32 research outputs found

    Individual protection equipment

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    With the financial support of Internal Security Fund Police Programme European Commission Directorate General Home Affairs. This project has been founded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein


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    The two kinds of classifier based on the k-NN rule, the standard and the parallel version, were used for recognition of severity of ALS disease. In case of the second classifier version, feature selection was done separately for each pair of classes. The error rate, estimated by the leave one out method, was used as a criterion as for determination the optimum values of k's as well as for feature selection. All features selected in this manner were used in the standard and in the parallel classifier based on k-NN rule. Furthermore, only for the verification purpose, the linear classifier was applied. For this kind of classifier the error rates were calculated by use the training set also as a testing one. The linear classifier was trained by the error correction algorithm with a modified stop condition. The data set concerned with the healthy subjects and patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The set of several biomarkers such as erythropoietin, matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors measured in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were treated as features. It was shown that CSF biomarkers were very sensitive for the ALS progress

    Diagnostic value of induced sputum in interstitial lung disease

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    Wstęp: Indukowana plwocina (IP) znalazła ostatnio zastosowanie w badaniach nad chorobami śródmiąższowymi płuc (ChŚP), jednak nadal nieliczne doniesienia dotyczą oceny wartości tej metody w diagnostyce różnicowej ChŚP. Celem badania było określenie wartości diagnostycznej składu komórkowego i wskaźnika CD4+/CD8+ w IP u chorych na sarkoidozę i inne ChŚP. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 59 osób - 36 chorych na sarkoidozę, 16 na alergiczne zapalenie pęcherzyków płucnych (AZPP) i 7 na samoistne włóknienie płuc (SWP). Plwocinę indukowano minimum 7 dni po badaniu BAL za pomocą inhalacji 5-procentowego roztworu NaCl, trwającej 5 minut i powtarzanej 4-krotnie. Skład odsetkowy komórek oceniano w preparatach cytospinowych wybarwionych metodą Giemsy, licząc 400 komórek jednojądrowych. Analizę subpopulacji limfocytów T przeprowadzono metodą cytometrii przepływowej. Możliwość różnicowania sarkoidozy od pozostałych ChŚP sprawdzano, określając wartość predykcyjną wskaźnika CD4+/CD8+ lub stosując metodę klasyfikacji obiektów na podstawie reguły k-najbliższych sąsiadów (k-NS). Zmiennymi stosowanymi w regule k-NS były parametry IP: żywotność komórek, całkowita liczba komórek, odsetek makrofagów, limfocytów, neutrofilów, eozynofilów, limfocytów CD4+ i CD8+ oraz wskaźnik CD4+/CD8+. Wyniki: Ocena IP była możliwa u 33 pacjentów (sarkoidoza - 15, AZPP - 11 i SWP - 7). Wartość indeksu CD4+/CD8+ > 2,6 w IP cechowała się 100-procentową czułością, 72-procentową specyficznością i 84-procentowym prawdopodobieństwem postawienia prawidłowego rozpoznania w różnicowaniu sarkoidozy od AZPP i SWP. Natomiast stosując metodę opartą na regule k-NS, prawdopodobieństwo postawienia prawidłowego rozpoznania wyniosło 79% (oszacowany błąd klasyfikacji = 21%). Wnioski: Zastosowanie metody klasyfikacji obiektów wykorzystującej regułę k-NS w diagnostyce różnicowej sarkoidozy AZPP i SWP na podstawie wszystkich parametrów IP nie wiązało się z wyższym prawdopodobieństwem postawienia prawidłowego rozpoznania niż analiza jedynie indeksu CD4+/CD8+. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 1: 6-15Background: Induced sputum (IS) has been recently used to investigate pulmonary inflammation in patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD), but still little attention has been paid to its efficacy in diagnosing sarcoidosis and other ILD. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of IS differential cell count and CD4+/CD8+ ratio in sarcoidosis (SA) and nonsarcoidosis ILD (NSA ILD). Material and methods: We studied prospectively newly diagnosed 59 patients: 36 SA and 23 NSA ILD [16 hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) and 7 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)]. IS was performed by inhaling a 5% NaCl solution for 4 periods of 5 minutes. Giemsa stained cytopreps were differentially counted and T-lymphocyte subsets were analyzed by flow cytometry method. The k-nearest neighbour rule (k-NN) or predictive value of CD4+/CD8+ ratio were used to discriminate between SA and NSA ILD. The variables of IS used in k-NN rule were: cells viability, total cell count, percentages of alveolar macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, CD4+ and CD8+ subsets, and CD4+/CD8+ ratio. Results: 33 patients were able to produce an adequate sputum sample (SA - 15, HP - 11, IPF - 7). A CD4+/CD8+ ratio > 2,6 had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 72% with 84% of correctly classified cases in distinguishing SA from NSA ILD. However, using k-NN rule the probability of correct classification was 79% (classification error rate - 21%). Conclusion: To distinguish SA from NSA ILD cut off CD4+/CD8+ ratio > 2,6 alone was superior to k-NN rule using all the parameters of IS. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 1: 6-1

    The use of a hybrid Sequential Biofiltration System for the improvement of nutrient removal and PCB control in municipal wastewater

