7 research outputs found

    Description of the fixed effects and model types used to analyse each reproductive parameter.

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    <p>Fixed effects (in order of appearance in table). trt β€Š=β€Š treatment (fed or control), HD β€Š=β€Š standardized hatching date of earliest brood for that individual or pair, yr β€Š=β€Š year, maleage β€Š=β€Š male age (young (yearling) or old (2+)), chicks β€Š=β€Š number of nestlings alive at time of measurement, chickage β€Š=β€Š age of chicks (7 or 8 days old), found β€Š=β€Š standardized date nest found. Male ID/Female ID β€Š=β€Š individual identity of male/female. GLMM β€Š=β€Š Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood, GLM β€Š=β€Š General linear model, LME β€Š=β€Š Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood.</p><p>Description of the fixed effects and model types used to analyse each reproductive parameter.</p

    Model-averaged parameter estimates (estimates of fixed effects included in models with Ξ”AICc<i><sub>i</sub></i> ≀2 with contributions to average weighted by <i>w</i>AICc<i><sub>i</sub></i> of model), unconditional standard errors and 95% confidence intervals.

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    <p>Interactions are indicated by x.</p><p>Hatching date (1β€Š=β€Š 1<sup>st</sup> May) and date found (date nest discovered; 1β€Š=β€Š 1<sup>st</sup> May) were standardized before being input in models as fixed factors.</p><p>Model-averaged parameter estimates (estimates of fixed effects included in models with Ξ”AICc<i><sub>i</sub></i> ≀2 with contributions to average weighted by <i>w</i>AICc<i><sub>i</sub></i> of model), unconditional standard errors and 95% confidence intervals.</p

    The effect of food supplementation on chick wing length.

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    <p>Variation in wing length (mean Β±95% confidence limits) in relation to age for fed and control chicks in 2009 and 2010.</p

    Correlation matrix of reproductive parameters investigated in this study.

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    <p>Values are Pearson's correlation coefficients between pairs of reproductive parameters per territory per year, with male identity used to represent territory.</p><p>HD β€Š=β€Š hatching date of first clutch, Clutch size β€Š=β€Š number of eggs in first clutch, Egg size β€Š=β€Š mean egg volume per first clutch, Hatched eggs β€Š=β€Š number of eggs in first clutch that hatched, Chick wing β€Š=β€Š mean maximum wing chord of chicks per nest, First fledglings β€Š=β€Š Number of young that fledged from first nesting attempts, Attempts β€Š=β€Š number of breeding attempts per male per season, Fledglings per season β€Š=β€Š number of young fledged per male per season.</p><p>Correlation matrix of reproductive parameters investigated in this study.</p

    Distribution of dates of hatching of first clutches in 2009 and 2010 according to treatment.

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    <p>Density estimation curves shown to aid interpretation (solid β€Š=β€Š fed, dashed β€Š=β€Š control).</p