57 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Aneuploidy screening of embryonic stem cell clones by metaphase karyotyping and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction

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    Quality of karyotype of JM8-derived clones is equivalent among distributing repositories. The figure shows the percentages of euploid clones sourced from the two main distributors of JM8-derived cells and GLT rate obtained with them. The numbers of clones in each instance is shown. These numbers illustrate that materials obtained from different distributors are of similar quality in terms of karyotype and GLT ability. Data was analysed using the Fisher Exact test that and showed no evidence of difference of quality between the two distributors. (PDF 77 kb

    Additional file 6: Figure S5. of Aneuploidy screening of embryonic stem cell clones by metaphase karyotyping and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction

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    Outcome of chromosome counting by ddPCR with genomic DNA extracted from ear biopsies. The figure shows copy numbers obtained using the karyotype screen assay panel on DNA extracted from euploid ES cells (C), trisomic ES cells (Ts), X0 ES cells (Ns Y) and female mouse ear clip (E), using the same lysis method. Vertical bars are Standard Errors. The data illustrate that the assays are able detect the expected copy numbers on gDNA extracted from tisssues (2 Chr 1, 8 and 11) and that the number of these chromosomes is lower in genomes extracted from tissue cultures. (PDF 63 kb

    Analysis of the G<sub>1</sub> generation containing animals interrogated by ONT sequencing for the <i>Inpp5k</i>-flox project.

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    The figure shows the PCR amplification of the genomic region of interest with (A) Inpp5k-F1 and Inpp5k-R1 primers (WT yields 1701 bp amplicon, floxed allele yields 1705 bp amplicon) and (B) LoxPF and LoxPR primers (floxed allele yields 1194 bp amplicon) from biopsies taken from the G1 animals derived from crossing founder animals Inpp5k-7 and Inpp5k-8 to WT. (C) The table details the G1 animals obtained from the two lines. The ID and outcome of PCR analysis of the region of interest, as well as the conclusion for each individual are shown. (D) The panels show the sequencing of PCR amplicon obtained from animal Inpp5k-7.1b with Inpp5k-F1 and LoxPR, and with LoxPF and Inpp5k-R1 respectively. (E) shows the sequencing of PCR amplicon obtained from animal Inpp5k-8.3d. Deviations from the intended mutant sequence are highlighted in blue. Animal(s) interrogated by ONT sequence analysis are highlighted in green. + is positive control amplified from an unrelated (A) WT, (B) floxed animal. L1 = 1 kb DNA molecular weight ladder (thick band is 3 kb). (TIF)</p

    Analysis of the microinjection session containing animals interrogated by ONT sequencing for the <i>Tgfbr3</i> floxed project.

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    The figure shows the PCR amplification of the genomic region of interest with (A) Tgfbr3-F1 and Tgfbr3-R1 primers (WT yields 2339 bp amplicon, floxed yields 2443 bp amplicon) and (B) LoxPF and LoxPR primers (floxed yields 925 bp amplicon) from biopsies taken from the G0 animals. (C) The panels show the sequencing of PCR amplicons obtained from animal Tgfbr3-15 with Tgfbr3-F1 to LoxPR (to visualise 5’ loxP site) and LoxPF with Tgfbr3-R1 (to visualise 3’ loxP site). LoxP site sequences are highlighted in blue. (D) The table details the G0 animals analysed: The ID, outcome of PCR analysis of the region of interest and the conclusion for each individual are shown. Animal(s) interrogated by ONT sequence analysis are highlighted in green. + is positive control amplified from an unrelated (A) WT, (B) floxed animal. L1 = 1 kb DNA molecular weight ladder (thick band is 3 kb). (TIF)</p

    Additional file 18: of Application of long single-stranded DNA donors in genome editing: generation and validation of mouse mutants

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    Figure S16. Generation of a point mutation in Rims1 with ssODN donors. (a) The table details the F0 animals obtained for generation of Rims1 mutant with ssODN donors. The ID and outcome of sequencing the region of interest, as well as the conclusion for each individual are shown. (b) PCR amplification of region of interest with Rims1-F1 and Rims1-R1 primers (241 bp) from biopsies taken from the F0 animals. Sequences of Rims1-ODN-151 mosaic and of sub-cloned amplicons are shown in Additional file 3: Figure S2u and v, demonstrating the presence of the desired mutation in this animal that was therefore mated. (c) PCR amplification of region of interest with Rims1-F1 and Rims1-R1 primers (241 bp) from biopsies taken from Rims1-ODN-151’s offspring. Animal IDs are shown. + is positive control amplified from an unrelated WT animal. L1 = 1 kb DNA molecular weight (thick bands are 3 kb); L2 = 100 bp DNA molecular weight ladder (thick bands are 1000 and 500 bp). (d) The table details the first litter obtained by mating Rims1-ODN-151 with a WT mouse. The ID, outcome of sequencing the region of interest and copy counting of the region of interest as well as the conclusion for each individual are shown. Sequencing of Rims1-ODN-151.1g is shown in Additional file 3: Figure S2w and illustrates the failure of transmission of the desired allele. (PNG 893 kb
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