25 research outputs found

    Determination of isoquinoline alkaloids contents in two Algerian species of Fumaria (Fumaria capreolata and Fumaria bastardi)

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    This paper describes a fast and efficient procedure to separate and identify isoquinoline alkaloids from methalonic extract of two Algerian Fumaria (Fumariacea) species (Fumaria capreolata L. and Fumariabastardi L.) used in traditional medicine in cases of hepatobiliary disfunction and diarrhoea. Total quinolizidine alkaloid contents were 426 mg/100 g (F. capreolata) and 521 mg/100 g (F. bastardi). Theisoquinoline alkaloids, stylopine, protopine, fumaritine, fumaricine, fumarophycine, fumariline and fumarofine were determined by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in aerial parts ofboth Fumaria capreolata and Fumaria bastardi. In the first species, an ester of phtalic acid was identified, and in the second species a peak seems to be a benzophenanthridine, probably a dehydro derivative and three other peaks which were identified as phtalidisoquinoline, one of them seems to bedihydrofumariline. The chemotaxonomic significance of the results is discussed

    Dissolution rate of point mass sources in porous bodies

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    Badano szybkość rozpuszczania źródeł masy (tabletek) dla różnych geometrii ich rozkładu w złożu ziarnistym. Wykazano wzrost szybkości rozpuszczania ze wzrostem natężenia przepływu cieczy. Zaobserwowano niewielkie zmniejszenie szybkości rozpuszczania substancji wraz ze wzrostem skupienia tabletek. Badano zmianę powierzchni tabletek w czasie: początkowo jedynie zmniejszają one swoje rozmiary, po pewnym czasie stają się porowate, pokruszone, co powoduje chwilowy wzrost powierzchni wymiany masy.Substance migration from a mass sources (tablets) placed in different geometrical configurations was investigated. An increase of fluid flow rate caused quicker tablets dissolution. A little lower dissolution rate was observed for a more then symmetrical clustered placement. The estimation of tablets' surface change in time was examined. Tablets' size decreased only in the beginning. Later the tablets become porous and crushed which caused the bigger interface surface

    Evinacumab, an ANGPTL3 Inhibitor, in the Treatment of Dyslipidemia

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    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an inherited disorder. The level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in patients with homozygous FH can be twice as high as that in patients with heterozygous FH. The inhibition of ANGPTL3 shows an important therapeutic approach in reducing LDL-C and triglycerides (TG) levels and, thus, is a potentially effective strategy in the treatment of FH. Evinacumab is a monoclonal antibody inhibiting circulating ANGPTL3, available under the trade name Evkeeza® for the treatment of homozygous FH. It was reported that evinacumab is effective and safe in patients with homozygous and heterozygous FH, as well as resistant hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. This paper summarizes existing knowledge on the role of ANGPTL3, 4, and 8 proteins in lipoprotein metabolism, the findings from clinical trials with evinacumab, a fully human ANGPTL3 mAb, and the place for this new agent in lipid-lowering therapy