80 research outputs found

    In vitro antimalarial activity of dichloromethane subfraction of Eucalyptus globulus L stem against Plasmodium falciparum

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    Malarra rs a triou: iniectiour disease cdujcd by proto:oan parasrtcs in tropiraland tubtrop 'C8l re6ion!. ln 1010. olalatia wds clxlcllrr itr aboul I0{ (ountrie' worldwide and approxinrately 219 million care{ of maleria <aus€d 660.000 dcaths. Approximately 90 t6 ot malar' ia d€athr occur in Alrica {WHO, 2C12l. Globrl spread ot muttlOle drug-resinant malara has b€come a maior health probl€m and efforts to gearch tor n€w antimalarral are needed. Iu(aryptus globulur rs;l plont of the i^/nace ae fam'ly that in lndones|a commonly tnorvn Bs k3yu gubh and empi(ically uted ir! an anfipyrenc (Ba(1e., 1968)- ln Brarrl. t gtobulu: :s uged ar.)n antimalarial plants lNa8p3l et al.,2010) ln Camc/@n, E. globulus. Gr,ca papa'ya and ptrdrum P.unrwa leaves are mixed ind borled as a decoaion thdt is d.unk for the treatrlrnt of malaria lfiranl et Jl, 2008). ln veneruela, E. globulus leayes is borlod a9 de. cocdon for thc treatment of malar€ (C"]rbJllo er al., 2004) Our prel'm,nary rtudy showed that rhf 8036 ethtsnol erl.ict "rnd dichlo.omathJne f.a(tlon werc very aci\,p a, dr' .rntimala.iai Nith lC50 of O.O9O Fg/r.1L and 0.O22 trg/lrlt. respechvely. Ihrs stuill .iim! to qeparale lhc drchloro.x"thane lrJ(tion and lo tes! a.rt'rnal.rr|al d(!iyity ol i:! tubfrJLlion


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    Tanaman Ag/aia e/aeagnoidea biasanya banyak dijumpai sebagai pagar hid up, dan secara tradisional digunakan untuk pengobatan menstruasi dan penyakit kelamin. Penapisan bioaktivitas antimikroba dan bioaktivitas molusida tanaman Ag/aia e/aeagnoidea dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan informasi awal mengenai aktivitas tanaman tersebut, sehingga dapat menunjang dan meningkatkan status pemakaiannya yang bersifat empiris menjadi i1miah. Pada penelitian ini digunakan ekstrak Diklormetan, Metanol dan Air dari serbuk kulit batang dan daun dari Aglaia elaeagnoldea untuk pengujlan antlmikroba dengan menggunakan metode bioautografi dan metode yang menggunakan keong . bilharzia untuk pengujian molusida. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak Diklormetan dari daun mempunyai aktivitas antimikroba terhadap Bacci/us subtilis dan aktivitas anti molusida. Sedangkan ekstrak Metanol hanya mempunyai aktivi.tas sebagai antimikroba terhadap Baccilus sUbti/is. Ekstrak Diklormetan kulit batang menunjukkan aktivitas sebagai antimikroba terhadap ketiga bakteri uji yaitu Candida albicans, Cladosporium cucumerinum dan Baccilus subtilis. Sedangkan ekstrak Metanol hanya aktif ter~adap &amp;lccilus subtilis. Pada pengujian antimolusida hanya ekstrak Metanol dan ekstrak Air yang mempunyai aktivitas. Dari hasil fraksinasi ekstrak Diklormetan kulit batang secara kromatografi kolom dengan Silika Gel dan pelarut ligroin-Etil Asetat yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan HPLC-preparatip menunjukkan bahwa fraksi-fraksi terse but terdiri dari lebih dari satu senyawa

    Bahan Baku Fraksi Diterpen Lakton Herba Sambiloto sebagai Antimalaria

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    Sambiloto adalah lanaman yang banyak ditemukan di Indonesia. Sambiloto dikelahui memiliki kandungan beragam senyawa diterpen lakton terutama andrografolida dan senyawa flavonoj-d. Andrografolida merupakan senyawa diterpen lakton yang diketahui mempunyai banyak aktivitas yang telah ditunjukkan dan dibuktikan bahwa andrografolida menghambat pertumbuhan P. berghei secara in vivo dan P,falciparun secara jn vitro dengan mekanisme penghambatan pada stadi.um skizon dan gametosit. Sedangkan sambiloto telah lama dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan ramuan obat traditionat untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit termasuk malaria. para penemu dari invensi ini telah menemukan bahwa Fraksi DTL herba sambiloto dapat dijadikan sediaan obat, untuk menqobati penyakit malaria

