302 research outputs found

    Arbeidsimmigratie naar Nederland

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    Deze studie gaat over de immigratie van vreemdelingen die komen werken. Wij hanteren de begrippen arbeidsimmigrant en buitenlandse werknemer door elkaar. Deze studie gaat in eerste instantie niet over vreemdelingen die voor een ander doel komen zoals het vragen van asiel of voor gezinshereniging, en hun positie op de arbeidsmarkt. Ook wordt in de door ons geraadpleegde bronnen onderscheid gemaakt tussen tijdelijke arbeidsimmigratie en permanente arbeidsimmigratie. Het begrip tijdelijke arbeidsimmigratie kan betekenen dat een arbeidsimmigrant volgens de regels maar een maximaal aantal maanden of jaren mag blijven, zoals seizoensarbeiders of een universitair gastdocent (juridisch tijdelijk). Uit cijfers van het CBS blijkt dat een groot aantal arbeidsimmigranten binnen zes jaar uit Nederland vertrekt (feitelijk tijdelijk). Van permanente arbeidsimmigratie is sprake als het de arbeidsimmigrant is toegestaan zich permanent te vestigen (juridisch permanent). Of de arbeidsimmigrant dat ook daadwerkelijk doet is daarmee nog niet gezegd. Er zijn ook arbeidsimmigranten die in eerste instantie tijdelijk komen maar toch langer blijven, bij dezelfde of een andere werkgever, al dan niet illegaal, of op grond van bijvoorbeeld gezinsvorming (feitelijk permanent)

    Literature review labour migration

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    Attracting and retaining migrants can have many benefits for the host country and its economy, for example to mitigate skills shortages. Regulating immigration may prevent several negative consequences of a shrinking and ageing population. However, research and policy often focus on the highly skilled or so-called knowledge migrants (kennismigranten) as a source of human capital, which can increase innovation and a country’s competitiveness. A group of labour migrants that receives significantly less attention from research and policy, are the medium-skilled migrant workers. Although it makes up a significant share of the migrant population, this group is rarely supported by specific migration policies

    Chemical empty body composition estimation of Nellore and Caracu bulls using the chemical and physical compositions of the 9th-10th-11th rib cut

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    Foram desenvolvidas equações para estimar a composição química corporal de bovinos de três grupos genéticos (Caracu, CaS; Nelore seleção, NeS; e Nelore controle, NeC) a partir das composições química e física do corte da 9ª-10ª-11ª costelas. Utilizaram-se 56 machos não-castrados (20 CaS, 20 NeS e 16 NeC) abatidos aos 20-24 meses de idade. A composição química em água, proteína, extrato etéreo e minerais foi determinada no corte das costelas e em amostras obtidas após moagem completa e homogeneização de todos os tecidos corporais, separados em sangue, couro, cabeça + patas, vísceras e carcaça. Os componentes físicos músculo, gordura e ossos foram também separados no corte das costelas. As melhores estimativas dos componentes do corpo vazio foram obtidas utilizando-se como estimadores os mesmos componentes no corte das costelas. A utilização dos totais de água e extrato etéreo do corte das costelas permitiu estimar com precisão os totais de água, extrato etéreo e proteína no corpo vazio dos animais. O uso das quantidades de músculo e gordura no corte das costelas possibilitou estimar com eficiência os totais de água, extrato etéreo e proteína no corpo vazio. Para estimação do total de cinzas do corpo vazio, foram encontradas três equações múltiplas (uma para cada grupo genético) com coeficientes de determinação satisfatórios. Essas equações incluíram como estimadores as quantidades de músculo e gordura nas costelas. As composições química e física do corte das costelas possibilitam estimar satisfatoriamente os componentes químicos do corpo vazio dos animais. Equações descritas na literatura permitem estimar com precisão os teores de extrato etéreo e água no corpo vazio dos animais deste estudo.Linear regressions were developed to estimate the chemical empty body composition of cattle from three genetic groups (Caracu, CaS; Selected Nellore, NeS; and Control Nellore, NeC) using the physical and chemical compositions of the 9th-10th-11th rib section. Fifty six intact males (20 CaS, 20 NeS and 16 NeC) were slaughtered at 20-24 months of age. The content of water, protein, ether extract and ashes were determined in rib section and on samples obtained after grinding and homogenization of all body tissues (blood, hide, head + feet, viscera and carcass). The physical components muscle, fat and bones were also determined in the rib section. The best estimates of empty body components were obtained using the same estimator components as in rib section. The amounts of water and ether extract of the rib section accurately allowed to estimate the total water, ether extract and protein in the empty body of animals. The amounts of muscle and fat in the rib section allowed estimating with efficiency the total of water, ether extract and protein in the empty body of animals. To estimate the empty body total ashes three multiple equations were developed (one for each genetic group) with satisfactory coefficients of determination. These equations included as estimators the amounts of muscle and fat in the rib section. The physical and chemical compositions of the rib section can satisfactorily estimate the chemical components of the empty body of animals. Equations described in the literature can estimate with precision the amounts of ether extract and water in the body empty of animals of this study

    Dutch EU-policies with regard to legal migration - 28

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    Political Science; European Unio

    Responding to the Dutch asylum crisis: implications for collaborative work between civil society and governmental organizations

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    Between 2015 and 2016, the Netherlands experienced an asylum crisis, one that directly affected organizations working with refugee reception and integration. Besides civil society and governmental organizations (CSOs and GOs), the period also saw individuals coming together to form emergent CSOs (ECSOs). We look at these organizations to determine whether their work brought a shift in Dutch practice and policy with regarding refugee reception. We also examine literature concerning crisis governance, participatory spaces, and refugee reception governance. Finally, we investigate the views and experiences of individuals from selected organizations that played an active role during the crisis. This explorative research is based upon a qualitative and interpretative study involving panel discussions, document analysis, and interviews, conducted between 2017 and 2018 by the Refugee Academy at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. We show circumstantial and interorganizational elements that enhanced and hampered interactions between ECSOs, CSOs, and GOs. We argue that shared activities during the crisis may have created possibilities for durable forms of collaboration and for the inclusion of civil society groups in a debate mostly dominated by GOs