15 research outputs found

    A New ONO<sup>3ā€‘</sup> Trianionic Pincer-Type Ligand for Generating Highly Nucleophilic Metalā€“Carbon Multiple Bonds

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    Appending an amine to a Cī—»C double bond drastically increases the nucleophilicity of the Ī²-carbon atom of the alkene to form an enamine. In this report, we present the synthesis and characterization of a novel CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO<sup>3ā€‘</sup> trianionic pincer-type ligand, rationally designed to mimic enamines within a metal coordination sphere. Presented is a synthetic strategy to create enhanced nucleophilic tungstenā€“alkylidene and āˆ’alkylidyne complexes. Specifically, we present the synthesis and characterization of the new CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO<sup>3ā€‘</sup> trianionic pincer tungstenā€“alkylidene [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­Wī—»CHĀ­(Et)Ā­(O<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu) (<b>2</b>) and āˆ’alkylidyne {MePPh<sub>3</sub>}Ā­{[CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­Wī—¼CĀ­(Et)Ā­(O<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu)} (<b>3</b>) complexes. Characterization involves a combination of multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, combustion analysis, DFT computations, and single crystal X-ray analysis for complexes <b>2</b> and <b>3</b>. Exhibiting unique nucleophilic reactivity, <b>3</b> reacts with MeOTf to yield [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­Wī—»CĀ­(Me)Ā­(Et)Ā­(O<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu) (<b>4</b>), but the bulkier Me<sub>3</sub>SiOTf silylates the <i>tert</i>-butoxide, which subsequently undergoes isobutylene expulsion to form [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­Wī—»CHĀ­(Et)Ā­(OSiMe<sub>3</sub>) (<b>5</b>). A DFT calculation performed on a model complex of <b>3</b>, namely, [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­Wī—¼CĀ­(Et)Ā­(O<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu) (<b>3</b>ā€²), reveals the amide participates in an enamine-type bonding combination. For complex <b>2</b>, the Lewis acids MeOTf, Me<sub>3</sub>SiOTf, and BĀ­(C<sub>6</sub>F<sub>5</sub>)<sub>3</sub> catalyze isobutylene expulsion to yield the tungstenā€“oxo complex [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­WĀ­(O)Ā­(<sup><i>n</i></sup>Pr) (<b>6</b>)

    Synthesis and Characterization of Group 4 Trianionic ONO<sup>3ā€“</sup> Pincer-Type Ligand Complexes and a Rare Case of Through-Space <sup>19</sup>Fā€“<sup>19</sup>F Coupling

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    This report describes the synthesis and characterization of a new series of group 4 complexes supported by a trianionic ONO<sup>3ā€“</sup> pincer-type ligand. Treating TiCl<sub>4</sub> with the proligand [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­H<sub>3</sub> (<b>1</b>) and NEt<sub>3</sub> in benzene afforded {[CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­TiCl<sub>3</sub>}Ā­{HNEt<sub>3</sub>}<sub>2</sub> (<b>2</b>). By means of a lithium transmetalation route, the neutral monochloride complex [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­TiClĀ­(THF) (<b>3</b>) was synthesized in 91% yield. The analogous HfĀ­(IV) derivative could not be obtained using this method. Instead, transmetalation with thalliumĀ­(I) resulted in the formation of the seven-coordinate complex [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONHO]Ā­HfCl<sub>2</sub>(THF)<sub>2</sub> (<b>4-(THF)</b><sub><b>2</b></sub>), which was characterized by combustion analysis and X-ray crystallography. Applying vacuum to <b>4-(THF)</b><sub><b>2</b></sub> liberated the THF ligands to provide the five-coordinate THF-free complex [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONHO]Ā­HfCl<sub>2</sub> (<b>4</b>). Alkylation of complex <b>4</b> with alkyllithium or Grignard reagents resulted in a mixture of unidentifiable products. However, access to the neutral complex <b>3</b> enabled the subsequent preparation of organotitanium complexes [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­TiRĀ­(THF) (<b>5-R</b>; R = Me, Bn, Mes). Single-crystal X-ray analysis of <b>5-Me</b> indicated that the organotitanium complexes are mononuclear. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction and NMR studies in solution confirmed that complex <b>5-Mes</b> exhibits rare through-space <sup>19</sup>Fā€“<sup>19</sup>F coupling (5 Hz)

