, mass, thickness, and density), and the content traits (pH of the albumen and yolk, Haugh units, and colour and weight of the yolk) were evaluated. The results obtained suggest that the use of glycerine may contribute to slowing adverse changes in egg quality during storage by limiting CO2 removal from the egg content, which allows the egg to maintain albumen structure. Due to the fact that glycerine is a safe, cheap, and easy-to-apply substance, its large-scale use in poultry raw material storage seems to be a very real possibility.</p

    Insights into the Transposable Mobilome of Paracoccus spp. (Alphaproteobacteria)

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    Several trap plasmids (enabling positive selection of transposition events) were used to identify a pool of functional transposable elements (TEs) residing in bacteria of the genus Paracoccus (Alphaproteobacteria). Complex analysis of 25 strains representing 20 species of this genus led to the capture and characterization of (i) 37 insertion sequences (ISs) representing 9 IS families (IS3, IS5, IS6, IS21, IS66, IS256, IS1182, IS1380 and IS1634), (ii) a composite transposon Tn6097 generated by two copies of the ISPfe2 (IS1634 family) containing two predicted genetic modules, involved in the arginine deiminase pathway and daunorubicin/doxorubicin resistance, (iii) 3 non-composite transposons of the Tn3 family, including Tn5393 carrying streptomycin resistance and (iv) a transposable genomic island TnPpa1 (45 kb). Some of the elements (e.g. Tn5393, Tn6097 and ISs of the IS903 group of the IS5 family) were shown to contain strong promoters able to drive transcription of genes placed downstream of the target site of transposition. Through the application of trap plasmid pCM132TC, containing a promoterless tetracycline resistance reporter gene, we identified five ways in which transposition can supply promoters to transcriptionally silent genes. Besides highlighting the diversity and specific features of several TEs, the analyses performed in this study have provided novel and interesting information on (i) the dynamics of the process of transposition (e.g. the unusually high frequency of transposition of TnPpa1) and (ii) structural changes in DNA mediated by transposition (e.g. the generation of large deletions in the recipient molecule upon transposition of ISPve1 of the IS21 family). We also demonstrated the great potential of TEs and transposition in the generation of diverse phenotypes as well as in the natural amplification and dissemination of genetic information (of adaptative value) by horizontal gene transfer, which is considered the driving force of bacterial evolution

    The comparative analysis of lubricant properties of machine oil AN-46 before and after the process of exploitation

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań własności smarnych oleju maszynowego AN-46 stosowanego do smarowania lekko obciążonych części maszyn przemysłowych (łożysk, prowadnic, przekładni mechanicznych, wrzecion itp.) oraz pomocniczych węzłów tarcia. W Zakładzie Poszukiwań Nafty i Gazu DIAMENT w Zielonej Górze ww. olej jest stosowany do smarowania kół zębatych skrzynki suportowej i posuwowej automatu tokarskiego oraz do smarowania łoża i prowadnic tokarki sterowanej numerycznie.This paper presents the results of research of the lubricating properties machine oil An-46. It is applied to smearing the part of industrial machines. In the institution of the research of oil in Zielona Góra it is applied to the smearing toothed wheel

    The study of tribological properties of bronze CuSn12Ni2 in the presence of the exploational preparation

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości tribologicznych brązu cynowo-niklowego CuSn12Ni2 smarowanego olejem handlowym maszynowym i modyfikowanym preparatem eksploatacyjnym (PE) o działaniu chemicznym. Do badań właściwości tribologicznych wykorzystano tester T-05. Wykazano celowość modyfikowania oleju handlowego AN-68 PE MOTOR LIFE PROFESSIONAL, który korzystnie wpłynął na własności smarne oleju handlowego, a tym samym na właściwości tribologiczne.This paper presents the results of research on the tribological properties of bronze CuSn12Ni2 lubricating machine oil AN-68 and modified PE MLP. A Tester T-05 was used for investigation. The tests demonstrated the desirability of modifying AN-68 by PE MLP. The tribological properties were advantageous

    The study of tribological properties of polyamide PA6 and Modar

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości tribologicznych skojarzeń trących poliamid PA6/ stal C45 i Modar/ stal C45 w warunkach tarcia suchego oraz w obecności smarów plastycznych M11, M16 oraz ŁT4-S3. Badania właściwości tribologicznych wykonano za pomocą maszyny tarciowo-zużyciowej typu Amsler. Wyznaczono wpływ rodzaju skojarzenia trącego i rodzaju środka smarowego na właściwości tribologiczne.This paper presents the results of the associations of tribological properties on the friction of polyamide PA6 / steel and Modar C45 / C45 steel in dry friction conditions, and greases in the presence of M11, M16 and ŁT4-S3. Studies of tribological properties were performed using the friction-wear machine Amsler type. The study determined the impact of such associations between friction and the choice of lubricant on tribological properties

    Improving the working conditions of friction by using operation additives to lubricating oil

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych i weryfikacyjnych na rzeczywistych obiektach technicznych dla oleju smarowego CE/SF SAE 15W/40 i modyfikowanego preparatami eksploatacyjnymi o działaniu chemicznym, na bazie metali miękkich i powodującymi efekt selektywnego przenoszenia. Badania laboratoryjne obejmowały wyznaczenie takich wskaźników charakteryzujących właściwości smarne jak: obciążenie zespawania, obciążenie niezacierające, wskaźnik zużycia pod obciążeniem, obciążenie zacierające oraz wyznaczenie zużycia poprzez pomiar średniej średnicy skaz na nieruchomych kulkach biorących udział przy wyznaczeniu obciążenia zespawania. Po badaniach laboratoryjnych przeprowadzono badania weryfikacyjne na silnikach autobusów po eksploatacji około 20 tys. km. Po procesie eksploatacji silników autobusów wyznaczono właściwości smarne, fizykochemiczne oraz zawartość żelaza w środkach smarowych. Badania wykazały, że preparaty eksploatacyjne wprowadzone do oleju handlowego CE/SF SAE 15W/40 wpłynęły na wzrost własności przeciwzatarciowych i przeciwzużyciowych olejów przed i po procesie eksploatacji silników autobusów około 20 tys. km. Preparaty eksploatacyjne wpłynęły na mniejszy spadek lepkości olejów mierzonych w temperaturze 40°C i 100°C w porównaniu z olejem handlowym, zmniejszyły spadek liczby zasadowej oraz spowodowały mniejszy przyrost zawartości żelaza w olejach.This paper presents the results of laboratory testing and verification on the actual technical facilities for lubricating oil CE/SF SAE 15W/40 and modified operational preparations with chemicals based on solid lubricants and causing a selective transfer effect. Laboratory tests included the appointment of indicators characterizing the lubricating properties, which are weld load, no scuffing load, wear under load, and scuffing load consumption, by measuring the average diameter of the flaws in the balls still involved in the determination of welding load. After laboratory tests were carried out, verification tests were made on the engines of buses after the operation about 20 thousand kilometres. After the trial operation of bus engines, designated lubricating and physicochemical properties and iron content in the lubricants were determined. Studies showed that preparations made to the oil supplies (commercial CE/SF SAE 15W/40) influenced the growth of antiseizure properties and anti-oil before and after the operation of the engines of buses for about 20 thousand kilometres. Preparation supplies contributed to a smaller decrease in oil viscosity measured at 40°C and 100°C, compared to the trade-grade oil, reduced the decline in the alkaline level, and resulted in a smaller increase in the iron content in oils