75 research outputs found

    Analisa Konsep Koping : Suatu Pengantar

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    Analisa konsep koping merupakan suatu upaya membahas phenomena-phenomena yang mendasari mekanisme pertahanan diri. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan banyak difokuskan pada perilaku, strategi dan gaya koping dibandingkan penggunaan yang tepat istilah pola koping. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mekanisme koping mempunyai hasil positif dan negatif dan memberikan dampak yang sejalan terhadap penanganan stres yang menimbulkan koping tersebut.Pembahasan konsep koping sangat penting karena dapat membantu kemampuan klien dalam membatasi masalah dengan menggunakan strategi koping yang paling efektif

    Kesehatan Jiwa Wanita Usia Pada Usia Produktif: Suatu Kajian Masalah

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    Kesehatan jiwa wanita sangat mempengaruhi kesehatan wanita. Pada usia produktif gangguan kesehatan jiwa wanita sering berhubungan dengan: perannya sebagai istri, ibu dan pekerja; kondisi kesehatan fisik terutama kondisi bagian tubuh yang menjadi simbol kewanitaan; serta penganiayaan fisik atau mental. Proses berduka, kemurungan, psikosa paska melahirkan, bunuh diri merupakan reaksi negatif dari gangguan terhadap kesehatan jiwa. The status of woman mental health gives a lot of influences to the whole of her health condition. On productive age, the alteration of woman's mental health could be induced by her role as wife, mother and worker, her physical condition mainly the condition of sexual organ; as well as physical and mentaly abused. Grieving process, depression, psicosa after labour and suicide are negative responses that was triggered by those alterations

    Aspek Psikososial Pada Korban Tindak Kekerasan Dalam Konteks Keperawatan Jiwa

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    Violence and its impact had been a global issu and strongly affecting the mental health status of the victims and their family. Biological, psychological and socicultural theories have been used as theoretical foundation to explain about the predisposing factors of violence behavious as well as the ecological model which divide violence into four levels. In general, the victims of violence are women, children, and elderly in the forms of physical, sexual, emotional violences and neglected. The manifested responses by the victim can be classified as physical, biological, behavioral, interpersonal, and psychological. The psychological responses include low self esteen, guilty feeling shame, and anger. The treatmen of problems related to violence should be addressed by nurses comprehensively and continuously through the provision of human touch and professional nursing care

    Perbedaan Persepsi Harapan Antara Keluarga Dan Lansia Tentang Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Lansia Selama Tinggal Bersama

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menguraikan perbedaan persepsi keluarga dan lansia tentang pemenuhan kebutuhan lansia selama mereka tinggal bersama. Sampel terdiri dari tiga puluh keluarga (anak/menantu wanita Lansia) dan 30 Lansia wanita yang dipilih secara purposive dan tinggal dalam satu rumah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan yang besar antara harapan keluarga dengan Lansia dalam hampir semua pemenuhan kebutuhan Lansia, kecuali kebutuhan spiritual. The purpose of this research was to describe the different perception of expectation between the family and the elderly concerning their needs. Thirty families (daughter daughter in law) and 30 Elderly women who were pusposefully selected and stayed at the same house. The result of this study revealed that there were different expectations as perceived by families and the elderly woman for all aspects of the elderly needs expect for spiritual needs

    Persepsi Pasien Dan Suami Tentang Pengaruh Mastektomi Terhadap Citra Tubuh Dan Fungsi Seksual

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali secara mendalam persepsi isteri dan persepsi suami tentang pengaruh mastektomi terhadap citra tubuh dan fungsi seksual. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan deskriptif eksploratif (descriptive explorative design) dengan metode riset kualitatif. Lima pasien kanker payudara yang menjalani mastektomi dan suaminya diwawancara mulai dari satu minggu sebelum mastektomi hingga sebulan setelah mastektomi. Temuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) persepsi istri dan persepsi suami tentang pengaruh mastektomi terhadap citra tubuh dan fungsi seksual dalam perkawinan memberikan gambaran fenomena yang tidak terpisah tetapi merupakan interaksi dari berbagai faktor; 2) terdapat perbedaan persepsi istri dan persepsi suami terhadap citra tubuh dan fungsi seksual, istri merasa suami tidak tertarik pada penampilannya, sedangkan suami merasa takut menyakiti isterinya jika berhubungan seksual; 3) pengaruh mastektomi terhadap citra tubuh sudah dipersepsikan pasien bahkan sejak sebelum mastektomi dilakukan; 4) upaya mencari dukungan sudah dilakukan sejak sebelum mastektomi, meliputi dukungan spiritual, dukungan social, dan dukungan professional; 5) tem alai yang muncul yaitu beban lain psikologik, stigma social, dan financial yang dipersepsikan oleh pasangan; 6) besarnya pengaruh mastektomi terhadapa citra tubuh dan fungsi seksual dalam perkawinan ditentukan oleh kualitas hubungan perkawinan khususnya komunikasi. Rekomendasi: 1) mengembangkan program pelatihan Bimbingan Antisipatif bagi perawat; 2) memfasilitasi komunikasi yang lebih terbuka antara pasien dan suaminya; 3) mengembangkan program self help group yang terdiri dari pasien dan suaminya; 4) menyediakan informasi tentang sumber bantuan yang tersedia di fasilitas kesehatan maupun masyarakat; 5) mempertahankan kesinambungan asuhan keperawatan; dan 6) melakukan penelitian lanjutan menggunakan pendekatan antropologis dan sosiologis. The purpose of the study was to explore the perception of breast cancer patients and their husband on the influence of mastectomy towards body image and sexual functioning. A descriptive explorative design with qualitative method of research was used. Five selected breast cancer patients and their husbands meeting criteria were interviewed from the first week after diagnose until one month after mastectomy. The findings were: 1) the influence of mastectomy on body image and sexual functioning as perceived by wives and their revealed the contributions of multi factors and dimensions; 2) there were different perceptions between the patients and their husband on the influence of mastectomy towards body image and sexual functioning, patients felt their husband were not attracted to them anymore while their husbands were afraid to hurt the patients if they had sexual relationship; 3) the influence of the mastectomy on body image had been perceived by the patients even before the mastectomy; 4) both patients and husbands had seeking for spiritual, social and professional supports before mastectomy; 5) other theme revealed were: psychological, social stigma, and financial burdens; 6) the extent of mastectomy had influence body image and sexual functioning was determined by the quality of marriage, particularly the openness of communication. Recommendations were: 1) to develop anticipatory guidance training program for nurse; 2) facilitate open communication between patients and their husband; 3) to develop self group program for patients and their husbands; 4) to provide information on resource available in the community; 5) to sustains continuity of care for patients and family; 6) to conduct further research using anthropological and social approaches
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