    Fast ā€œWittig-Likeā€ Reactions As a Consequence of the Inorganic Enamine Effect

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    The tungsten alkylidyne [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­Wī—¼CCĀ­(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>(THF)<sub>2</sub> (<b>3</b>) {where CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO = (MeC<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub>[CĀ­(CF<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>O])<sub>2</sub>N<sup>3ā€“</sup>} supported by a trianionic pincer-type ligand demonstrates enhanced nucleophilicity in unusually fast ā€œWittig-likeā€ reactions. Experiments are designed to provide support for an inorganic enamine effect that is the origin of the enhanced nucleophilicity. Treating complex <b>3</b> with various carbonyl-containing substrates provides tungsten-oxo-vinyl complexes upon oxygen atom transfer. The rates of reactivity of <b>3</b> are compared with the known alkylidyne (DIPP)<sub>3</sub>Wī—¼CCĀ­(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub> (DIPP = 2,6-diisopropylphenoxide). In all cases (except acetone), complex <b>3</b> exhibits significantly faster overall rates than (DIPP)<sub>3</sub>Wī—¼CCĀ­(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>. New oxo-vinyl complexes are characterized by NMR, combustion analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction. Treating <b>3</b> with acid chlorides provides the tungsten oxo chloride species [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­WĀ­(O)Cl (<b>4</b>) and disubstituted alkynes. In the case of acetone the oxo-vinyl complex results in two rotational isomers <b>10</b><sub><i><b>syn</b></i></sub> and <b>10</b><sub><i><b>anti</b></i>.</sub> The rate of isomerization was determined for the forward and reverse directions and was complimented with DFT calculations

    Synthesis and Characterization of Tungsten Alkylidene and Alkylidyne Complexes Supported by a New Pyrrolide-Centered Trianionic ONO<sup>3ā€“</sup> Pincer-Type Ligand

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    Synthetic protocols for a pyrrolide-centered ONO<sup>3ā€“</sup> trianionic pincer-type ligand are presented. Treating (<sup><i>t</i></sup>BuO)<sub>3</sub>Wī—¼C<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu with the proligand [pyr-ONO]Ā­H<sub>3</sub> (<b>2</b>) results in the formation of the trianionic pincer alkylidene complex [pyr-ONO]Ā­Wī—»CH<sup><i>t</i></sup>BuĀ­(O<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu) (<b>3</b>). Addition of a mild base to complex <b>3</b> provides the trianionic pincer alkylidyne complex {MePPh<sub>3</sub>}Ā­{[pyr-ONO]Ā­Wī—¼C<sup><i>t</i></sup>BuĀ­(O<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu)} (<b>4</b>). All new compounds were characterized by NMR spectroscopy, combustion analysis, and, in the case of complex <b>4</b>, single-crystal X-ray crystallography. DFT calculations performed on <b>4</b> provide insight into its electronic structure and indicate that the HOMO is ligand-based and localized on the pyrrolide Ļ€ orbitals

    Solid State Collapse of a High-Spin Square-Planar Fe(II) Complex, Solution Phase Dynamics, and Electronic Structure Characterization of an Fe(II)<sub>2</sub> Dimer

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    Square-planar high-spin FeĀ­(II) molecular compounds are rare, and until recently, the only four examples of non-macrocyclic or sterically driven molecular compounds of this kind shared a common FeO<sub>4</sub> core. The trianionic pincer-type ligand [CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­H<sub>3</sub> (<b>1</b>) supports the high-spin square-planar FeĀ­(II) complex {[CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­FeCl}Ā­{LiĀ­(Sv)<sub>2</sub>}<sub>2</sub> (<b>2</b>). In the solid state, <b>2</b> forms the dimer complex {[CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­Fe}<sub>2</sub>Ā­{(Ī¼-Cl)<sub>2</sub>Ā­(Ī¼-LiTHF)<sub>4</sub>} (<b>3</b>) in 96% yield by simply applying a vacuum or stirring it with pentane for 2 h. A detailed high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance and field-dependent <sup>57</sup>Fe MoĢˆssbauer investigation of <b>3</b> revealed a weak antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between the local iron spins which exhibit a zero-field splitting tensor characterized by negative <i>D</i> parameter. In solution, <b>2</b> is in equilibrium with the solvento complex {[CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­FeClĀ­(THF)}Ā­{Li<sub>2</sub>(Sv)<sub>4</sub>} (<b>2Ā·Sv</b>) and the dimer <b>3</b>. A combination of frozen solution <sup>57</sup>Fe MoĢˆssbauer spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray crystallography helped elucidate the solvent dependent equilibrium between these three species. The oxidation chemistry of <b>2Ā·Sv</b> was investigated. Complex <b>2</b> reacts readily with the one-electron oxidizing agent CuCl<sub>2</sub> to give the FeĀ­(III) complex {[CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­FeCl<sub>2</sub>}Ā­{LiĀ­(THF)<sub>2</sub>}<sub>2</sub> (<b>4</b>). Also, <b>2Ā·Sv</b> reacts with 2 equiv of TlPF<sub>6</sub> to form the FeĀ­(III) complex [CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­FeĀ­(THF)<sub>3</sub> (<b>5</b>)

