337 research outputs found

    A potential diagnostic biomarker: Proteasome LMP2/b1i-differential expression in human uterus neoplasm

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    Uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) develops more often in the muscle tissue layer of the uterine body than in the uterine cervix. The development of gynecologic tumors is often correlated with female hormone secretion; however, the development of uterine ULMS is not substantially correlated with hormonal conditions, and the risk factors are not yet known. Importantly, a diagnostic-biomarker which distinguishes malignant ULMS from benign tumor leiomyoma (LMA) is yet to be established. Accordingly, it is necessary to analyze risk factors associated with uterine ULMS, to establish a treatment method. Proteasome low-molecular mass polypeptide 2(LMP2)/b1i-deficient mice spontaneously develop uterine LMS, with a disease prevalence of ~40% by 14 months of age. We found LMP2/b1i expression to be absent in human LMS, but present in human LMA. Therefore, defective-LMP2/b1i expression may be one of the risk factors for ULMS. LMP2/b1i is a potential diagnostic-biomarker for uterine ULMS, and may be a targeted-molecule for a new therapeutic approach

    Genome-Wide Maps of Mononucleosomes and Dinucleosomes Containing Hyperacetylated Histones of Aspergillus fumigatus

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    It is suggested that histone modifications and/or histone variants influence the nucleosomal DNA length. We sequenced both ends of mononucleosomal and dinucleosomal DNA fragments of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, after treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA). After mapping the DNA fragments to the genome, we identified >7 million mononucleosome positions and >7 million dinucleosome positions. We showed that the distributions of the lengths of the mononucleosomal DNA fragments after 15-min and 30-min treatments with micrococcal nuclease (MNase) showed a single peak at 168 nt and 160 nt, respectively. The distributions of the lengths of the dinucleosomal DNA fragments after 15-min- and 30-min-treatment with MNase showed a single peak at 321 nt and 306 nt, respectively. The nucleosomal DNA fragments obtained from the TSA-treated cells were significantly longer than those obtained from the untreated cells. On the other hand, most of the genes did not undergo any change after treatment. Between the TSA-treated and untreated cells, only 77 genes had ≥2-fold change in expression levels. In addition, our results showed that the locations where mononucleosomes were frequently detected were conserved between the TSA-treated cells and untreated cells in the gene promoters (lower density of the nucleosomes). However, these locations were less conserved in the bodies (higher density of the nucleosomes) of genes with ≥2-fold changes. Our findings indicate that TSA influences the nucleosome positions, especially of the regions with high density of the nucleosomes by elongation of the nucleosomal DNA. However, most of the nucleosome positions are conserved in the gene promoters, even after treatment with TSA, because of the low density of nucleosomes in the gene promoters

    CellTree: an R/bioconductor package to infer the hierarchical structure of cell populations from single-cell RNA-seq data

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    GO BP Terms for myoblast data. Full table of enriched GO BP terms for each topic in myoblast data. (PDF 36 kb

    GADD45β Determines Chemoresistance and Invasive Growth of Side Population Cells of Human Embryonic Carcinoma

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    Side population (SP) cells are an enriched population of stem, and the existence of SP cells has been reported in human cancer cell lines. In this study, we performed an SP analysis using 11 human cancer cell lines and confirmed the presence of SP cells in an embryonic carcinoma cell line, NEC8. NEC8 SP cells showed characteristics of cancer stem cells, such as high growth rate, chemoresistance and high invasiveness. To further characterize the NEC8 SP cells, we used DNA microarrays. Among 38,500 genes, we identified 12 genes that were over-expressed in SP cells and 1 gene that was over-expressed in non-SP cells. Among these 13 genes, we focused on GADD45b. GADD45b was over-expressed in non-SP cells, but the inhibition of GADD45b had no effect on non-SP cells. Paradoxically, the inhibition of GADD45b significantly reduced the viability of NEC8 SP cells. The inhibition of ABCG2, which determines the SP phenotype, had no effect on the invasiveness of NEC8 SP cells, but the inhibition of GADD45b significantly reduced invasiveness. These results suggest that GADD45b, but not ABCG2, might determine the cancer stem cell-like phenotype, such as chemoresistance and the high invasiveness of NEC8 SP cells, and might be a good therapeutic target

    DNA Methylation Profiling of Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation into the Three Germ Layers

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    Embryogenesis is tightly regulated by multiple levels of epigenetic regulation such as DNA methylation, histone modification, and chromatin remodeling. DNA methylation patterns are erased in primordial germ cells and in the interval immediately following fertilization. Subsequent developmental reprogramming occurs by de novo methylation and demethylation. Variance in DNA methylation patterns between different cell types is not well understood. Here, using methylated DNA immunoprecipitation and tiling array technology, we have comprehensively analyzed DNA methylation patterns at proximal promoter regions in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, ES cell-derived early germ layers (ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm) and four adult tissues (brain, liver, skeletal muscle and sperm). Most of the methylated regions are methylated across all three germ layers and in the three adult somatic tissues. This commonly methylated gene set is enriched in germ cell-associated genes that are generally transcriptionally inactive in somatic cells. We also compared DNA methylation patterns by global mapping of histone H3 lysine 4/27 trimethylation, and found that gain of DNA methylation correlates with loss of histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation. Our combined findings indicate that differentiation of ES cells into the three germ layers is accompanied by an increased number of commonly methylated DNA regions and that these tissue-specific alterations in methylation occur for only a small number of genes. DNA methylation at the proximal promoter regions of commonly methylated genes thus appears to be an irreversible mark which functions to fix somatic lineage by repressing the transcription of germ cell-specific genes

