7 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan usaha pada usaha penangkapan di Kecamatan Takisung Kabupaten Tanah Provinsi Kalimatan Selatan. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan keuntungan sebelum pembagian hasil yang diperoleh pemilik kapal dari usaha penangkapan dengan gill net yaitu sebesar Rp. 178.928.440,74 per tahun berdasarkan analisis finansial dan analisis kelayakan investasi menunjukkan usaha penangkapan dapat dikategorikan layak This study aims to analyze the business feasibility of fishing effort in Takisung District, Tanah District, South Kalimantan Province. Data collection methods used in this study were interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the profit before sharing the profits obtained by the ship owner from gill net fishing is Rp. 178,928,440.74 per year based on financial analysis and investment feasibility analysis shows that fishing effort can be categorized as feasibl


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Mekanisme dan pemanfaatan pemberian bantuan darana dan prasarana perikanan kepada kelompok usaha bersama di Kecamatan Kusan Hilir. Data yang digunakan berasal dari sumber primer dan sekunder. Data yang telah dikumpulkan, diolah dan dianalisis dengan analisis kualitatif deskriptif dan membandingkan kondisi eksisting dengan acuan pembanding. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kelima KUB hanya satu KUB yang memiliki kelengkapan administrasi yang sesuai sedangkan untuk mekanisme dan pemanfaatan bantuan termasuk dalam kategori kriteria sudah sesuai sebesar 0,79 This study aims to determine the mechanism and utilization of the provision of fisheries funding and infrastructure to joint venture groups in Kusan Hilir District. The data used comes from primary and secondary sources. The data that has been collected, processed and analyzed with descriptive qualitative analysis and compares the existing conditions with reference comparisons. The results obtained from the five KUBs were only one KUB which had appropriate administrative completeness, while for the mechanism and utilization of assistance, it was included in the category of appropriate criteria of 0.79

    The Occurrences of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediment and Wild Shrimps Caught from Barito Estuary, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    The research investigated the occurrences of heavy metal (Pb, Cu, and Cd) in waters, sediments, and wild shrimps collected from the Barito River estuary. Water and sediment samples were collected from 11 study sites by purposive sampling. At the same time, shrimps samples were captured around the sites. The study showed low levels of heavy metals in water samples; those were: Cd<0.0019 mg/L, Cu<0.001 mg/L, and Pb<0.0019 mg/L. Low levels of heavy metals were also detected in sediment samples, those were Cd <0.24 mg/kg, Cu <0.013-0.69 mg/kg, and Pb<0.024 mg/kg. Heavy metals contaminations were detected in Parapenaeopsis sculptilis, those were Cd = 2.802 mg/kg; Cu = 3.399 mg/kg, and Pb = 1.294 mg/kg. In Acetes japonicus, the heavy metals concentration were Cd = 2.127 mg./kg, Cu = 5.518 mg/ kg, and Pb = 2.723 mg/kg. In Penaeus merguiensi, the heavy metals concentrations were Cd = 8.598 mg/kg, Cu = 6.403 mg/kg, and Pb = 5.433 mg/kg. This study indicated the increases of heavy metals concentrations from water to sediment and finally into the shrimps. The presence of heavy metals in shrimps indicated the bioaccumulation of toxic metals, especially for Pb and Cd concentrations which exceeded the tolerable limit according to JECFA


