8 research outputs found

    Methods for high-dimensonal analysis of cells dissociated from cyropreserved synovial tissue

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    Background: Detailed molecular analyses of cells from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovium hold promise in identifying cellular phenotypes that drive tissue pathology and joint damage. The Accelerating Medicines Partnership RA/SLE Network aims to deconstruct autoimmune pathology by examining cells within target tissues through multiple high-dimensional assays. Robust standardized protocols need to be developed before cellular phenotypes at a single cell level can be effectively compared across patient samples. Methods: Multiple clinical sites collected cryopreserved synovial tissue fragments from arthroplasty and synovial biopsy in a 10% DMSO solution. Mechanical and enzymatic dissociation parameters were optimized for viable cell extraction and surface protein preservation for cell sorting and mass cytometry, as well as for reproducibility in RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Cryopreserved synovial samples were collectively analyzed at a central processing site by a custom-designed and validated 35-marker mass cytometry panel. In parallel, each sample was flow sorted into fibroblast, T-cell, B-cell, and macrophage suspensions for bulk population RNA-seq and plate-based single-cell CEL-Seq2 RNA-seq. Results: Upon dissociation, cryopreserved synovial tissue fragments yielded a high frequency of viable cells, comparable to samples undergoing immediate processing. Optimization of synovial tissue dissociation across six clinical collection sites with ~ 30 arthroplasty and ~ 20 biopsy samples yielded a consensus digestion protocol using 100 μg/ml of Liberase™ TL enzyme preparation. This protocol yielded immune and stromal cell lineages with preserved surface markers and minimized variability across replicate RNA-seq transcriptomes. Mass cytometry analysis of cells from cryopreserved synovium distinguished diverse fibroblast phenotypes, distinct populations of memory B cells and antibody-secreting cells, and multiple CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell activation states. Bulk RNA-seq of sorted cell populations demonstrated robust separation of synovial lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and macrophages. Single-cell RNA-seq produced transcriptomes of over 1000 genes/cell, including transcripts encoding characteristic lineage markers identified. Conclusions: We have established a robust protocol to acquire viable cells from cryopreserved synovial tissue with intact transcriptomes and cell surface phenotypes. A centralized pipeline to generate multiple high-dimensional analyses of synovial tissue samples collected across a collaborative network was developed. Integrated analysis of such datasets from large patient cohorts may help define molecular heterogeneity within RA pathology and identify new therapeutic targets and biomarkers

    Single cell analysis of RA synovial B cells reveals a dynamic spectrum of ectopic lymphoid B cell activation and hypermutation characterized by NR4A nuclear receptor expression

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    ABSTRACT Ectopic lymphoid structures (ELS) can develop in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovial tissue, but the precise pathways of B cell activation and selection are not well understood. Here, we identified a unique B cell population in the synovium characterized by co-expression of a family of orphan nuclear receptors, NR4A1 (also known as NUR77), NR4A2 (NURR1) and NR4A3 (NOR1), that is highly enriched at both early and late stages of RA. NR4A B cells are rare in healthy peripheral blood, RA blood, and SLE kidney, but share markers with blood transcriptomic signatures that peak during RA disease flare. Using combined single cell transcriptomics and B cell receptor (BCR) sequencing, we demonstrate that NR4A synovial B cells have an activated transcriptomic profile that significantly overlaps with germinal center (GC) light zone (LZ) B cells and an accrual of somatic hypermutation that correlates with loss of naïve B cell status. NR4A B cells uniquely co-express lymphotoxin β and IL6, supporting important functions in ELS promotion and pro-inflammatory cytokine production. Further, the presence of shared clones in this activated B cell state and NR4A expressing synovial plasma cells (PC) and the rapid up-regulation with BCR stimulation points to in situ differentiation. Taken together, we identified a dynamic progression of B cell activation in RA synovial ELS, with NR4A transcription factors having an important role in antigen activation and local adaptive immune responses. One sentence summary B cells in the rheumatoid arthritis synovium undergo a spectrum of in situ activation, with the NR4A family of transcription factors having an important role in antigen stimulation, local adaptive immunity, and pathological B cell responses

    Mapping the dynamic genetic regulatory architecture of HLA genes at single-cell resolution

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    The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) locus plays a critical role in complex traits spanning autoimmune and infectious diseases, transplantation and cancer. While coding variation in HLA genes has been extensively documented, regulatory genetic variation modulating HLA expression levels has not been comprehensively investigated. Here we mapped expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) for classical HLA genes across 1,073 individuals and 1,131,414 single cells from three tissues. To mitigate technical confounding, we developed scHLApers, a pipeline to accurately quantify single-cell HLA expression using personalized reference genomes. We identified cell-type-specific cis-eQTLs for every classical HLA gene. Modeling eQTLs at single-cell resolution revealed that many eQTL effects are dynamic across cell states even within a cell type. HLA-DQ genes exhibit particularly cell-state-dependent effects within myeloid, B and T cells. For example, a T cell HLA-DQA1 eQTL ( rs3104371 ) is strongest in cytotoxic cells. Dynamic HLA regulation may underlie important interindividual variability in immune responses

