330 research outputs found

    Analisis Konvergensi Dan Keterkaitan Spasial Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kabupaten/kota Di Sulawesi Tengah

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    This research aims to analyze the economic growth convergence and spatial dependency in the districts/municipality in Central Sulawesi Province 2010-2014 period. The analysis used panel data regression with Fixed Effect Model and Moran Statistics approach. The results show, firstly no σ-convergence of economic growth in the districts/municipality in Central Sulawesi over the period. These result indicated by the standard deviation and coefficient of variation per capita GRDP is increasing. Second, there is β-convergence conducted by absolute convergence and conditional convergence on economic growth in all district/municipality in Central Sulawesi. Third, life expectancy, mean years of schooling and roads have significant impact on economic growth in the districts/municipality in Central Sulawesi. Fourth, there is no spatial dependency on economic growth among districts/municipality in Central Sulawesi Province

    Evaluation of Road Roughness and Road Deterioation

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    There are two road condition survey methods commonly used, the roughness-based equipment such as NAASRA and the distress and severity type road evaluation method as presented by ASTM D-6433. The objective of the study is to evaluate the relationship between road condition obtained from roughness type equipment and road distress. To achieve the objective, a condition survey using the two methods were performed on two road segments in the East Java Provincial road system. Data obtained from the field was evaluated to obtain International Roughness Index (from NAASRA) and Present Condition Index value (from field condition survey). The results show that the two methods provide a comparable result when the distress type is of un-even surface such as rutting and bumping. A slight different result is observed when the major distress occurred in the road is of crack-type such as fatigue and block cracking

    Slow Radiation-Driven Wind Solutions of A-Type Supergiants

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    The theory of radiation-driven winds succeeded in describing terminal velocities and mass loss rates of massive stars. However, for A-type supergiants the standard m-CAK solution predicts values of mass loss and terminal velocity higher than the observed values. Based on the existence of a slow wind solution in fast rotating massive stars, we explore numerically the parameter space of radiation-driven flows to search for new wind solutions in slowly rotating stars, that could explain the origin of these discrepancies. We solve the 1-D hydrodynamical equation of rotating radiation-driven winds at different stellar latitudes and explore the influence of ionization's changes throughout the wind in the velocity profile. We have found that for particular sets of stellar and line-force parameters, a new slow solution exists over the entire star when the rotational speed is slow or even zero. In the case of slow rotating A-type supergiant stars the presence of this novel slow solution at all latitudes leads to mass losses and wind terminal velocities which are in agreement with the observed values. The theoretical Wind Momentum-Luminosity Relationship derived with these slow solutions shows very good agreement with the empirical relationship. In addition, the ratio between the terminal and escape velocities, which provides a simple way to predict stellar wind energy and momentum input into the interstellar medium, is also properly traced.Comment: 7 Pages, 3 figures, Astrophysical Journal, Accepte

    Analisis Sumber Dan Penggunaan Modal Kerja Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Profitabilitas Perusahaan (Studi Pada PT Express Transindo Utama Tbk Periode 2013-2016)

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    The Company shall manage the amount of working capital in accordance with its operational needs, taking into account the source and use of funds in working capital. This study aims to determine and analyze the source and effective use of working capital at PT Express Transindo Utama Tbk. The type of this research is descriptive research which describes how the implementation of resource management and utilization of working capital PT Express Transindo Utama Tbk. The focus of this study is the financial statements of the company consisting of balance sheet and income statement during the period 2013-2016. Data analysis used is source analysis and use of working capital and financial ratio analysis. The results showed that the management of sources and use of working capital of PT. Express Transindo Utama Tbk for the last 3 years has problems because it does not show the effective amount

    Strategi Calon Legislatif Kota Pekanbaru dalam Meraih Suara pada Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2009

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    Post April 9, 2009 on previously scheduled to take place on April 5, 2009 agoconstitutemilestone in the political history of modern Indonesia in the context of the implementation of the General Legislative Elections with elected representatives of the people in this case to choose legislators Pekanbaru by using a majority vote system of election at this stage of the Open List Proportional system mechanisms that can provide the same opportunity for anyone who wants to become a legislator has completed the democratic system in the field of institutions - political institutions in Indonesia . In the case of urban society pekanbaru faced with a choice to be able to determine simultaneously choose 45 members legisatif second level of Pekanbaru City Council candidates are available as 618 participants competed the Legislative General Election.In the composition of the increasingly limited, the emotional sentiment - was in fact still a primordial reasons and motives in choosing a figure or figures someone who deserves to be served as a legislator. Seen with the effort as do various strategies held by the Legislative Candidates for their vote and win the competition Legislative General Election in Pekanbaru city in 2009. Strategies used include Dor to Dor Come to Every Home Community, Enabling More Success Team, Open Campaign and others - others. In general, 6people of responden a sample of researchers consisting of 2 persons from each party, candidate 1 wins and 1 defeat candidates from each party are available as three types of political parties.In this study population is all Pekanbaru City Legislative Candidates who competed in the 2009 general election. Researchers used for the determination of respondent Quota Sampling. In order to determine who include members of the research sample should first determine the desired respondent. To know about ways and strategies used by the candidates, researchers looked at the status and background of each candidate. In this sampling investigators decide the number of samples per each - each stratum (membership type) tamap random.In this research, using qualitative research model description. The subjects of this study are candidates of Golkar Party with the principle of nationalism, the principle of Joint Democratic Nationalism - Religious and PDS with religious principle.Screening instrument data used is interviews, documentation and literature searches. The data analysis technique used is a qualitative description. The theory used for the formulation of strategy and motive problems in reaching sound Legislative Candidates in the General Election year 2009 is Theory of Action and the Theory of Social Action of the experts Sociology ie, Max Webber and Talcott Parsons.Keywords: Strateg