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    This article aims to evaluate the efficiency of an innovative hybrid Sequential Biofiltration System (SBS) for removing phosphorus and nitrogen and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from original municipal wastewater produced by a Wastewater Treatment Plant under authentic operating conditions. The hybrid SBS was constructed with two barriers, a geochemical (filtration beds with limestone, coal and sawdust) and a biological barrier (wetlands with Glyceria, Acorus, Typha, Phragmites), operating in parallel. Significant differences were found between inflow and outflow from the SBS with regard to wastewater contaminant concentrations, the efficiency of removal being 16% (max. 93%) for Total Phosphorus (TP), 25% (max. 93%) for Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP), 15% (max. 97%) for Total Nitrogen (TN), 17% (max. 98%) for NO3 –N, and 21% for PCB equivalency (PCB EQ). In the case of PCB EQ concentration, the highest efficiency of 43% was obtained using beds with macrophytes. The SBS removed a significant load of TP (0.415 kg), TN (3.136 kg), and PCB EQ (0.223 g) per square meter per year. The use of low-cost hybrid SBSs as a post-treatment step for wastewater treatment was found to be an effective ecohydrological biotechnology that may be used for reducing point source pollution and improving water quality

    Comparing hydroacoustic fish stock estimates in the pelagic zone of temperate deep lakes using three sound frequencies (70, 120, 200 kHz)

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    Several decades of research have led to the acceptance of hydroacoustics as a reliable measurement method to monitor fish population in lakes, but full standardisation and intercalibration are still lacking. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of sound frequency on acoustic parameters, such as volume backscattering strength, target strength, and the estimation of fish abundance. Data were recorded in situ using 3 frequencies (70, 120, 200 kHz) simultaneously in 2 different lakes. The results among the frequencies were compared and statistically tested. Data from the 70 and 120 kHz frequencies yielded similar results, but the 200 kHz echosounder estimates in temperate lakes seemed different, especially in cases of high fish abundance, which is typical of eutrophic ecosystems. This work indicates that the abundance estimates of fish populations in temperate lakes based on 200 kHz frequency may differ from results obtained using lower frequencies, and that further study is needed

    Knowledge of pregnant women about venous thromboembolism

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    Venous thromboembolism occurs ten times more often among pregnant women comparing to non-pregnant ones. Pulmonary embolism remains the leading cause of death in pregnancy and puerperium. Research goal The aim of the study was to investigate knowledge of pregnant or puerperal women about venous thromboembolism. Material and methods The study was conducted from October 2017 to January 2018 in a group of 204 women. The diagnostic survey method was applied with the use of the self-designed questionnaire. The survey was conducted using the Google Form. Results Knowledge of venous thromboembolism was confirmed by less than 40.0% [CI 33.7, 47.0] of respondents. Less than a quarter of them received the information about the risk of pregnancy-related VTE from medical personnel, about 30% - from the Internet. Over 20% [CI 15.2, 26.1] admitted that they did not know any symptoms of this disease. Conclusions The survey showed marked deficiencies in knowledge concerning symptoms, risk factors and prevention of VTE among pregnant women. Therefore a special emphasis should be placed on education provided by medical staff in this group of patients

    Re-treatment with [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE or [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE and [90Y]Y-DOTA-TATE of patients with progressive neuroendocrine neoplasm

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    Background: Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are heterogeneous groups of tumours derived from neuroendocrine cells of the ectoderm or endoderm. They are considered rare, with an estimated incidence and prevalence of 6/100,000 and 35/100,000 respectively, and a noticeable upward trend. Radioligand therapy (RLT) using beta-radiation-emitters combined with somatostatin analogues is an effective and relatively safe treatment method. It is usually used as a second-line therapy in case of progressive disease. Material and methods: In retrospective analysis covering eight years of observation (2015–2023) of patients treated in a single highest-reference NEN centre, a subgroup of 13 who received RLT re-treatment (177Lu or 177Lu/90Y-mixture) was identified. Epidemiological aspects, renal, hepatic, haematological parameters and chromogranin A serum concentration were analysed. Results: The median PFS after the first cycle of RLT was 53.8 months (IQR = 19.3). Directly after the second cycle of RLT disease stabilization and progression was observed in 11/13 (84.6%) and 2/13 (15.4%) patients respectively. After the second cycle of RLT median observation time for the study group was 16.2 months. Eight out of 13 patients were reachable for long-term observation and stabilization was confirmed in 62.5 % (5/8), progression in 12.5% (1/8) and death in 25% (2/8) patients. Median survival time in patients with confirmed death was 7 months. During observation, an increase in creatinine concentration with a decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was noticed, however, the values were at a statistical trend level (p = 0.056; p = 0.071). The increase of liver parameters was statistically, but not clinically significant. The decrease in albumin concentration and fasting glucose concentration were not significant. An increase in chromogranin A concentration correlated, although not statistically, with the progression of the disease. A statistically significant decrease in the number of all bone marrow cell lines was observed. The first RLT cycle caused a higher decrease in blood parameters than the second. There were no differences in PFS or laboratory parameters depending on the radioligand ([177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE vs. [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE/[90Y]Y-DOTA-TATE). Conclusions: In follow-up after RLT re-treatment stabilization was observed in 62.5%, progression in 12.5% and death in 25% of patients. Decrease of glomerular filtration, and bone marrow parameters resulted from the cumulative adverse effect of RLT, the natural ageing process, and the progression of the disease. Side effects were mainly caused by the first treatment cycle. There was no significant influence on the measured parameters, depending on the radioisotope used. Re-treatment of RLT seems to be a reliable and relatively safe method, thus should be considered in patients who underwent one cycle of RLT and responded to the treatment

    Późna zakrzepica w stencie w tętnicy nerkowej leczona trombektomią aspiracyjną u pacjenta z ostrą niewydolnością nerek i nadciśnieniem naczyniowo−nerkowym

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    We present the case of 51 year-old man, who, as a result of antiplatelet therapy interruption, experienced a dramatic in course incident of late renal artery stent thrombosis. Fast and appropriate diagnosis followed with successful percutaneous thrombectomy, protected the patient from the consequences of renal artery occlusion