    Efek Pemberian Dosis Berulang dan Dosis Tunggal Ekstrak Kulit Batang Cempedak (Artocarpus Champeden Spreng.) Pada Mencit Terinfeksi Plasmodium Berghei

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    &nbsp;Artocarpus champeden Spreng. (Moraceae) known as “cempedak”, was traditionally used for antimalarial remedies in Indonesia. Study to determine antimalarial activity of ethanol extract of cempedak stembark was carried out. Artocarpus champeden Ethanol Extract (ACEE) was administered twice per day (multiple dose) and once per day (single dose) orally. The study was carried out by modification method of the “4 Days Suppressive Test” originally described by Peter. The result showed that ACEE administered twice per day inhibited parasites growth (ED 0.19 mg/kg BW) higher than once per day (ED 6.0 mg/kg BW) and 10 mg/kg body weight of dose administrated twice per day was more effective than 100 mg/kg body weight once per day.&nbsp;Artocarpus champeden Spreng. (Moraceae) dikenal dengan nama daerah cempedak, merupakan salah satu tanaman yang digunakan sebagai bahan ramuan obat tradisional untuk mengobati malaria. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui aktivitas antimalaria dari ekstrak etanol 80% kulit batang cempedak pada mencit terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Ekstrak etanol A.champeden (ACEE) diberikan dalam dosis berulang (dua kali sehari) dan dosis tunggal (sekali sehari) secara per oral. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode “4 days suppressive test” dari Peter yang telah dimodifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ACEE yang diberikan dalam dosis berulang (ED 0,19 mg/kg BB) menghambat pertumbuhan parasit lebih tinggi daripada dosis tunggal (ED 6,0 mg/kg BB) dan dosis 10 mg/kg BB dengan pemberian berulang lebih efektif daripada dosis 100 mg/kg BB yang diberikan dalam dosis tunggal.&nbsp

    Uji aktivitas antimalaria ekstrak air daun johar (Cassia siamea Lamk) terhadap Plasmodium berghei secara in vivo

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    The water extract of Cassia siamea Lamk. leaf was evaluated for anti malarial activity in vivo, in 4-day suppressive assays against Plasmodium berghei in mice. An in vivo model to examine the antimalarial effect of plant extract is described. Selected mice (20-30 g body weight) were divided into 6 groups, each consist of 6 mice. Each animal was injected with Plasmodium berghei infected RBCs. The assay was done by Peter’s test, mice were treated orally with diluted extract in dose levels of 12.5 mg/kg bw, 25 mg/kg bw, 50 mg/kg bw, 100 mg/kg bw, 200 mg/kg bw for 5 groups. One group served as control. The negative control was treated with 0.5% CMC Na solution. The control positive was treated with a dose of 10, 5, 1, 0.5,0.1, 0.05 mg/kg body weight Chloroquine diphosphat solution. The concentration of water extract required for 50% suppression (ED50) of Plasmodium berghei in mice was 83.77412 mg/kg bw

    Efek pemberian dosis berulang dan dosis tunggal ekstrak kulit batang cempedak (Artocarpus champeden Spreng) pada mencit terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei

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    Artocarpus champeden Spreng. (Moraceae) dikenal dengan nama daerah cempedak, merupakan salah satu tanaman yang digunakan sebagai bahan ramuan obat tradisional untuk mengobati malaria. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui aktivitas antimalaria dari ekstrak etanol 80% kulit batang cempedak pada mencit terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Ekstrak etanol A.champeden (ACEE) diberikan dalam dosis berulang (dua kali sehari) dan dosis tunggal (sekali sehari) secara per oral. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode “4 days suppressive test” dari Peter yang telah dimodifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ACEE yang diberikan dalam dosis berulang (ED 0,19 mg/kg BB) menghambat pertumbuhan parasit lebih tinggi daripada dosis tunggal (ED 6,0 mg/kg BB) dan dosis 10 mg/kg BB dengan pemberian berulang lebih efektif daripada dosis 100 mg/kg BB yang diberikan dalam dosis tunggal

    The Development of tablet formulation of Artocarpus champeden Stembark extract as antimalarial drug

