101 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar dan Latar Belakang Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Ekonomi Siswa SMP Negeri I Kecamatan Lumarkabupaten Bengkayang

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    The problem in this study between students' learning motivation and the influence of background and socioeconomic status of the parents of students towards learning outcomes IPS Economy class VIII student of SMP Negeri 1 Sub Lumar Regency stuffed . The study was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Sub Lumar Regency gorged , this study uses a descriptive method with a quantitative approach , and the population in this study were all students of class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Sub Lumar Regency stuffed totaling 70 students of the academic year 2012/2013 , and throughout the study sample . Data collection techniques used were: 1 .Direct observation techniques , 2 . Direct communication techniques , 3 . Indirect communication techniques , and 4 . Documentary study technique . While the tools used for data collection are : 1 . Guidelines interview , 2 . Questionnaire and 3 . documentation . There is a positive and significant influence on students' learning motivation and background of social and economic status of older students towards learning outcomes IPS Economy class VIII student of SMP Negeri 1 Sub Lumar Regency gorged , with the correlationcoefficient simultan.0,917 belonging to a very high influence


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    Abstract This study aimed to analyze the Influence of Entrepreneurial Soul and Family SocioEconomic Background on Interest in Entrepreneurship. This form of research was quantitative with Survey research type. The sample in this study was alumni of MAS Al Muttaqien Suhaid 2017, 2018 and 2019 of 68 people. The sampling method was Total Sampling. The data was collected with questionnaires that had been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used is SPSS.22 program. The results showed that after conducting linear regression tests on entrepreneurial soul variables to Interest in Entrepreneurship were said to have an influence of 20%. On the family socioeconomic background variables on Interest in Entrepreneurship it was said that having an influence of 22%. And on the variables of the entrepreneurial spirit and socioeconomic background of the family towards Interest in Entrepreneurship it was said that having an influence of the remaining 56% was influenced by other variables. Then the signification value of 0.000>0.05 so it was concluded that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted which means there wss an influence between "The.Influence of Entrepreneurial Soul and Family SocioEconomic.Background on Interest in Entrepreneurship in MAS Al Muttaqien Alumni of Suhaid District Kapuas Hulu Regency". Keywords: Entrepreneurial Soul, Family SocioEconomic Background, Interest in Entrepreneurshi

    Analisis Relevansi Pekerjaan Lulusan Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi di Fkip Universitas Tanjungpura

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    This study aims to determine the relevance of graduate study program How Economic Education between education and employment so that their expertise can support graduate education in their work. The method used in this study is a qualitative course of a study, the research instrument is the researcher himself. Subjects were graduates Prodi Economic Education class of 2010 smpai 2014 and Determining the sample using purposive sampling technique that is adapted to the purpose of research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation, while data processing techniques using data analysis techniques domain. The results of the research that the relevance of the work study program Economic Education as much as 60% in the category appropriate to support graduate educational expertise in their work and 40% in the category is not appropriate because it does not support the expertise in education pekerjaann

    Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar, Latar Belakang Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Ekonomi

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    The problem in this research is the influence of students' motivation and background of socio-economic status of parents on the IPS learning outcomes economy class VIII student of SMP. This research was conducted at the District 1 Junior High School Lumar Bengkayang , using descriptive and quantitative approaches . Total population in this study were all eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Subdistrict Lumar Bengkayang numbering 70 students of the school year 2012/2013 , and the full study sample . Tools used for data collection are : Guidelines for the interview ; questionnaires and documentation . Based on the results of multiple regression statistical tests are positive and significant influence students' motivation and background of socio-economic status of parents on learning outcomes Economic IPS of students of class VIII SMP either simultaneously or partially with significance probabilities are all less than 0.05 ?

    Pengaruh Capital Adequacy Ratio (Car) Terhadap Profitabilitas Pada Bank Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This paper aims to determine how the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) affect the profitability of the banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2007-2011. Form used is a form of quantitative research. With a total population of 32 bank open and the total sample of 29 banks open using purposive sampling technique is the determination of the sample with certain considerations. Data collection techniques used are engineering documentation with data collection tool that records of the company in the form of financial statements issued by the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Analysis of the data using a simple regression analysis consisting of one independent variable and one dependent variable. Based on the analysis of the data there are significant Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of the bank's profitability, the magnitude of the effect of 13.9%

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi terhadap Hasil Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi di SMA

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    This research aims to know the effectiveness of utilization of information and communication technology in learning, student learning results on economic subjects in class X SMA Santo Frasiskus Asisi Pontianak. The method used in this research is quasi-experimental method. The sample in this study is a class X A as an experimental class numbered 44 students and class X C as the control classes of 33 students. The results of the data analysis by providing post-test performed on the second class average values ​​obtained post-test results of the experimental class 75.91 and the average value of the results of post-test control class 60.76. From the post-test results have shown that the average post-test results of the experimental class is higher than the control class, which means the use of information and communication technology can improve student learning outcomes. To measure the effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies in the learning economy using the calculation result obtained Effect Size of 0.802, categorized as high
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