    Solid State Collapse of a High-Spin Square-Planar Fe(II) Complex, Solution Phase Dynamics, and Electronic Structure Characterization of an Fe(II)<sub>2</sub> Dimer

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    Square-planar high-spin FeĀ­(II) molecular compounds are rare, and until recently, the only four examples of non-macrocyclic or sterically driven molecular compounds of this kind shared a common FeO<sub>4</sub> core. The trianionic pincer-type ligand [CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­H<sub>3</sub> (<b>1</b>) supports the high-spin square-planar FeĀ­(II) complex {[CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­FeCl}Ā­{LiĀ­(Sv)<sub>2</sub>}<sub>2</sub> (<b>2</b>). In the solid state, <b>2</b> forms the dimer complex {[CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­Fe}<sub>2</sub>Ā­{(Ī¼-Cl)<sub>2</sub>Ā­(Ī¼-LiTHF)<sub>4</sub>} (<b>3</b>) in 96% yield by simply applying a vacuum or stirring it with pentane for 2 h. A detailed high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance and field-dependent <sup>57</sup>Fe MoĢˆssbauer investigation of <b>3</b> revealed a weak antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between the local iron spins which exhibit a zero-field splitting tensor characterized by negative <i>D</i> parameter. In solution, <b>2</b> is in equilibrium with the solvento complex {[CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­FeClĀ­(THF)}Ā­{Li<sub>2</sub>(Sv)<sub>4</sub>} (<b>2Ā·Sv</b>) and the dimer <b>3</b>. A combination of frozen solution <sup>57</sup>Fe MoĢˆssbauer spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray crystallography helped elucidate the solvent dependent equilibrium between these three species. The oxidation chemistry of <b>2Ā·Sv</b> was investigated. Complex <b>2</b> reacts readily with the one-electron oxidizing agent CuCl<sub>2</sub> to give the FeĀ­(III) complex {[CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­FeCl<sub>2</sub>}Ā­{LiĀ­(THF)<sub>2</sub>}<sub>2</sub> (<b>4</b>). Also, <b>2Ā·Sv</b> reacts with 2 equiv of TlPF<sub>6</sub> to form the FeĀ­(III) complex [CF<sub>3</sub>-ONO]Ā­FeĀ­(THF)<sub>3</sub> (<b>5</b>)

    An OCO<sup>3ā€“</sup> Trianionic Pincer Tungsten(VI) Alkylidyne: Rational Design of a Highly Active Alkyne Polymerization Catalyst

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    Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic alkyne polymerization results for the first trianionic pincer alkylidyne complex, [<sup><i>t</i></sup>BuOCO]Ā­Wī—¼CCĀ­(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>(THF)<sub>2</sub> (<b>6</b>), are described. Complex <b>6</b> is a highly active catalyst for the polymerization of acetylenes and exhibits a high turnover number (4371), activity (1.05 Ɨ 10<sup>6</sup> g<sub>PPA</sub> mol<sub>cat</sub><sup>ā€“1</sup> h<sup>ā€“1</sup>), and yield (87%) for the polymerization of 1-ethynyl-4-fluorobenzene

    New Alkylidyne Complexes Featuring a Flexible Trianionic ONO<sup>3ā€“</sup> Pincer-Type Ligand: Inorganic Enamine Effect versus Sterics in Electrophilic Additions

