56 research outputs found

    Estimation du sexe fœtal à partir de l’ilium

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    La détermination du sexe est une des problématiques les plus fréquemment rencontrées en anthropologie médico-légale. Chez l’adulte, cette détermination est essentiellement basée sur l’os iliaque et autorise un très fort taux de classification correcte, tandis que chez le fœtus, les études sont beaucoup moins nombreuses et conduisent à des résultats souvent contradictoires.Nous avons recherché sur 83 paires d’ilia fœtaux de la collection ostéologique hongroise de Fazekas et Kosa quels étaient les critères métriques qui décrivaient le mieux le dimorphisme sexuel, en évaluant les différentes méthodes proposées sur l’ilium fœtal et en adaptant certaines de celles proposées chez l’adulte. Nous avons pour cela établi et validé un protocole de prise de clichés photographiques et une méthode de mesure sur image numérisée à partir du logiciel Adobe Photoshop 6‚.Certains des paramètres retenus dans l’étude – principalement ceux qui ont été relevés sur l’échancrure ischiatique – présentant de fortes corrélations avec le sexe, nous avons établi une régression logistique estimant la probabilité d’appartenir à l’un ou l’autre des deux sexes. Le faible pourcentage de discrimination sexuelle obtenu avec cette formule nous a amené à tenir compte de l’âge : nous avons donc structuré notre échantillon en différents groupes d’âge et avons établi une formule permettant de déterminer correctement le sexe dans plus de 85 % des cas (sur l’échantillon qui a servi à l’établir) pour les fœtus dont l’âge est inférieur à 26 semaines d’aménorrhée.Sex estimation is one of the most frequently encountered issues in forensic medicine. While in the case of adults this determination is essentially based on iliac bones and provides a rather reliable classification, there are fewer studies conducted on fetuses and the results are often contradictory.Therefore, we examinated 83 pairs of fetal iliac bones in the Hungarian collection of Fazekas and Kosa and searched for metric criteria that can the best be applied for determining sexual dimorphism. During this research, we tested the different methods proposed for fetal iliac bones and adapted some others used particularly in the case of adults.For this reason, we set up and validated a protocol of taking photographs, as well as a measurement technique developed for numeric pictures with the help of a software program, Adobe Photoshop 6‚.During this study, we selected certain parameters, principally the ones taken on the great sciatic notch, which showed a strong correlation with sex, and we established a logistic regression for estimating the probability of belonging to one sex or the other.The weak percentage of sexual differentiation obtained by this formula led us to take into account age: we organised our sample in different age groups and established a formula that permits correct sex determination in more than 85% of cases (in our sample) for fetuses that are less than 24 gestational weeks old

    From ideation to sculpture : digital sculpting as the primary 'ideation' tool for creature design

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    This research project examined the potential for circumventing drawing in the ideation process by adopting digital sculpture as the primary conceptual development and design tool for the digital sculpting of creature designs. Through a series of experimental research cycles, multiple frameworks were explored with the aim of identifying a methodology for creating '3D sculpted sketches' for the initial phases of the ideation process. This research project acknowledges that drawing still remains the predominant method of visualising design ideas for characters and creatures for many artists. However, alongside other ideation techniques digital sculpting can function as a rapid and responsive tool to visualize and explore forms in a digital sculpting environment for the conceptualisation of multiple creature design variations. The results of this study are significant for emerging digital sculptors who may not necessarily have a well-defined creative brief or initial concept

    Milieu climatique et estimation des photo-marqueurs de l’ancienneté du cadavre humain

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    International audienceThe measurement of the age of biomarkers generated by the process of thanatomorphosis is subject to the effect of the environmental conditions in which this process takes place. However, the influence of these eco-markers on the dating of biomarkers as recorded photographically remains insufficiently interrogated. The present work proposes to examine the effect of the climatic environment on the estimation of the post-mortem interval from photographic snapshots. The present work is based on 53 photographs of cadavers, of which 11 were taken in temperate zones and 42 in tropical zones. The measurement of the post-mortem interval is performed following the human cadaver decomposition biomarker rating scale developed by Golloway et al. (1989). Our preliminary study shows that measurement of biomarkers photographed in temperate zones underestimates cadaver age, whereas examination of biomarkers from cadavers photographed in tropical zones overestimates it relative to the reference civilian postmortem time. The climatic environment thus represents a factor that may create differences in the measurement of the level of expressivity or manifestation of biomarkers, which may be considered in the estimation of the post-mortem interval.La mesure de l’ancienneté des biomarqueurs, que génère le processus de thanatomorphose, est soumise à l’effet des conditions environnementales dans lesquelles ce processus se réalise. L’influence de ces conditions sur la datation des biomarqueurs tels qu’enregistrés photographiquement reste, toutefois, insuffisamment interrogée. Le présent travail se propose d’examiner l’effet du milieu climatique sur l’estimation de l’intervalle post-mortem à partir de l’analyse de clichés photographiques. Il repose sur l’examen de 53 photographies de cadavres, dont 11 réalisées en zone tempérée et 42 en zone tropicale. La mesure de l’intervalle post-mortem est réalisée en suivant l’échelle de cotation des biomarqueurs de la décomposition du cadavre humain élaborée par Golloway et al. (1989). Notre étude préliminaire montre que la mesure des biomarqueurs photographiés en zone tempérée sous-estime l’ancienneté des cadavres, alors que l’examen des biomarqueurs de cadavres photographiés en zone tropicale la surestime par rapport au temps civil post-mortem de référence. Le milieu climatique représente ainsi un facteur pouvant créer des différences dans la mesure du niveau d’expressivité ou de manifestation des biomarqueurs, susceptibles d’être prises en considération dans l’estimation de l’intervalle post-mortem

    Which Foetal-Pelvic Variables Are Useful for Predicting Caesarean Section and Instrumental Assistance

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    International audiencea narrow pelvic inlet had a greater risk for requiring CD. The most efficient variables for discrimination were the transverse diameter and foetal weight. The antero-posterior inlet and obstetric conjugate were considered in this model, with the former being a useful variable but not the latter. For the SVD versus IAD model, the most important variables were the foetal variables, particularly the bi-parietal diameter. Women with a reduced antero-posterior outlet diameter and a narrow pubic arch were more at risk of requiring an IAD. Conclusion: The antero-posterior inlet was an efficient variable unlike the obstetric conjugate. The obstetric conjugate diameter should no longer be considered a useful variable in estimating the arrest of labour. Antero-posterior inlet diameter was a sagittal variable that should be taken into account. The comparison of sub-pubic angle and bi-parietal and antero-posterior outlet diameters was useful in identifying a risk of requiring instrumental assistance. Abstract Objective: To assess the variables useful to predict caesare-an delivery (CD) and instrumental assistance, through the analysis of a large number of foetal-pelvic variables, using discriminant analysis. Materials and Methods: One hundred and fourteen pregnant women were included in this single-centre prospective study. For each mother-foetus pair, 43 pelvic and 18 foetal variables were measured. Partial least squares-discriminant analysis was performed to identify foe-tal-pelvic variables that could statistically separate the 3 delivery modality groups: spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD), CD, and instrument-assisted delivery (IAD). Results: For the SVD versus CD model, voluminous foetuses and women wit

    Limits of the Lamendin method in age determination

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