40 research outputs found

    Logistic regression model assessing the associations between socio-demographic and knowledge characteristics with ITN use, among those in households with ≥1 ITN (n = 22,344), Sierra Leone, 2011.

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    <p>Model also controls for district; standard errors estimated with the Taylor Series Linearization method.</p><p>AOR: Adjusted odds ratio.</p><p>CI: Confidence interval.</p>*<p>p<0.10; **P<0.05; ***P<0.001.</p

    Logistic regression models assessing the associations between socio-demographic and knowledge characteristics and household possession of ITNs (LLIN and ITN) (n = 4,610), Sierra Leone, 2011.

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    <p>Model also controls for district; standard errors estimated with the Taylor Series Linearization method.</p><p>AOR: Adjusted odds ratio.</p><p>CI: Confidence interval.</p>*<p>p<0.10; **P<0.05; ***P<0.001.</p

    Individual use of ITNs (LLIN and ITN) by socio-demographic and malaria knowledge characteristics (n = 25,076), Sierra Leone, 2011.

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    <p>Taylor Series Linearization approach used for standard error estimation and accompanying Rao-Scott <i>X<sup>2</sup></i> test statistics.</p><p>CI: Confidence interval.</p

    Modeled diagnosis and treatment coverage based on sensitivity and specificity of caregiver recall across actual intervention coverages in a given community.

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    <p>Proportions of patients actually experiencing each event at the study clinics are illustrated with red arrows. The solid black line at a 45° angle represents 100% sensitivity and specificity. Estimates for the coverage of these interventions expected from a household survey from caregiver recall with the sensitivity and specificity observed in this study (blue line) were modeled for true intervention coverages (observed at clinic) ranging from 0% to 100% as follows: estimated coverage from caregiver recall = (true coverage at clinic<i>×</i>sensitivity)+[(1−true coverage at clinic)<i>×</i>[1−specificity)].</p

    Characteristics of treatment recall by caregivers and observation at study clinics, Western Province, Zambia, 2012.

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    <p>All standard errors estimated using the Huber–White Sandwich estimator to account for correlated data at the facility level.</p>a<p>Only one child tested with microscopy.</p>b<p>Includes laboratory-confirmed malaria and clinical diagnosis based on symptoms.</p

    Accuracy of caregiver recall of key questions of diagnosis and treatment of malaria, Western Province, Zambia, 2012.

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    <p>All standard errors estimated using the Huber–White Sandwich estimator to account for correlated data at the facility level.</p>a<p>Among children reported by caregiver to have a fever in the past 2 wk.</p>b<p>Includes laboratory-confirmed malaria and clinical diagnosis based on symptoms.</p><p>CI, confidence interval; FN, false negative; FP, false positive; TN, true negative; TP, true positive.</p