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    Parasite resistance to antimalarial drug, chloroquine and sulfadoxin-pirimetamin, still e major problem in malaria control worldwide, thereforc, the cffort in developing a new targct of antimalarial drug become a high priority. Our preliminary test revealed that fuom A. chanpeden exhibiedt potent antimalarial activities againts P. lalciparum in vitro brghci in vivo. Several isolaEd compounds from this plant exhibited antimalarial activity drc isotated compound identified as hetcroflavon C, a prenylated flavooe, have a higher activity than chloroquine. Therefore, it is potential to be developed as antimalarial rcscarch was conducted to develop tablet formulation of ethanol extract of A. stcmbark (EEAC). The formula that composed: EEAC 150 mg, lactose 140 mg, cabarnilum 46 mg, avicel PH l0l 79o, primogcl 57o, and Mg stcarat 1% was the selected Th€ tablet hardness o[ the formula has span betwccn 9.0-12.27 kP and the averagc is , thc disintegration time of formula 12 minutcs 4? seconds. A standard fiays test oll P. infected mice was used to evaluated in vrv, antimalarial activity of the tablet. This rlvcalcd that EEAC tablet has antimalarial activity against parasite P. berghei in vivo. ration ofEEAC tablet at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight multiple dose (twice a day) thc parasite growth better than 100 mg/kg body weight single dose (once a day) activity of tablet in multiple dose pcr oral shqwed inhibition of parasite growth of while at single dose per oral showed inhibition of parasite growth of 83.32

    Bioanalytical method development and validation for quantitation of morachalcone A in rabit plasma using high performance liquid chromatography

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    Artocarpus champeden (A. champeden) ethanol extract has been reported as antimalarial activity and prospective to be developed as phytomedicine products. The active marker compound was identical with known prenylated chalcone compound, Morachalcone A. To further develop phytomedicine products from A. champeden especially in aspects of bioavailability and pharmacokinetic, a valid, selective and sensitive analytical method becomes important to determine morachalcone A in plasma. The aim of study was to develop and validate selectivity and sensitivity of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method to determine morachalcone A in rabbit plasma. This method was used a RP-18 Column (250 x 4.6 mm i.d, 5 µm), under isocratic elution and acetonitrile:water (50:50v/v) was used as mobile phase with flow rate of 1.0ml/min. Detection was carried out at 368 nm, 4-hydroxychalcone and methanol were used as internal standard and precipitant. Results showed that this HPLC method was selective with good linearity in range of 3096.774 to 154.839ng/ml. LOD and LLOQ were 89.384 and 154.839ng/ml, respectively. The mean %different was found between 2.79 to 14.33%. Intra and inter-day precision were ≤15% and recovery from this extraction method of morachalcone A and Internal Standard were 80-120%

    Aktivitas antiviral batang Eucalyptus globulus terhadap virus hepatitis C JFH1a

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    In intro antiviral activity of Eucallptus globulus stem against H.patitis C Yinrs hos been done. Previous sludies showed that 8096 ethanol extract tJ Eucallptus globulus stems has potential activity as an anlihepatitis C virus against J6rJFHl ttith lC5s valae cJ 4j.0 pg /ml. The aim .f this study .rrr.s lo determine the anti-hepqtilis C qctiity (f ex.tt'act and fractions tJ Eucal'yptus globulus stems against 2a strain cf JFHIa h.pqtilis irus. The 8094 ethqaol extract and dichloromethane, ethyl acetate. batanol and water fraction were tested for their antiHcy activit!. The resul* showed that the ethanol extrqct .f Eucalytw globulus slems, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and butanolfraction haw actiyily in inhibiring the yiral it..fectioa <.f cells with ICso yqlue cf 10.19 pe/nl; 1.64 pg/mL; 10.49 pS/nL; and 18.78 pg/ml reipectively. The 'weter.fraclion was ot acliye with IC j0 value tf 205.79 pg/ml. Phytochemical screening using lhin laler chromatography shown that the actiye fraclions connined cortpounds known qs terpenoids and flavonoids. Further sndies cfcompounds that have anti-hepatitis C actiity qre needed

    In vivo antimalarial activity of Andrographis paniculata Tablets

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    The formulation of three phytopharmaceutical products of Andrographispaniculata fractions (AP fraction A and B) containing diterpene lactones as an active substance were developed and their antimalarial activities against Plasmodium bergheihas been examined. In vivo antimalarial assay on P. berghei infected mice was carried out by oral administration,twice a dayfor four consecutive days of the AP fractions product, which were Tablet I: wet granulated formula of AP fraction A; Tablet II: wet granulated formula of AP fraction B; Tablet III: solid dispersion formula of AP fraction B.. The results revealed that three phytopharmaceutical products of A.paniculata were inhibited parasite's growth with inhibition range of 70.15% to 80.35%. There was no significant difference of antimalarial activities between Tablet II and III, meanwhile there was significant difference among Tablet I with Tablet II and Tablet III.It was concluded that antimalarial activity depending on raw material form of A. paniculata active substance
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