5 research outputs found

    Improving the Work Breakdown Structure of the Plant Installation - Case: Asphalt Plant

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    The improvement of the project management forced the industrial organizations to focus on using the project management techniques in their industry, to plan and control the workflow to achieve their targets, further to increase the satisfaction of their customers. One of the most common project management tools are used is the work breakdown structure (WBS), which provide a framework for the implementation of the project scope including project planning, scheduling, monitoring, control, and estimation. Depending on the top-down approach the project activities will be broken into smaller parts that can be measured and controlled during the project implementation. The well-defined construction of the structure contributes to making the project more realistic and visual. However, the misunderstanding of the project WBS among the project team creates deflection and misinterpretation of the project scope. The main issue of this research is to improve the WBS of the installation plan and develop a standard WBS for plant installation. The research was limited to Asphalt plant installation WBS as a case study to identify the weaknesses of the current WBS at the case company which leads to extra installation time and cost. The research is offering a template WBS based on the company logic, defining the frequent risks that affect the plant installation based on the WBS and suggesting a suitable response strategy by recommending a control framework to monitor and control the WBS schedule throughout all installation phases

    A szervezeti kultúra és vezetői stílus szervezeti teljesítmény indikátoraira gyakorolt hatása

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    The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational culture and leadership and their impacts on such organizational performance indicators, organizational commitment and job satisfaction, by reviewing some of the previous organizational culture and leadership literature to clarify the links between both variables and their impacts on performance indicators. One might assume that a better organizational culture along with appropriate leadership style can lead to a higher level of job satisfaction and stronger commitment. Accordingly, if an organization has a strong organizational culture with a suitable leadership style which is able to keep the organization integration, this will result in the strengthening of organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and significant performance enhancement.A tanulmány célja megvizsgálni a szervezeti kultúra és vezetés kapcsolatát, valamint ezek szervezeti teljesítményre - szervezet iránti elkötelezettség, munkával való elégedettség - gyakorolt hatását. Továbbá a korábbi szervezeti kultúra és vezetés szakirodalma alapján tisztázni a változók közötti kapcsolatot és ezek teljesítmény mutatókra gyakorolt hatását. Feltételezhető, hogy egy jobb szervezeti kultúra a megfelelő vezetői stílussal társulva magasabb szintű elégedettséghez és erősebb elkötelezettséghez vezet. Ennek megfelelően, amennyiben a szervezet erős szervezeti kultúrával és alkalmas vezetéssel bír, amely képes megtartani a szervezet integrációját, annak az az eredménye,, hogy erősödik a szervezet iránti elkötelezettség és munkával való elégedettség, és a jelentősen nő a teljesítmény

    Improving the Work Breakdown Structure of the Plant Installation - Case: Asphalt Plant

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    The improvement of the project management forced the industrial organizations to focus on using the project management techniques in their industry, to plan and control the workflow to achieve their targets, further to increase the satisfaction of their customers. One of the most common project management tools are used is the work breakdown structure (WBS), which provide a framework for the implementation of the project scope including project planning, scheduling, monitoring, control, and estimation. Depending on the top-down approach the project activities will be broken into smaller parts that can be measured and controlled during the project implementation. The well-defined construction of the structure contributes to making the project more realistic and visual. However, the misunderstanding of the project WBS among the project team creates deflection and misinterpretation of the project scope. The main issue of this research is to improve the WBS of the installation plan and develop a standard WBS for plant installation. The research was limited to Asphalt plant installation WBS as a case study to identify the weaknesses of the current WBS at the case company which leads to extra installation time and cost. The research is offering a template WBS based on the company logic, defining the frequent risks that affect the plant installation based on the WBS and suggesting a suitable response strategy by recommending a control framework to monitor and control the WBS schedule throughout all installation phases

    The Role of Blockchain in Revolutionizing the Agricultural Sector

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    Since blockchain technology has proven to be effective in the development of a wide range of industries, its use in other fields is also being expanded. Agriculture is one such sector, where blockchain technology is being used to improve farm business operations. Today, several agribusiness firms are utilizing technology to improve food supply chain tracking. For example, Farmers Edge, the world’s leading company that revolutionized the field of digital agriculture through its work in providing advanced artificial intelligence solutions, as well as new opportunities that give agriculture a globally advanced future for all stakeholders, has taken a significant step forward. The issue of blockchain network technology and its applications in agriculture will be discussed in this study, as well as the key advantages that this technology can provide, when employed to make the lives of both producers and consumers easier. In addition, a total of 79 research papers were evaluated, with a focus on the state of blockchain technology in agriculture, related issues, and its future importance, as well as relevant contributions to this new technology and the distributions of this study by different countries