    Clonal associations between lymphocyte subsets and functional states in rheumatoid arthritis synovium

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease involving antigen-specific T and B cells. Here, we perform single-cell RNA and repertoire sequencing on paired synovial tissue and blood samples from 12 seropositive RA patients. We identify clonally expanded CD4 + T cells, including CCL5+ cells and T peripheral helper (Tph) cells, which show a prominent transcriptomic signature of recent activation and effector function. CD8 + T cells show higher oligoclonality than CD4 + T cells, with the largest synovial clones enriched in GZMK+ cells. CD8 + T cells with possibly virus-reactive TCRs are distributed across transcriptomic clusters. In the B cell compartment, NR4A1+ activated B cells, and plasma cells are enriched in the synovium and demonstrate substantial clonal expansion. We identify synovial plasma cells that share BCRs with synovial ABC, memory, and activated B cells. Receptor-ligand analysis predicted IFNG and TNFRSF members as mediators of synovial Tph-B cell interactions. Together, these results reveal clonal relationships between functionally distinct lymphocyte populations that infiltrate the synovium of patients with RA

    High incidence of proliferative and membranous nephritis in SLE patients with low proteinuria in the Accelerating Medicines Partnership.

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    OBJECTIVE: Delayed detection of lupus nephritis associates with worse outcomes. There are conflicting recommendations regarding a threshold level of proteinuria at which biopsy will likely yield actionable management. This study addressed the association of urine protein creatinine ratios (UPCR) with clinical characteristics and investigated the incidence of proliferative and membranous histology in patients with a UPCR between 0.5 and 1. METHODS: 275 SLE patients (113 first biopsy, 162 repeat) were enrolled in the multicentre multi-ethnic/racial Accelerating Medicines Partnership across 15 U.S. sites at the time of a clinically indicated renal biopsy. Patients were followed for 1 year. RESULTS: At biopsy, 54 patients had UPCR 1. Independent of UPCR or biopsy number, a majority (92%) of patients had class III, IV, V or mixed histology. Moreover, patients with UPCR <1 and class III, IV, V, or mixed had a median activity index of 4.5 and chronicity index of 3, yet 39% of these patients had an inactive sediment. Neither anti-dsDNA nor low complement distinguished class I or II from III, IV, V, or mixed in patients with UPCR <1. Of 29 patients with baseline UPCR <1 and class III, IV, V or mixed, 23 (79%) had a UPCR <0.5 at one year. CONCLUSION: In this prospective study three quarters of patients with UPCR <1 had histology showing class III, IV, V or mixed with accompanying activity and chronicity despite an inactive sediment or normal serologies. These data support renal biopsy at thresholds lower than a UPCR of 1

    Safety of procuring research tissue during a clinically indicated kidney biopsy from patients with lupus: data from the Accelerating Medicines Partnership RA/SLE Network.

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    In lupus nephritis the pathological diagnosis from tissue retrieved during kidney biopsy drives treatment and management. Despite recent approval of new drugs, complete remission rates remain well under aspirational levels, necessitating identification of new therapeutic targets by greater dissection of the pathways to tissue inflammation and injury. This study assessed the safety of kidney biopsies in patients with SLE enrolled in the Accelerating Medicines Partnership, a consortium formed to molecularly deconstruct nephritis. 475 patients with SLE across 15 clinical sites in the USA consented to obtain tissue for research purposes during a clinically indicated kidney biopsy. Adverse events (AEs) were documented for 30 days following the procedure and were determined to be related or unrelated by all site investigators. Serious AEs were defined according to the National Institutes of Health reporting guidelines. 34 patients (7.2%) experienced a procedure-related AE: 30 with haematoma, 2 with jets, 1 with pain and 1 with an arteriovenous fistula. Eighteen (3.8%) experienced a serious AE requiring hospitalisation; four patients (0.8%) required a blood transfusion related to the kidney biopsy. At one site where the number of cores retrieved during the biopsy was recorded, the mean was 3.4 for those who experienced a related AE (n=9) and 3.07 for those who did not experience any AE (n=140). All related AEs resolved. Procurement of research tissue should be considered feasible, accompanied by a complication risk likely no greater than that incurred for standard clinical purposes. In the quest for targeted treatments personalised based on molecular findings, enhanced diagnostics beyond histology will likely be required