26 research outputs found

    Negative pressure wound therapy with instillation (NPWTi): Current status, recommendations and perspectives in the context of modern wound therapy.

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    Introduction of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) revolutionized the conception of wound healing. Currently, there are an increased number of studies confirmed the high efficiency of this therapy in many clinical scenarios. Moreover, some innovations have been introduced in recent years to improve the management of complex and chronic wound. NPWT with instillation (NPWTi) combines traditional NPWT with application of topical irrigation solutions within bed of the wound. Bioburden reduction, decrease time to wound closure, promotion in granulation tissue formation, fewer operative visits have been revealed using NPWTi compared to standard NPWT. However, there are still some questioned aspect of the NPWTi and thus its superiority over standard NPWT has not been fully indicated. Moreover, based on current studies no firm conclusions have been taken concerning the type of instilled solution preferably used, range of dwell- time phase, range of negative pressure and others. The main goal of the publication is to overview and summarize the current state of art concerning NPWTi. Moreover, mechanisms of action, review of the most common used instilled solution are discussed and clinical evidence of NPWTi are described

    Instillation-TIME (iTIME) as a rationale amendment for TIME conception. Is there enough evidence for the efficiency of negative pressure wound therapy with instillation (iNPWT) to announce a breakthrough idea for wound treatment?

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    An increased number of patients developing difficult-to-heal wounds results in billions spending for chronic wound care management. Introduction of TIME conception has been a breakthrough idea for wound healing based on phase-adapted wound therapy that interacts and influence each other and included: T – tissue management, I - infection control, M - moisture balance, E - edge of the wound. Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) revolutionized the management of wound healing. Moreover, recently NPWT with instillation (iNPWT) has gained the popularity of optimizing wound healing. In the context of acceleration of wound healing, iNPWT meets the criteria of the TIME conception. All individual components of TIME strategy are found in iNPWT providing “all in one” conception. Such management is easy to apply, monitor and it is well- tolerated by patients. Based on the current studies, iNPWT is found to be an important alternative for other methods of wound healing. It is believed that iNPWT will evolve and gain popularity as an innovative treatment for TIME conception

    Przydatność poszczególnych faz wielofazowej spiralnej tomografii komputerowej w wykrywaniu przerzutów nowotworowych do wątroby

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    Background: In view of the constant progress in methods of treating liver metastases, new standards for radiological examinations must be developed. The purpose o f this study was to evaluate the ability of sequential phases of multiphase spiral CT (sCT) to detect liver metastases and their segmental localization. Material/Methods: sCT was performed on 100 patients with hepatic metastases. sCT included unenhanced scans (NC) and those o f the hepatic arterial-dominant (HAP), portal venous-dominant (PVP), and equilibrium phases (EP). In each phase, the number, size o f detectable lesions, and the accuracy of the topographic report of lesion location in liver segments were evaluated. Patients with primary cancer of the gastrointestinal tract constituted almost 70% of the group. Results: A total of 354 liver metastases were detected by sCT. PVP revealed 346 (97.7%), HAP 298 (84.2%), and EP 241 (68.1%) secondary lesions. NC scans revealed 195 metastases (55.1%) when evaluated in the 'abdominal window'. The exact localization of metastases in liver segments was established in PVP in 88% o f cases, in HAP 76%, in EP 70%, and in the NC phase in 71% of cases. Lesion diameter ranged from 4 to 127 mm (median: 21 mm). Lesions of more than 30 mm in diameter were clearly detectable in each phase of the CT examination. Conclusions: PVP in sCT has the highest sensitivity in detecting liver metastases and contributes to the most adequate segmental localization. In the standard diagnosis of liver metastases, biphasic examination including HAP and PVP should be performed

    Guidelines from the Polish Surgical Society and Polish Society of Oncological Surgery Concerning Quality Assurance for Centres Performing Cytoreductive Procedures and HIPEC Procedures in the Treatment of Primary and Secondary Peritoneal Tumours

