7 research outputs found

    The Requalification of the Maison Kouddane in the ksar El Maiz in Figuig

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    Object of the paper is a cooperation project between Sardinia and the oasis of Figuig in Morocco. This project foresees the rehabilitation and the requalification of a complex of buildings in the Ksar El Maiz, the House Khouddane, to be used partly as a permanent training center for earthen construction and in part as bed&breakfast / guest house. The project is generated by a previous collaboration between the partners which identified a match between two realities, Moroccan and Sardinian, related to the conservation and the recovery of historical centers built with earth, seen as carriers of knowledge and traditions related not just to building and living, but also to all the skills that revolve around the house and its management. The region Sardinia for several years has been carrying on a policy of protection and exploitation of the so-called minor centers, of which many are adobe buildings. In the same way was developed a strategic plan of action for the redevelopment and enhancement of this important center of Morocco, taking into account the relevant specificities of the territory, suggesting actual socio-economic measures, drawing attention to keep and valorize the local identity and aimed to the recognition and the use of local resources. The proposed intervention in the Ksar El Maiz takes place in a context which shows an urban degradation up to 80%, but that still offers buildings which are models of high-profile and architectural value. The large complex of the house Khouddane will be available to experiment and retake traditional building techniques together with innovative applications to the restoration of the existing heritage, and the their adaptation to present needs. The creation of the Training Centre, strongly supported by the local government is fundamental part of the Strategic Plan for the Protection of the oasis

    Vernacular heritage solutions for sustainable architecture: the Phlegraean islands

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    The Phlegraean Islands, located into the Gulf of Naples, are characterized by a vernacular architectural heritage which belongs to the Mediterranean building traditions. According to this tradition, the Phlegraean architecture was developed in order to guarantee an efficient and functional exploitation of local sources in reason of the environmental constraints. During the last years, the scientific community has focused its attention to the bioclimatic features of the Mediterranean vernacular building culture (H. Coch, A. Monaco, A. Rogora, etc.) aiming at reusing it into the contemporary design solutions, as already occurred in the work of several contemporary architects, such as A. Siza, A. Campo Baeza, C. Ferrater and many others. Also in regard to the Phlegraean islands case of study, it can be highlighted the work of L. Cosenza, A. Libera, et.al., in which it is possible to recognize the reinterpretation of vernacular building solutions. Nevertheless, the Phlegraean islands’ built heritage, both vernacular and contemporary (but inspired by vernacular), has not been yet examined from the ecological point of view. According to the Project VerSus’ main aim, the paper aims at examine how contemporary architecture can take inspiration from vernacular building solutions, in order to improve the current environmental design knowledge. To reach this goal, the Phlegraean vernacular building tradition will be examined in the light of the existing literature about both Mediterranean architecture traditional environmental adaptation and contemporary bioclimatic knowledge. Afterwards, a qualitative comparative analysis will be done between Phlegraean vernacular solutions and some local contemporary architecture, with the aim of improving the scientific research in this field, which currently gave inadequate attention to this case of study

    Strategies for climate control in Sardinian vernacular building heritage in the reports of travellers of the XIX and XX Centuries

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    This paper presents a study about bioclimatic characteristics of vernacular earthen building heritage in Sardinia. The main purpose of this study, according to Project VerSus’ main aim, was to understand the logic beneath climate control elements in vernacular architecture, and earthen architecture in particular, in order to eventually apply them in contemporary architecture. The research method was a deductive process based on reviewing some reports written by Italian and foreign travellers that visited Sardinia in the XIX° and XX° century. The useful information, including vernacular buildings characteristics and occupancy when this heritage was intact, had been analysed through bioclimatic knowledge. Furthermore, in order to highlight bioclimatic features of vernacular earthen heritage, a comparative analysis with the vernacular stone building heritage, expression of a different climate context, had been done. Interesting elements in order to achieve thermal comfort conditions have emerged, especially regarding the strict relationship between vernacular buildings physical configuration and their inhabitants occupancy