    Identification Of Novel Biomarker For Human Uterine Leiomyosarcoma

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    Sarcomas are neoplastic malignancies that typically arise in tissues of mesenchymal origin. The identification of novel molecular mechanisms leading to sarcoma formation and the establishment of new therapies has been hampered by several critical factors. Human uterine leiomyosarcoma (Ut-LMS) develops more frequently in the muscle tissue layer of the uterine body than in the uterine cervix. Although the development of gynecologic tumors is often correlated with the secretion of female hormones; that of human Ut-LMS does not and its risk factors remain unknown. Importantly, a diagnostic biomarker that can distinguish malignant Ut-LMS from benign tumor uterine leiomyoma (LMA) has yet to be established. Therefore the risk factor(s) associated with human Ut-LMS to establish a diagnosis and novel therapeutic method. Proteasome b-ring subunit LMP2/b1i-deficient mice spontaneously develop Ut-LMS, with a disease prevalence of ~40% by 14 months of age. We shown that LMP2/b1i expression was absent in human Ut-LMS, but present in other human uterine mesenchymal tumors including uterine LMA. Therefore, defective-LMP2/b1i expression may be one of the risk factors for human Ut-LMS. LMP2/b1i is a potential diagnostic biomarker for human Ut-LMS, and may be a targeted-molecule for a new therapeutic approach

    Aberrantly methylated genes in human papillary thyroid cancer and their association with BRAF/RAS mutation

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    Cancer arises through accumulation of epigenetic and genetic alteration. Aberrant promoter methylation is a common epigenetic mechanism of gene silencing in cancer cells. We here performed genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation of promoter regions by Infinium HumanMethylation27 BeadChip, using 14 clinical papillary thyroid cancer samples and 10 normal thyroid samples. Among the 14 papillary cancer cases, 11 showed frequent aberrant methylation, but the other three cases showed no aberrant methylation at all. Distribution of the hypermethylation among cancer samples was non-random, which implied existence of a subset of preferentially methylated papillary thyroid cancer. Among 25 frequently methylated genes, methylation status of six genes (HIST1H3J, POU4F2, SHOX2, PHKG2, TLX3, HOXA7) was validated quantitatively by pyrosequencing. Epigenetic silencing of these genes in methylated papillary thyroid cancer cell lines was confirmed by gene re-expression following treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine and trichostatin A, and detected by real-time RT-PCR. Methylation of these six genes was validated by analysis of additional 20 papillary thyroid cancer and 10 normal samples. Among the 34 cancer samples in total, 26 cancer samples with preferential methylation were significantly associated with mutation of BRAF/RAS oncogene (P = 0.04, Fisher's exact test). Thus, we identified new genes with frequent epigenetic hypermethylation in papillary thyroid cancer, two subsets of either preferentially methylated or hardly methylated papillary thyroid cancer, with a concomitant occurrence of oncogene mutation and gene methylation. These hypermethylated genes may constitute potential biomarkers for papillary thyroid cancer

    Stepwise development of Hematopoietic stem Cells from Embryonic Stem Cells

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    The cellular ontogeny of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) remains poorly understood because their isolation from and their identification in early developing small embryos are difficult. We attempted to dissect early developmental stages of HSCs using an in vitro mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation system combined with inducible HOXB4 expression. Here we report the identification of pre-HSCs and an embryonic type of HSCs (embryonic HSCs) as intermediate cells between ESCs and HSCs. Both pre-HSCs and embryonic HSCs were isolated by their c-Kit(+)CD41(+)CD45(−) phenotype. Pre-HSCs did not engraft in irradiated adult mice. After co-culture with OP9 stromal cells and conditional expression of HOXB4, pre-HSCs gave rise to embryonic HSCs capable of engraftment and long-term reconstitution in irradiated adult mice. Blast colony assays revealed that most hemangioblast activity was detected apart from the pre-HSC population, implying the early divergence of pre-HSCs from hemangioblasts. Gene expression profiling suggests that a particular set of transcripts closely associated with adult HSCs is involved in the transition of pre-HSC to embryonic HSCs. We propose an HSC developmental model in which pre-HSCs and embryonic HSCs sequentially give rise to adult types of HSCs in a stepwise manner

    Methionine Metabolism Regulates Maintenance and Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    SummaryMouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are in a high-flux metabolic state, with a high dependence on threonine catabolism. However, little is known regarding amino acid metabolism in human ESCs/iPSCs. We show that human ESCs/iPSCs require high amounts of methionine (Met) and express high levels of enzymes involved in Met metabolism. Met deprivation results in a rapid decrease in intracellular S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), triggering the activation of p53-p38 signaling, reducing NANOG expression, and poising human iPSC/ESCs for differentiation, follow by potentiated differentiation into all three germ layers. However, when exposed to prolonged Met deprivation, the cells undergo apoptosis. We also show that human ESCs/iPSCs have regulatory systems to maintain constant intracellular Met and SAM levels. Our findings show that SAM is a key regulator for maintaining undifferentiated pluripotent stem cells and regulating their differentiation