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    Surgical treatment of patients with peritoneal metastases in combination with Hyperthermic intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) and systemic treatments is applied with increasing frequency and, with correct patient qualification, allows for obtaining 5-year survival at a level of 32–52%. The conditions necessary for positive results of such treatment include the high experience of a given centre, its appropriate infrastructure, and appropriate patient qualification for the procedure. As a result of the debate connected with the need to evaluate treatment quality and results, at the request of the Peritoneal Cancer Section of the Polish Society of Oncological Surgery, the conditions for quality assurance were worked out and a Quality Assurance Commission was set up for the centres performing cytoreductive procedures and HIPEC procedures in the treatment of primary and secondary peritoneal tumours

    Negative pressure wound therapy with instillation (NPWTi): Current status, recommendations and perspectives in the context of modern wound therapy.

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    Introduction of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) revolutionized the conception of wound healing. Currently, there are an increased number of studies confirmed the high efficiency of this therapy in many clinical scenarios. Moreover, some innovations have been introduced in recent years to improve the management of complex and chronic wound. NPWT with instillation (NPWTi) combines traditional NPWT with application of topical irrigation solutions within bed of the wound. Bioburden reduction, decrease time to wound closure, promotion in granulation tissue formation, fewer operative visits have been revealed using NPWTi compared to standard NPWT. However, there are still some questioned aspect of the NPWTi and thus its superiority over standard NPWT has not been fully indicated. Moreover, based on current studies no firm conclusions have been taken concerning the type of instilled solution preferably used, range of dwell- time phase, range of negative pressure and others. The main goal of the publication is to overview and summarize the current state of art concerning NPWTi. Moreover, mechanisms of action, review of the most common used instilled solution are discussed and clinical evidence of NPWTi are described

    Instillation-TIME (iTIME) as a rationale amendment for TIME conception. Is there enough evidence for the efficiency of negative pressure wound therapy with instillation (iNPWT) to announce a breakthrough idea for wound treatment?

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    An increased number of patients developing difficult-to-heal wounds results in billions spending for chronic wound care management. Introduction of TIME conception has been a breakthrough idea for wound healing based on phase-adapted wound therapy that interacts and influence each other and included: T – tissue management, I - infection control, M - moisture balance, E - edge of the wound. Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) revolutionized the management of wound healing. Moreover, recently NPWT with instillation (iNPWT) has gained the popularity of optimizing wound healing. In the context of acceleration of wound healing, iNPWT meets the criteria of the TIME conception. All individual components of TIME strategy are found in iNPWT providing “all in one” conception. Such management is easy to apply, monitor and it is well- tolerated by patients. Based on the current studies, iNPWT is found to be an important alternative for other methods of wound healing. It is believed that iNPWT will evolve and gain popularity as an innovative treatment for TIME conception

    Robotic Combined Anterior & Posterior Repair of a Rectal Prolapse, Rectocele, and Sigmoidocele with a Mesh

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    RP is often seen in patients over the age of fifty, particularly women. These patients frequently suffer from other concomitant pathologies like rectocele, sigmoidocele, cystocele, or even enterocele. Rectopexy with a mesh has been an established treatment for rectal prolapse. The utilization of the robotic system allows for a successful repair within a confined pelvic space, especially for precise suture placement when working with the mesh. A 77-year-old female presented with ODS symptoms found to be caused by a progressive rectal prolapse. Her pre-operative ODS score was 9/20. Pelvic floor evaluation revealed concomitant rectocele and sigmoidocele. The patient was offered a robotic-assisted rectopexy with mesh placement to address the three concomitant pathologies. During the procedure, a posterior mesorectal mobilization with autonomic nerve preservation was performed to address the posterior leading edge of the prolapse. Subsequently, the vagina was separated from the anterior portion of the rectum and dissected down to the levator ani muscle and the perineal body. This allowed for the affixation of a polypropylene mesh to the anterior portion of the rectum. Anterior suspension of the mobilized rectum with the mesh addressed all three pathologies. No recurrence or complications occurred at two-year follow-up. The patient’s ODS score decreased to 1/20

