3 research outputs found

    Analisis Potensi Bahaya Menggunakan Metode Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (Studi Kasus Bagian Produksi CV Majawana)

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    CV. Majawana merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang furniture dan permeubelan ukir. CV Majawana berada di Desa Bawu Batealit Jepara dengan jumlah pekerja 467 orang dan melakukan produksi secara massal dan proses produksinya sebagaian besar dilakukan secara Manual Handling, disamping itu juga menerima pesanan khusus dari konsumen. ). Adapun peralatan dan mesin-mesin yang digunakan pada CV. Majawana dalam proses produksinya adalah sebagai berikut : Saw Mill, Kiln Dry, Band Saw, Cyrcle, Router, Spindle, Serut, Bubut, Radial Arm Saw, Jig Saw, Amplas, Bor.Menurut data kecelakaan kerja 2008 - 2012, selama 4 tahun terakhir ini telah terjadi 81 kasus kecelakaan kerja. yang terbagi meliputi : luka ringan, luka sedang dan luka berat. Kecelakaan adalah suatu peristiwa yang tidak diduga dan tidak diharapkan kehadirannya bagi siapa saja maupun pekerja. dimana dapat dijelaskan pada kejadian kecelakaan kerja di bagian produksi meliputi : infeksi saluran pernafasan sebanyak 35 orang, luka tergores atau tersayat alat pemotong sebanyak 20 orang, luka tertimpa objek kerja sebanyak 13 orang, luka terjepit material kayu sebanyak 3 orang, dan kecelakaan lain-lain sebanyak 10 orang (tergelincir, otot kejang, tersetrum, terjatuh, terbentur, terkena benda panas).Berdasarkan hasil penelitian untuk memperoleh Risk Priority tiap stasiun kerja, penanggulangan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (HIRA). Tujuannya untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya tiap stasiun kerja yang berpotensi bahaya besar dan melakukan penilaian risiko terhadap bahaya tersebut untuk dapat meminimalkan kecelakaan kerja yang terdapat pada Perusahaan. Risk Priority diperoleh dari hasil melakukan estimasi kekerapan atau kemungkinan (likelihood) dan estimasi keparahan atau konsekuensi (severity) terjadinya kecelakaan atau penyakit yang mungkin timbul, maka selanjutnya dapat ditentukan tingkat risiko dari bahaya yang telah diidentifikasi dan dinilai. Cara sederhana adalah dengan dengan membuat matriks risiko (Risk Matrix) dimana peringkat kemungkinan dan keparahan dikalikan dan hasilnya untuk menentukan seberapa besar risiko yang ditimbulkan

    Mapping of Potential Intrusion at Coastal Zone in Small Island Using GIS (Study case: North Sangadji Village)

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    A systematic study has been carried out to explore the physicochemical characteristics and Water Quality of groundwater in thirteen chosen sampling stations at Sangadji village North Ternate District in Ternate Island. Water sample from wells in various sites were collected during March to August 2015 and analyzed physicochemical characteristics like EC, Salinity, pH and TDS. The remaining sampling sites show that the several wells in the study area had been an intrusion by saltwater and are not fit for drinking purpose. Furthermore, our integrated study represents a contribution to the future programs for the protection, planning, and management of the terrestrial and marine resources in this coastal are


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    Abstract Futsal is a sport that is familiar to people all over the world, both men and women, and does not recognize young or old age. Many teams have been formed in regions, especially in Indonesia. Futsal creates enormous opportunities for people, especially those who want to change their lives, in the sense of increasing economic stability for both individuals and families. Competitions in the regions are not left behind to provide opportunities for players who have the potential to reach the highest caste of futsal in Indonesia. For example, the Professional Team that competes in the national arena, namely BLACK STEEL against the SKN KEBUMEN FC Team. Every game there will be a winning and losing team. This study aims to conduct a video analysis of the Futsal match between BLACK STEEL vs SKN KEBUMEN FC in the Indonesian Professional Futsal League competition which ended with a score of 6-2 which was won by the BLACK STEEL Team. This type of research is descriptive exploratory with an expose facto approach. This research focuses on the victory factor achieved from the successful finishing of BLACK STEEL VS SKN KEBUMEN FC. In the match of these two teams the dominant game was dominated by the BLACK STEEL Team, but SKN KEBUMEN did not lose to compete with its opponent. SKN KEBUMEN has a weakness which only uses a strategy to play only on defense so that the BLACK STEEL team has a lot of greater opportunities to create goals from maximizing finishing. In this article, it is intended as a reference for analyzing the quality of finishing success. Keywords: Futsal, Victory, Finishing