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    Metalā€“carbon multiple bonds exhibit enhanced nucleophilicity at the Ī± carbon within ONO trianionic pincer alkylidyne complexes. Defined as the <i>inorganic enamine effect</i>, this phenomenon is a result of the overlap of the N atom lone pair within the ONO<sup>3ā€“</sup> ligand and a Ļ€ bond from the metalā€“carbon multiple bond. Treating the proligand [O<sup>CH2</sup>N<sup>CH2</sup>O]Ā­H<sub>3</sub> (<b>2</b>) with (<sup><i>t</i></sup>BuO)<sub>3</sub>Wī—¼CR (where R = Et, <sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu) results in the formation of the dianionic pincer complexes [O<sup>CH2</sup>NH<sup>CH2</sup>O]Ā­Wī—¼CRĀ­(O<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu) (where R = Et (<b>3-Et</b>), <sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu (<b>3-</b><sup><i><b>t</b></i></sup><b>Bu</b><sub><i><b>anti</b></i></sub>)). Deprotonation of <b>3-</b><sup><i><b>t</b></i></sup><b>Bu</b><sub><i><b>anti</b></i></sub> by treatment with Ph<sub>3</sub>Pī—»CH<sub>2</sub> forms the anionic alkylidyne complex {[O<sup>CH2</sup>N<sup>CH2</sup>O]Ā­Wī—¼C<sup><i>t</i></sup>BuĀ­(O<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu)}Ā­{CH<sub>3</sub>PPh<sub>3</sub>} (<b>4-</b><sup><i><b>t</b></i></sup><b>Bu</b>). DFT calculations modeling <b>4-</b><sup><i><b>t</b></i></sup><b>Bu</b> reveal overlap of the N atom lone pair with a Wī—¼C Ļ€ bond. However, <b>4-</b><sup><i><b>t</b></i></sup><b>Bu</b> reacts with electrophiles preferentially at the pincer N atom as opposed to the Wī—¼C<sub>Ī±</sub> group. Multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, combustion analysis, and single-crystal X-ray crystallography are employed to characterize complexes <b>3-Et</b>, <b>3-</b><sup><i><b>t</b></i></sup><b>Bu</b><sub><i><b>anti</b></i></sub>, and <b>4-</b><sup><i><b>t</b></i></sup><b>Bu</b>

    Highly Tactic Cyclic Polynorbornene: Stereoselective Ring Expansion Metathesis Polymerization of Norbornene Catalyzed by a New Tethered Tungsten-Alkylidene Catalyst

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    The tungsten alkylidyne [<sup><i>t</i></sup>BuOCO]Ā­Wī—¼CĀ­(<sup><i>t</i></sup>Bu) (THF)<sub>2</sub> (<b>1</b>) reacts with CO<sub>2</sub>, leading to complete cleavage of one Cī—»O bond, followed by migratory insertion to generate the tungsten-oxo alkylidene <b>2</b>. Complex <b>2</b> is the first catalyst to polymerize norbornene via ring expansion metathesis polymerization to yield highly <i>cis</i>-syndiotactic cyclic polynorbornene

    Introducing ā€œYneneā€ Metathesis: Ring-Expansion Metathesis Polymerization Leads to Highly Cis and Syndiotactic Cyclic Polymers of Norbornene

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    Tungsten alkylidynes [CF<sub>3</sub>ā€“ONO]Ā­Wī—¼CCĀ­(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>(THF)<sub>2</sub> (<b>1</b>) and [<sup><i>t</i></sup>BuOCO]Ā­Wī—¼CCĀ­(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>(THF)<sub>2</sub> (<b>3</b>) react with ethylene. Complex <b>1</b> reacts reversibly with ethylene to give the metallacyclobutene (<b>2</b>). Complex <b>3</b> reacts with ethylene to form the tethered alkylidene (<b>4</b>) featuring a tetraanionic pincer ligand. Complexes <b>1</b> and <b>3</b> initiate the polymerization of norbornene at room temperature. The polymerization of norbornene by <b>1</b> is not stereoselective, whereas <b>3</b> generates a highly cis and syndiotactic cyclic polynorbornene. Comparison of the intrinsic viscosity, radius of gyration, and elution time of the synthesized cyclic polynorbornene with those of linear analogues provides conclusive evidence for a cyclic topology