    Robotowa operacja naprawcza wypadania odbytnicy ze współistniejącymi rectocele i sigmoidocele z użyciem siatki

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    Wypadanie odbytnicy (WO) jest schorzeniem występującym najczęściej u pacjentów w wieku powyżej 50 lat, szczególnie u kobiet. Z WO zazwyczaj współistnieją inne patologie, takie jak: uwypuklenie odbytnicy (rectocele), wpuklenie esicy (sigmoidocele), uwpuklenie pęcherza moczowego (cystocele), a nawet przepuklina zawierająca pętle jelita cienkiego (enterocele). Rektopeksja z użyciem siatki jest metodą o powszechnie uznawanej skuteczności w leczeniu wypadania odbytnicy. Zastosowanie robota chirurgicznego ułatwia preparowanie tkanek w obrębie miednicy mniejszej i jest szczególnie pomocne podczas zakładania szwów mocujących siatkę. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono przypadek 77-letniej kobiety, u której stwierdzono objawy zespołu zaburzeń defekacji (ang. obstructed defecation syndrome; ODS), którego przyczyną było wypadanie odbytnicy. W trakcie postępowania przedoperacyjnego objawy pacjentki w skali ODS Score oceniono na 9/20. Podczas dalszej diagnostyki, poza wypadaniem odbytnicy, stwierdzono współistniejące rectocele i sigmoidocele. Pacjentka została zakwalifikowana do robotowej rektopeksji z użyciem siatki. W pierwszym etapie operacji wykonano uwolnienie tylnej części mezorektum z zaoszczędzeniem nerwów układu autonomicznego. Następnie wypreparowano przegrodę odbytniczo-pochwową, oddzielając pochwę od przedniej części odbytnicy do poziomu mięśni dźwigaczy odbytu (mięśni dna miednicy) i rozworu moczowo-płciowego, co umożliwiło przymocowanie siatki polipropylenowej do przedniej ściany odbytnicy. Podwieszenie przedniej ściany odbytnicy przy użyciu siatki rozwiązało problem trzech współistniejących patologii. U pacjentki w trakcie dwuletniej obserwacji nie odnotowano nawrotu ani istotnych powikłań pooperacyjnych, a wynik ODS Score uległ obniżeniu do 1/20

    Protocol-based intravenous fluid hydration for newly created ileostomies decreases readmissions secondary to dehydration

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    Background: Newly created ileostomies often result in patient readmission due to dehydration secondary to high ostomy output. Implementation of a mandatory home intravenous hydration protocol can avoid this. We aim to evaluate the impact of mandatory home intravenous hydration for patients with newly created ileostomies. Materials and methods: All patients at a single, tertiary care center who underwent ileostomy creation during a period of sporadic home intravenous hydration (February 2011-December 2013) and mandatory protocol hydration (March 2016-December 2018) were reviewed for incidence of dehydration, readmissions, and emergency department visits. Results: 241 patients were evaluated. 119 were in the sporadic group and 122 were in the protocol group. Operative approach differed among both groups, with hydration protocol patients undergoing 15% less open procedures and 4.9% more hand-assisted laparoscopic procedures (P = .0017). Prior to protocol implementation, 23.5% of patients were sent home with intravenous hydration. Length of hospital stay after index ileostomy creation was shorter for protocol patients by 3.3 days (P \u3c .0001). 15.1% of sporadic patients experienced dehydration as compared to 7.4% of protocol patients (P = .0283). Following protocol implementation, the number of patients readmitted due to dehydration increased from 13 to 14 (P = .01). Discussion: Standardized, mandatory at-home intravenous hydration following ileostomy creation leads to a significant reduction in postoperative incidence of dehydration and dehydration-associated readmissions. This protocol should be followed for all patients with newly created ileostomies, so long as adequate home health nursing support and active surveillance are available