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    Pantai Asmara, Desa Muara Asam-asam Kabupaten Tanah Laut mulai dikembangkan sebagai obyek wisata alam sejak tahun 2016 oleh Pokdarwis Pantai Asmara. Pantai Asmara dengan segala keindahannya terus dibenahi dan dilengkapi segala fasilitasnya untuk lebih meningkatkan minat wsiatawan untuk berkunjung. Namun, pengembangan wisata Pantai Asmara masih memiliki keterbatasan pada aspek promosi, dimana kegiatan promosi belum terkelola dengan baik intensitas promosi yang masih sedikit. Oleh sebab itu, informasi yang diperoleh wisatawan cukup terbatas dan cenderung parsial. Tujuan PKM ini adalah (1) memberikan penyuluhan tentang jenis materi (konten) promosi, tata letak, dan akun media sosial; (2) memberikan pelatihan teknis penyusunan konten promosi berbasis media sosial. Metode kegiatan PKM yang diterapkan adalah (1) penyuluhan dan diskusi; (2) pelatihan dan pendampingan; dan (3) evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan telah memberikan perubahan sikap dan pengetahuan khalayak sasaran (kelompok mitra) terhadap pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai sarana promosi wisata Pantai Asmara dari kurang menjadi cukup banyak mengetahui. Proses adopsi dan difusi iptek promosi produk jasa wisata oleh anggota kelompok mitra ke anggota masyarakat lainnya sudah tergolong cukup (bernilai 60 – 80 dengan rata-rata 68). Pokdarwis Pantai Asmara telah mampu mempersiapkan dan menyusun konten akun promosi produk jasa dalam format sederhana sesuai pengetahuan dan kemampuan kelompok

    Sustainability of Floodplain Wetland Fisheries of Rural Indonesia: Does Culture Enhance Livelihood Resilience?

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    Preserving small-scale fisheries is the main concern of governments in sustainable growth development because more than 90% of fishers and workers make a living in this business including in floodplain wetlands currently affected by external shocks. Applying the sustainable livelihoods approach (SLA) and framework, this research aimed to analyse the impact of environmental changes on fishing livelihoods in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Questionnaire administration and in-depth interviews were employed as data collection methods, and structural equation modelling was tested on samples of 550 fishers. We found that environmental changes in natural conditions and human activities had adverse effects on the sustainability of fishing livelihoods. Fishers found massive development disruptive to their fishing activities, putting their livelihoods at risk and making them vulnerable. The findings further acknowledge cultural significance with livelihood resilience. Since The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines culture as “the entire and distinguishing way of society life”, this dimension is integrated into the study’s well-recognised framework. The government is recommended to re-evaluate its approach to balancing economic, social, environmental, and cultural factors

    Sustainability of Floodplain Wetland Fisheries of Rural Indonesia: Does Culture Enhance Livelihood Resilience?

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    Preserving small-scale fisheries is the main concern of governments in sustainable growth development because more than 90% of fishers and workers make a living in this business including in floodplain wetlands currently affected by external shocks. Applying the sustainable livelihoods approach (SLA) and framework, this research aimed to analyse the impact of environmental changes on fishing livelihoods in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Questionnaire administration and in-depth interviews were employed as data collection methods, and structural equation modelling was tested on samples of 550 fishers. We found that environmental changes in natural conditions and human activities had adverse effects on the sustainability of fishing livelihoods. Fishers found massive development disruptive to their fishing activities, putting their livelihoods at risk and making them vulnerable. The findings further acknowledge cultural significance with livelihood resilience. Since The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines culture as “the entire and distinguishing way of society life”, this dimension is integrated into the study’s well-recognised framework. The government is recommended to re-evaluate its approach to balancing economic, social, environmental, and cultural factors

    The Compliance of Ship's Crew Toward International Convention Implementation for Controlling of Ballast Water and Sediment from Ships In Offshore Port of Taboneo

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    This study aims to analyze the level of compliance of the ship’s crew toward The BWM Convention. (Ballast Water Management Convetion). This research is kind of qualitative using a research design that relates the independent variables and the dependent variable at the same time. The study was conducted in the Offshore Port of Taboneo with a total sample of 54 respondents. The research data is primary data from interview by using questioner and secondary data obtained from interview and literature study. The results showed that the Compliance of the crew on the ship that has been equipped with Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) is 66.67 % of respondents fall into the category approach to obedient and 33.33 % of respondents approach to non-obedient category. So also the compliance of crew on board ship that has not been equipped with BWTS there are as many as 60.61 % of respondents fall into the category approach to obedient and 39.39 % of respondents approach to non-obedient category