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Perencanaan Penempatan Lokasi Potensial Menara Baru Bersama Telekomunikasi Seluler di Daerah Sidoarjo Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)

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    Perkembangan teknologi mengalami peningkatan yang pesat khususnya telekomunikasi misalnya pada teknologi GSM. Semakin berkembangnya teknologi maka semakin banyak juga pengguna sehingga operator akan menambah antena dan kemudian menambah menara untuk menyokong penambahan antena. Banyaknya menara telekomunikasi akan menimbulkan efek yang tidak baik. Oleh karena itu dikeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Nomor: 02/PER/M.KOMINFO/03/2008 tentang Pedoman Pembangunan dan Penggunaan Menara Telekomunikasi Bersama dimana dengan satu menara telekomunikasi harus diisi lebih dari satu operator. Melalui implementasi metode Simple Additive Weighting dapat ditentukan prioritas lokasi potensial untuk membangun menara baru berbasis website yang dapat melihat lokasi penempatan BTS eksisting ataupun menara baru dengan google Maps ataupun image yang telah diolah dari Mapinfo. Hasil yang didapatkan untuk tahun 2014 di Kabupaten Sidoarjo terdapat 469 BTS eksisting yang ditopang oleh 389 menara eksisting. Total jumlah kebutuhan untuk tahun 2019 adalah 774 BTS dan 496 menara. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan penambahan 305 BTS dan 105 menara bersama yang tersebar di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

    Valuation of Information Technology Investment Using the Discounted Cash Flow and Real Options Analysis

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    PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) planned to develop an IT-based integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system called Unified TICARES in 2012 as a part of corporate strategic initiatives. The key question is whether the value of this investment is truly feasible for the company. The purpose of this thesis is to provide an IT-based investment valuation analysis using two approaches, namely the discounted cash flow (DCF) and real options analysis (ROA). It compares the results to find out whether different approach will arrive to different conclusions about the investment feasibility. The finding result from both approaches show that Unified TICARES is a promising investment, indicated by positive NPV. However, the result with ROA did not show much difference against the DCF approach. It indicates that the use of ROA is not always necessary to value an investment due to its complexity. The usefulness of ROA will be visible in valuing investments that involve complex configurations. ROA is also required when DCF is not sufficient to provide quantitative judgment on project that subject to high risk and uncertainty

    Perancangan Dan Analisis Sistem Pendeteksi Intrusi Berbasis Network Intrusion Detection System (Nids) Pada Sistem Keamanan Jaringan Komputer

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    Network intrusion detection system is a system that can detect illegal accesses or intrusions happened in a computer network. Actually, there are many types of intrusion detection systems and the differences are based on how network administrators implement the system to secure the network. In this study, the system called Network Intrusion Detection System or NIDS in brief, is used to design and implement the intrusion detection system in the network model design. Intrusion detection system will utilize the snort application that serves as a sensor and detection server and be implemented in a network model that has been designed previously. The performance of the system is investigated through the monitoring of the use of disk space, memory USAge and cpu USAge of the system during intrusion detection identification process. Three different intrusion scenarios such as Portscanning, ICMP flooding and SYN flooding is performed to see the effect in the system's performance. During the test, the use of disk space still has not shown any significant use, due to the detection time limit used in this study was too short. However, the difference in memor

    Berudu Anura di Sungai Kedurang, Bengkulu Selatan dan Pusat Pendidikan Konservasi Alam Bodogol, Jawa Barat

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    This paper aims is to identify and to describe morphological characteristic of tadpoles in Kedurang River, South Bengkulu and Cisuren River, PPKA Bodogol. Visual Encounter Survey along the river method was used to collect the sample of tadpoles. Three species were found in both rivers, namely Bufo melanostictus, Limnonectes sp. and Rhacophorus sp

    Penggabungan Algoritma Forward Selection Dan K-nearest Neighbor Untuk Mendiagnosis Penyakit Diabetes Di Kota Semarang

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    K-Nearest Neighbor merupakan salah satu algoritma yang diusulkan oleh para peneliti data mining di bidang kesehatan seperti diabetes. Diabetes adalah Perubahan menetap dalam sistem kimiawi tubuh yang mengakibatkan darah mengandung terlalu banyak garam. Penyebab penyakit diabetes adalah kekurangan hormon insulin. Hormon adalah unsur kimia yang dibuat oleh tubuh (dalam hal ini pankreas) dan dilepas ke dalam aliran darah untuk digunakan oleh bagian tubuh yang membutuhkan. Akibat salah satu penyakit diabetes adalah buang air kecil lebih sering, sebab kelebihan gula dalam darah disaring keluar oleh ginjal dengan mengeluarkan lebih banyak garam dan air. Maka dari itu, penyakit diabetes perlu didiagnosis. Algoritma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penggabungan algoritma Forward Selection dan K-Nearest Neighbor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggabungan algoritma Forward Selection dan K-Nearest Neighbor memiliki akurasi yang lebih baik dari pada algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor. Penelitian ini menghasilkan akurasi yang lebih tinggi daripada penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya
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