17,424 research outputs found

    Multivariate characterization of hydrogen Balmer emission in cataclysmic variables

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    The ratios of hydrogen Balmer emission line intensities in cataclysmic variables are signatures of the physical processes that produce them. To quantify those signatures relative to classifications of cataclysmic variable types, we applied the multivariate statistical analysis methods of principal components analysis and discriminant function analysis to the spectroscopic emission data set of Williams (1983). The two analysis methods reveal two different sources of variation in the ratios of the emission lines. The source of variation seen in the principal components analysis was shown to be correlated with the binary orbital period. The source of variation seen in the discriminant function analysis was shown to be correlated with the equivalent width of the Hβ\beta line. Comparison of the data scatterplot with scatterplots of theoretical models shows that Balmer line emission from T CrB systems is consistent with the photoionization of a surrounding nebula. Otherwise, models that we considered do not reproduce the wide range of Balmer decrements, including "inverted" decrements, seen in the data.Comment: Accepted by PAS

    StarSpace: Embed All The Things!

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    We present StarSpace, a general-purpose neural embedding model that can solve a wide variety of problems: labeling tasks such as text classification, ranking tasks such as information retrieval/web search, collaborative filtering-based or content-based recommendation, embedding of multi-relational graphs, and learning word, sentence or document level embeddings. In each case the model works by embedding those entities comprised of discrete features and comparing them against each other -- learning similarities dependent on the task. Empirical results on a number of tasks show that StarSpace is highly competitive with existing methods, whilst also being generally applicable to new cases where those methods are not

    Evaluation of rigid registration methods for whole head imaging in diffuse optical tomography

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    Functional brain imaging has become an important neuroimaging technique for the study of brain organization and development. Compared to other imaging techniques, diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is a portable and low-cost technique that can be applied to infants and hospitalized patients using an atlas-based light model. For DOT imaging, the accuracy of the forward model has a direct effect on the resulting recovered brain function within a field of view and so the accuracy of the spatially normalized atlas-based forward models must be evaluated. Herein, the accuracy of atlas-based DOT is evaluated on models that are spatially normalized via a number of different rigid registration methods on 24 subjects. A multileveled approach is developed to evaluate the correlation of the geometrical and sensitivity accuracies across the full field of view as well as within specific functional subregions. Results demonstrate that different registration methods are optimal for recovery of different sets of functional brain regions. However, the “nearest point to point” registration method, based on the EEG 19 landmark system, is shown to be the most appropriate registration method for image quality throughout the field of view of the high-density cap that covers the whole of the optically accessible cortex

    The role of retrograde repression in limiting axonal regeneration in the central nervous system

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    The regenerative capacity of mature mammalian CNS neurons after axonal injury is severely limited by a variety of mechanisms. Retrograde repression is the continuous inhibition of the expression of growth phenotypes by tonic signals produced by target tissues and transmitted to the neuron cell body via retrograde axonal transport. Loss of target contact through axonal injury is thought to interrupt this retrograde signal and allow the up-regulation of growth-associated proteins. Most CNS neurons, however, possess many widespread axon collaterals, such that retrograde repression is maintained by intact sustaining collaterals even if some axons are injured.In this project we investigated whether or not retrograde repression plays a role in limiting the expression of GAP-43 in transcallosal neurons. Because TCNs possess local axon collaterals to nearby cortex and project distal axons to homologous areas of contralateral cortex, we hypothesized that the simultaneous interruption of retrograde repressive signals from both ipsilateral and contralateral cortex would result in an up-regulation of GAP-43 expression in at least some TCNs.We found that a bilateral infusion of a function blocking antibody to FGF-2 into the parietal cortex of rats using implanted osmotic mini-pumps resulted in a significant increase in the level of expression of GAP-43 mRNA in TCNs identified by retrograde fluorescent labeling. In contrast, neither ipsilateral or contralateral antibody infusions alone increased GAP-43 expression significantly compared to controls. The level of expression of GAP-43 in TCNs did not significantly increase after stereotactic callosotomy alone, but callosotomized animals treated with an ipsilateral infusion of anti-FGF-2 had levels of increased GAP-43 expression equivalent to those seen in animals that had received bilateral antibody infusions.We conclude that FGF-2 provides a retrograde repressive signal for at least some mature mammalian TCNs, and that the expression of growth-associated proteins can be up-regulated in CNS neurons by simultaneously blocking retrograde repressive signals from all existing axon collaterals. The ability to alter the gene expression of mature CNS neurons in both normal and injured states through the targeted infusion of a pharmacological agent may have potential clinical implications in the future
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